Thanks! I might have to do that! Its warm in hereYep. That's where all of mine are.
Everyone is rocking their Rih Rih stuff, but I'm actually glad I didn't get my package. RRB and Heaux just aren't doing anything for me, personally from what I've seen. Still hate the way it went down, but Mac actually did me a favor. Maybe my rage will subside soon.
I have nothing on backorder and everything arrived intact. I refrigerated the lippies for several hour before even opening them. I think it might haveSounds good Medgal!! Do you have anything on BO?
......And well you should be kidding---two-timer![]()
Not enjoying it myself. At least it's sitting in the doom and gloom of SSF waiting to be delivered tomorrow :/ probably won't melt...Haha! It's such a gloomy day in the bay area & I loveeeee it!
I STILL haven't tried it. Just been in such a blah mood about the collection since my issue with MAC about my broken RRB.Hi everyone i was wondering how you all are liking hibiscus kiss it seems to me that the brown side has neither a bronzing or highlighting effect on me the pink side is nice tho wish it made up a majority of the blush![]()
Awwww! Glad you got your pretties! I'm genuinely happy for everyone that got their products in great shape. Got another email from MAC with no real resolution in it so I had to email them back and ask them to clarify exactly what they are going to do. If I have to wait until July for a replacement that is fine IF they guarantee me that they will be sending me one. Otherwise, give me a refund.[COLOR=0000FF] I have nothing on backorder and everything arrived intact. I refrigerated the lippies for several hour before even opening them. I think it might have[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] helped that I selected 'I Want [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]it All'---they [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]probably had several of 'those' packaged and ready to go. I haven't tried anything on. It's hard for me to get[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] excited when so many other fellow makeup addicts [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]were disappointed by orders, [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]cancellations, broken lipsticks, payments held hostage and[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] backorders.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] [/COLOR]:support: :grouphug: :support:
That makes total sense. Plus, the launch was even pushed back by a few days as well.With all the seemingly defective lipsticks I'm beginning to think MAC may have backordered the collection because they needed time to reorder a new batch of RiRi lipsticks.
During the initial stages of the items going live I believe they caught wind to the damage and made the decision to ship out what was already packaged. With all the pre-orders, cancellations and backlash that ensued(CS inquiries) it would have required way too much to then cancel additional orders due to damage. With all the drama (order cancellations) I find it hard to believe that the damaged lipsticks are a coincidence. It must have been a major part of all the difficulties last week. M-A-J-O-R!!
I was out of town working, missed the release, and ended up with no items from the collection. Sort of sad about it. However, after reading the hundreds of pages of posts, to call this release disastrous would be an total understatement.
Make-Up really shouldn't be this stressful!
Lmao, I love stepbrothers.
Heaux is drop dead gorgeous on me its a berry with some red and a hint of pink I'm sooooooo happy I got a extra.riri boy looks like a lighter version of heroine imo.I love it also all in all I'm a happy women bg is soooooooo pretty
I prefer the slim cases too. Wish I had known they were discontinued. I would have bought a few more empties just for this occasion. Not loving the new one (well the double one. Haven't tried the single)
YES! I totally forgot about it being pushed back....what a funky MESS! What really bothers me is the overt dishonesty in this. Why not just respect the customer and detail the truth from the onslaught. After all companies are operated by fallible humans. Life isn't perfect. Mistakes happen.That makes total sense. Plus, the launch was even pushed back by a few days as well.
<--------------- I only have eyes for you![]()
MAC CS finally called me back about my cancelled order (shouldn't have been cancelled) and the guy proceeded to tell me I had reached my 4 item limit. I hadn't. I had already gone through this with the first CS rep and her supervisor and a different supervisor was supposed to call me about it. The new supervisor must've not even looked at the notes. Anyways, he ended up putting me on the "we'll see if we can reinstate you order" list. Supposed to hear back in 48-72 hours. I won't hold my breath. What a messssss this has all been. Supposed to get one order tomorrow, lets see what comes lol!
[COLOR=0000FF] This is the kind of crap that has me feeling so underwhelmed about this collection. This is just all wrong and I am so sorry this is happening to you!!![/COLOR]