MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
however, I love heroine and got a bu liner, but magneta looks damn near like it. I don't have that one, so I was justified.


New member
can anyone tell me more about sweet samba?!?! :) It looks beautiful- Im afraid though it maybe too intense for skin NW20!

thank youuuuu


Well-known member
That would be great, jade81

I will try to get some really good swatches today girls!!


Well-known member
Thanks for posting this! I really like how Rio is captured in the photos. Anyone think Rio will look good on me? Last time I was color matched I was told I'm NC43 (not sure how accurate that is - any suggestions on how to get an accurate match?). I really want to try a MSF as I only have the MSFN in Medium Deep. Not really sold on the blushes. Also, anyone who played with the 159 or had a MUA use it on you, how do you use it? Do you swirl it or simply swipe it (if that make sense)?

As of right now my list is:
Narcissus CSG
Fever Isle CSG
Heroine l/l - I don't have the l/s is it possible to achieve a similar look with the pencil? I.e add a gloss or something?
Ablaze l/l - have the l/g


Well-known member
Once seeing those blush swatches, they are off my list too! In the picture without the flash, they look muddy. The MSFs look pretty. I am an NC37. I am thinking of getting Rio. Lust looks pretty too.

As far as using an MSF as a blush, wouldn't that make the cheeks look like disco balls?
You can buff it out or do a light coat of finish powder over it to look like "glow from within". You don't have to retain the timetraveller from the 70s look if you don't want that.

And I like muddy on the blush. Muddy looks more "natural" to me...

My list still looks pretty much the same. All the MSF, all the MB except EE (looks too orange for my NC17ish self,) all the MES except Carribean, 159, maybe a Narcissus BU


Well-known member
After seeing these swatches my list has changed again. :lol: I definitely want Adored, maybe Simmer, maybe Sweet Samba.


Well-known member
Haha, you know I am excited about this collection because it is making it's way into my dreams! In my dream, I went by the counter on Thursday (yesterday) and they were putting out the collection! I was SO excited, and they had the prettiest burgundy shadow with a gold shimmer in it. Sigh.

So my list still includes Adored and Rio, I'm iffy on the blushes and will for sure need to see them in person.


Well-known member
hope this answers your question

from top to bottom : ablaze l/s, nyx orange l/l, ablaze l/l and ablaze l/s

top to bottom: ablaze l/s, ablaze l/s over nyx l/l, ablaze l/s over ablaze l/l, ablaze l/s

Wow, this helps a lot. Thank you.

Nyx Orange is definitely different than Ablaze. lol I wonder if Nyx Pumpkin would be a closer match.


Well-known member
Adored (mayyyybe)

I am so curious about these MSF's. I am also unsure of how they will actually look on the skin. I thought Adored might be a safe bet, but when I looked at the swatch, it seemed as though it could end up looking chalky. That would be a very bad thing. If it's too bronze, then that won't work for as a highlighter. Super frosty or sparkle city isn't what I am looking for either. Last, but not least, is how metallic will this end up being (used with a 159)? A little I can handle, but I don't want to be worrying about "how does it look from this angle" all day long either!

My curiosity will win in the end with a purchase of one of these MSF's, but which one will be coming home to mama, is still yet to be determined.

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