RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


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Added my own


Well-known member
All I know is the Trendmood person credited Specktra for everything that was clearly posted here. 
On her page she did, but on that post she says in response to this mage being found on FB, that she's shocked that "her image" is all over FB.


Well-known member
Oh, I see!  People are making the EASIEST thing ever so incredibly complicated. 
Agreed! And my comment is deleted just like that! I really wish parts of specktra were private. It'd be sad to exclude new members from joining all parts, but this kind of shit has stopped others from releasing info early, and makes me think about doing the same. :mad:


Well-known member
I agree Erine !! It's too bad that people keep stealing without crediting and it seems to be getting worse. It seems like EVERYBODY is trying to be a blogger and blogging isn't for everybody. People need to stay in their lane !!! Erine I am appreciative that u along with others, i remember MacGuy use to post info about collections early and hope u continue to post info but if u chose not to I would totally understand . I know MacGuy got fustrated and stopped posting which is understandable . A private portion would be nice but who would decide who is allowed in that section ? When to allow access... Etc ? In reality the info and pics would probably still get stolen.


Well-known member
I think trendmood blocked me when I go to their page it says no posts ? Lol
Yup. You blocked! :lol:
I agree Erine !! It's too bad that people keep stealing without crediting and it seems to be getting worse. It seems like EVERYBODY is trying to be a blogger and blogging isn't for everybody. People need to stay in their lane !!! Erine I am appreciative that u along with others, i remember MacGuy use to post info about collections early and hope u continue to post info but if u chose not to I would totally understand . I know MacGuy got fustrated and stopped posting which is understandable . A private portion would be nice but who would decide who is allowed in that section ? When to allow access... Etc ? In reality the info and pics would probably still get stolen.
I completely agree! I just need to figure out how a way to to do it. I thought about typing it out on notes, screen capturing it, and then adding my watermark. That'll stop this type of thievery and bloggers who cut and paste. But it won't stop bloggers who just rewrite the info. They'll still steal the content, but just need to do a bit more work in the process. Anyone have thoughts on how to prevent the latter?


Well-known member
It's sad that members of Spectra is not getting credit for that work. I appreciate everyone who take the time to post and will understand if you decided not to post information. I also agree that there should be a private threads. Maybe a small fee also. I agree that everyone should watermark there work.


Well-known member
Yup. You blocked! :lol: I completely agree! I just need to figure out how a way to to do it. I thought about typing it out on notes, screen capturing it, and then adding my watermark. That'll stop this type of thievery and bloggers who cut and paste. But it won't stop bloggers who just rewrite the info. They'll still steal the content, but just need to do a bit more work in the process. Anyone have thoughts on how to prevent the latter?
My thoughts? Have a no thievery agreement in the terms of service and straight up delete anyone caught stealing. Mods would have to agree. Anyone joining has to disclose any and all blog affiliations sothis can be tracked.


Well-known member
@erine good u called them out on it The chick from allura never posts any of my comments whenever I call her on it. But we won't stop! Lmfao.


Well-known member
So I must be crazy but I'm interested in that brown. I wouldn't call it "nude" but I also don't believe there's such a thing. Nude depends on person to person so I don't think one lipstick can be named "nude". This definitely does NOT look like any persons lip color though lol. But it looks wearable....that orange... That orange looks like those Honda cube cars lol I was hoping for a matte plain orange but I guess I should have read the discription I like the pink vibrators!!! They're cute!! On that note idk about gold with big ass white R lol I got the by request email....um who choses these? They suck lol And I'm all for private parts of specktra but couldn't they still get in? Or do they not have profiles? I assumed they had secret accounts?


Well-known member
So I must be crazy but I'm interested in that brown. I wouldn't call it "nude" but I also don't believe there's such a thing. Nude depends on person to person so I don't think one lipstick can be named "nude". This definitely does NOT look like any persons lip color though lol. But it looks wearable....that orange... That orange looks like those Honda cube cars lol I was hoping for a matte plain orange but I guess I should have read the discription I like the pink vibrators!!! They're cute!! On that note idk about gold with big ass white R lol I got the by request email....um who choses these? They suck lol And I'm all for private parts of specktra but couldn't they still get in? Or do they not have profiles? I assumed they had secret accounts?
I like the brownish nude it reminds me of Call my Bluff one of my favorite "nudes"


Well-known member
it reminded me of mac mocha or mocha locha by CG.  howeverrrr it's supposed to be matte: what if it looks like mochalicious by wnw. in that case, dnw.
MAC mocha looks pretty, so does this one that you posted! ... I never got either one. I'm still undecided on this collection.... Ordering online scares me and then getting trampled in store also scares me hahahaha


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by erine1881
On her page she did, but on that post she says in response to this mage being found on FB, that she's shocked that "her image" is all over FB.

So she's playing both sides?
#teamratchet has the most ignorant chicks on it.

trendmood: you look stupid and you're a liar. Just stop. It's clear you're not bright enough to pull this off. Your friends? Also not bright.


Well-known member
We have no info for holiday and its bugging me already!! We do know the ririwoo lipstick is coming back for sure other than that we know nada
yep this is all the info chicprofile posted:

MAC Holiday 2013 RiRi Hearts Collection Available on the counters in the end of fall 2013 this collection will include another 10 new items such as nail polish, additional lipstick shades and a makeup bag.

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