Sephora's Reigning Beauties: Ariel - The Little Mermaid


Well-known member
they sent me an email telling me I forgotten some stuff in my cart LOL, i wonder why the stuff are in my cart and I cant check out yet?


Well-known member
And girl your not alone! I check it every chance I get. It's the first thing I do when I get up.
They've been sending A LOT of VIB emails lately! I got one last night, one this morning, and the Benefit one last week. I feel like yeah Sephora, I got you girl, you're trying to be nice but where's the Ariel stuff?!


Well-known member
Ugh! Everytime I get a VIB email I die a little on the inside! And girl your not alone! I check it every chance I get. It's the first thing I do when I get up.
Same here I wake up groggy as hell roll over and grab my phone hahah! If there not gonna put it up at least tell us when!!! I'm so over stalking but I really wanna have this mirror! Side note when do I get outta being a "cub" hah will I be a " mama lion" next??


Well-known member
They've been sending A LOT of VIB emails lately! I got one last night, one this morning, and the Benefit one last week. I feel like yeah Sephora, I got you girl, you're trying to be nice but where's the Ariel stuff?!
Yes! Why are the sending so many VIB emails? Just launch the darn collection.


Well-known member
They've been sending A LOT of VIB emails lately! I got one last night, one this morning, and the Benefit one last week. I feel like yeah Sephora, I got you girl, you're trying to be nice but where's the Ariel stuff?!
Took the words right out from under me



Well-known member
My Sephora told me just now that they don't even have it there. I called the online number and she said sometime this summer. I reminded her of the Sephora video and she said in a sugar sweet snotty way yes the one palette did come out in June and sold out. But that the rest of the collection would be some time over the summer.

Does that mean they are going to release it one item at a time to keep us on their site? So damn frustrating.

Ana A

Well-known member
My Sephora told me just now that they don't even have it there. I called the online number and she said sometime this summer. I reminded her of the Sephora video and she said in a sugar sweet snotty way yes the one palette did come out in June and sold out. But that the rest of the collection would be some time over the summer.

Does that mean they are going to release it one item at a time to keep us on their site? So damn frustrating.
Yeah as usual they are full of it..."End of June" which is what they state on the video description means end of June not sometime in June or beginning of June which is when the palette was out I believe.


Well-known member
Oh sephora! :lecture: Hi Liz! The Ariel collection will be out later this summer, so stay tuned :). Thanks so much for your patience!


Well-known member
I called the online number and she said sometime this summer. I reminded her of the Sephora video and she said in a sugar sweet snotty way yes the one palette did come out in June and sold out. But that the rest of the collection would be some time over the summer.
This kind of thing annoys me so much, when they act like you don't know anything so they can give you generic answers. We all saw them say "online in June" in the video they released, it's not like we're asking about rumors of a collection, the palette was already launched, and we were given a time frame and they never stuck to it I don't get why they're being so hush hush like we shouldn't even know about the collection existing yet or something lol It seems like they feel like we're asking about a super far in the future collection or something when half of us already have a piece from it!


Well-known member
My Sephora told me just now that they don't even have it there. I called the online number and she said sometime this summer. I reminded her of the Sephora video and she said in a sugar sweet snotty way yes the one palette did come out in June and sold out. But that the rest of the collection would be some time over the summer.

Does that mean they are going to release it one item at a time to keep us on their site? So damn frustrating.
Ugh. The only thing they remain consistent on is it will be in stores in August and stay tuned. So very helpful.


Well-known member
I got an email about paying $25 for 2 day shipping for a year. If they want to be nice they should send my stuff to me in 2 days for free. I got my Palette when it released on line the first time but I'm annoyed they are taking so long to release this. what's the hold up?


Well-known member
I asked about this today at my local Sephora. The SA told me it should be in-store by mid-August and then IN THE SAME SENTENCE told me I should call next week because the shipment should be coming in by then. Just... what? I am so confused. xDD
oh and I haven't been getting ANY emils even tho I'm a VIB until Dec 2014!!
Same here. >.>


Well-known member
If the stores are really getting it in two weeks, this sounds like another Cinderella situation that my store had.

They had all of the stuff for weeks but kept holding it all back, saying corporate hadn't given them the go ahead to put it on the floor. Finally a salesperson was nice enough to get everything I wanted from the back and let me buy it a couple weeks before they actually put the display up. I think it was roughly a month from when they got everything in to when they actually started selling it on the floor.

A similar thing happened with the Jasmine collection, but they only sat on that for about a week and a half.

Bottom line for me is it sounds like no one in charge knows what in the world they are doing.
I think they (whoever "they" are) felt pressured to placate customers after those two leaked photos (one was from a girl who got it from her cousin who worked at Lucky Mag. I wonder if anyone got in trouble... cosmetic companies have press embargos right?). So they changed the promo video to June online. I mean its weird for it to be June online and August instore. And if Lucky Mag had the collection by June latest, it wouldn't be in their mag til their Aug issue in july, earliest. And bloggers were holding onto press releases that said July/August. So I think they jumped the gun to placate excited customers and someone with final say stuck to the orig release dates. Oh, then the glitch happened -_- making them look worse lol I guess this scenario of lying vs incompetence is helping me not care anymore. I was already thisclose to giving up on sephora (until they improve their rewards program or stop pretending theres two different tiers). Positive note: one more ariel mirror for someone else to enjoy :D


Well-known member
Ok so I had an interesting conversation with the clerks at my closets Sehpora. OPI line at Sephora is being discontinued for the Sephora X polishes. They are trying to release the new line with the Ariel Collection, which is why they might be so delayed in lunching it online. The clerks straight up said they don't have a date for either lines to be lunched and their getting impatient as well. lol!ref[]=900078&pageSize=60&defaultPageSize=60&sortBy=-1&defaultSortBy=-1&brandId=5907
Looks like Sephora X is all available online now :) no idea what that means lol
Sephora X polishes. They are trying to release the new line with the Ariel Collection, which is why they might be so delayed in lunching it online. The clerks straight up said they don't have a date for either lines to be lunched and their getting impatient as well. lol


Well-known member
Sephora X polishes. They are trying to release the new line with the Ariel Collection, which is why they might be so delayed in lunching it online. The clerks straight up said they don't have a date for either lines to be lunched and their getting impatient as well. lol
Yeah I just saw that. If Sephora X is already online, what is stopping them from releasing Ariel?