I'm NC-15 too, and I like Rio the best of all the skin finishes I bought (Adored and Lust). It has such a pretty sheen. I agree with PDF: try to get one with as much pink as you can.
So yesterday I visited a store and I tried on Rio and Lust as well, just to see how they look on my skin.
The tester of Rio was already a pinky one in the store and I really liked it on my skin!
The formula of Rio is the best of these MSFs in my oppinion, very finely milled and silky soft and has a beautiful sheen.
I asked for a mostly pinky one and the SA was kind to show me all of them so I could choose.
Lust is really not my cup of tea. In the pan I find it beautiful, but I can't stand this type of rosy shades on my face I felt like if I was sunburnt. And I also don't like on my cheeks the big chunks of glitter, wich btw are beautiful cranberry ones.
Thank you your recommendations, I really like Rio, it looks really natural, a bit rosy-brownish on my skin, like if I had some natural glow to my pale skin.