YAY!!! Got order one of two a couple of hours ago, in PERFECT condition!

ompom: I have to say, the one I was on the fence about turned out to be my MVP. RiRi Boy is beautiful. I'll have to play around with lighting because all my lip swatches photographed warmer than they truly are on the lips, in person they wear slightly deeper than the swatches. Thankfully, my Heaux wears deep berry just like PrettyKitty's, but it just didn't give me that "yeeeeaaaaaaah guuuuuuurrrrrl" feeling I thought it would... it seems kind of average to me, but still pretty though. And RiRi Woo is gorgeous! So glad I threw it in my cart instead of snoozing on it again. I'm loving the retro matte formula, they actually applied very smoothly, but then again I had some of my lip fusion balm on.