Having Your Brushes Cleaned For You!


New member
Hello Specktra MUF's (makeup fanatics!),

Please allow me to pick your brain about something. I'll get straight to the point: How much would you pay to have your makeup brushes (say, 15 of them) picked up from your home, cleaned thoroughly (with natural eco-friendly products) and returned to your door the next morning?

A friend of mine came up with this crazy idea for a makeup brush cleaning service, seeing as more of us than we'd admit do not wash our brushes as regularly as we should. I thought I'd help her out by asking actual makeup enthusiasts. I truly appreciate your answers :)


Well-known member
I know this probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but I probably wouldn't pay any amount of money for someone to clean my brushes for me. I WOULD pay for a machine that did it though, like an automatic blush cleaner I could store with my brushes.


Well-known member
I have to agree with cocotears; I wouldn't pay a service to clean my brushes.

In order to make up the costs of pick-up and delivery gas (plus car expenses), cleaning supplies, and actually making a profit, you'd have to charge way more than people would be willing to pay to make any money. Not to mention it's an incredibly niche market, only a small percentage of women even use enough makeup brushes to justify using the service. Most women I know don't really use any brushes besides a powder face brush.

While it sounds good on paper; it's not really a viable business model when you break down the numbers.


Well-known member
^^^. I totally agree. I also wouldn't really want anyone else cleaning my brushes. Most of us that use brushes daily have a lot of money invested in them. I think I'd faint if I knew how much I've spent on them. Therefore the thought of handing them over to someone is something I could not do. I am very meticulous about caring for my brushes.


Well-known member
I would not pay for this service. Cleaning brushes is part of my daily routine and is not really that big of a deal/inconvenience/job.


Well-known member
I know this probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but I probably wouldn't pay any amount of money for someone to clean my brushes for me. I WOULD pay for a machine that did it though, like an automatic blush cleaner I could store with my brushes. [/quot i agree i would pay for a brush cleaning machine. But i would pay anyone to clean my brushes. The whole process of someone coming to get them and dropping them iff seem like to much hassle for makeup brushes


Well-known member
No, as much as I dislike cleaning brushes, I'm the only one who can be satisfied with the results. Knowing me, if I sent them out for cleaning, I'm cleaning them again when they come back. But if you friend wants to do it, make sure she has insurance in case of loss or damage. Imagine if something happened to a LE MAC brush and a client wanted some serious cash to replace it with something comparable or whats if that same brush is found on eBay, with those markups, lol