I didn't find any of the MSFs glittery, but they're very metallic - and Lust is a bit frosty as well. The blushes have some sparkle like the Apres Chic blushes did - you'll only see the sparkle in some lights and if you buff them in, it won't read as sparkle after that, just glow. Exotic Ember probably has the most of this. Thanks for providing all these photos and also mentioning how many swipes your friend used for them. OK, just want to comment. The blush picture with flash is VERY accurate for everything, including the lipstick, but it missing one factor: all the blushes are kind of duo-chrome, with a highlight color that shows quite strongly at the right angle. Simmer has a peach sheen, EE has a orange sheen, like a tangerine orange, not too dark, and SS is the most natural with the least amount of duo-chrome, but the sheen is a warm neutral that's just glowy looking. All the blush swatches; well, you would probably be applying them more lightly than what's here and they will let your skin tone come through from beneath a bit - this is especially nice with EE, which looks great if your skin is fair to medium. Definitely try it on, it really accentuates the bone structure phenomenally. The MSF pictures are not super accurate, because when you use more than one layer of these MSFs, the metallic highlight becomes really dense (a little too dense for what anyone would want to wear without looking costumey) and these photos are only picking up the highlight as it's bouncing light off, without really showing the underlayer. They're also both kind of washed out and don't capture how bright the highlight is in any of the colors. Don't look at these and assume these MSFs are the colors here like a blush - they're not. They're all quite sheer with only a highlight that is bright and colorful, but only when it catches the light. From some angles, especially Rio and Adored will look like you're not even wearing anything and just have even skin, then boom, suddenly the light will hit just right and you will get a super metallic flash of color. I'd say don't confuse yourself with these MSF pictures - just wait till people do more full face shots - those will be the only ones that will be accurate. People who do videos on youtube will probably have the absolutely best way of displaying these MSFs. They're pretty different!!!!! You won't want to highlight your nose with ANY of these, unless you want to look like you have a metal nose. :nope: Like I've been saying, these are fantasy-style cheek highlighters all the way. Anywhere else on the face and you are going to be getting into a really theatrical look. They're pretty wild looking even just on the cheeks in a very sheer wash.