MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
Yaayyy!! Got a text from my friend! She has the veluxe pearl shadows and taboo! I'm going to go check them out sometime this week and pick what I want to be placed on hold. Not sure if they just got the collection early or it's being released later this month. Will update you girls!!!


Well-known member
Sorry if this has been mentioned already but has heroine lip liner on back order until approximately 6/24...


Well-known member
Macy's has heroine and ablaze lip pencils along with narcissus already available and no backorder, I'f anyone is interested


Well-known member
I'm wondering if this pops up early on the site before "official launch" time/date for online (which is who knows when!) , will our orders be honored or will MAC place holds on our funds again and cancel the orders.


Well-known member
I'm wondering if this pops up early on the site before "official launch" time/date for online (which is who knows when!) , will our orders be honored or will MAC place holds on our funds again and cancel the orders.
im not sure i even dare to order if it pops up early again!


Well-known member
im not sure i even dare to order if it pops up early again!
Then we have to risk things getting sold out.. So confused now! MAC wants to randomly make rules and not make it clear whether this is going to be long-term or what...

I just called the store I go to most often and they said they're launching on July 4th. We'll see!


Well-known member
Then we have to risk things getting sold out.. So confused now! MAC wants to randomly make rules and not make it clear whether this is going to be long-term or what... I just called the store I go to most often and they said they're launching on July 4th. We'll see!
I think I'm just going to go in store from now on. Problem is though sometimes my local store doesn't get all the items. We will see.

Ana A

Well-known member
I think as long as it pops on the site map we're good even if its early. Riri was different because you had to have the specific link to it and because it was a big collection aaaand because they gave us a specific launch time which they've never done with any other collection. Im not scared plus there's always macys, nordies, dillards and so on....

p.s. I do beg those who want to call and inquire/complain to not give them more details on how we do our thing here, i read some comments on the riri thread of people calling and telling them "Well we always order early and there's never a problem" just please dont give them any more details


Well-known member
I'm wondering if this pops up early on the site before "official launch" time/date for online (which is who knows when!) , will our orders be honored or will MAC place holds on our funds again and cancel the orders.
If they continue that policy then will packup and shop elsewhere!


Well-known member
I apologize if this question was asked before, but I can't remember - are the new brushes going to be perm? TIA!


Well-known member
I'm wondering if this pops up early on the site before "official launch" time/date for online (which is who knows when!) , will our orders be honored or will MAC place holds on our funds again and cancel the orders.
Methinks that won't be a problem again. The whole Rihanna collection release is the only one I can think of that had an actual date and time set by MAC, probably because it was so anticipated. No other collection I know of had this issue. (Maybe Marilyn did, but IDK since I didn't care one jot about that collection and didn't follow it.)