RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
Hopefully we'll see more swatches surfacing soon coz I just found this pic on IG
so pretty my list keeps changing since the brush is off my list now I may get 2 of the lipglosses so pretty


Well-known member
I agree with you ladies. That performance was ridiculously hard to watch.

But I can't say I didn't enjoy Justin Timberlake's performance.

I just figured I was getting old because I don't "get" music anymore. One Direction and Mylie Cyrus have no appeal for me whatsoever. Could Mylie be screaming any louder for attention? How many times did we have to watch her point to her crotch with that ginormous pointy finger? Okay, I get it, you don't just want to destroy that Disney image, girl, you want to nuke it forever, but puhleeze. I did tune in to see Gaga though, I couldn't help myself and the gerbil/groundhog/whatever those rodents are commercial for the new Kia Soul was worth suffering thru the rest.
Back on topic, if that really is TTT its gorgeous but as much as I love it, I can't do it. It won't flatter me in the least.

And I noticed the lipstick Rihanna's friend was wearing also. It looked nice on her but I'm still wary.


Well-known member
I agree with you ladies. That performance was ridiculously hard to watch.  But I can't say I didn't enjoy Justin Timberlake's performance.  And I noticed the lipstick Rihanna's friend was wearing also. It looked nice on her but I'm still wary.
Justin's performance was everything. I didn't get the concept of Miley and Robin Thicke. I liked Bruno Mars and even Kanye. The show was the worst overall though. Music is not the same anymore. I'm not into dark lippies so I've been on the fence about it since the beginning. I just think it'd be nice for the Fall though. Right now I'm looking at the lip pencils, glass and the quads for sure. Everything else is questionable now. Definitely need swatches


Well-known member
That is exactly what I plan on getting! I was thinking about getting the brush but then I heard the the special edition brushes are always terrible. And I want the nude but I feel like it will look terrible one me! But I'll have to swatch before I purchase that one. And I definitely am the same about purses/clothes with the logo all over. I find it just straight tacky!


Well-known member
Maybe it's just me, but the package doesn't bother me that much. I'm more concerned with the lipstick than the container it's in. I could have done without the excess logos just like everyone else, but I'm not gonna sit there and scrape it off (no patience, lol.) Do I like it? Not my cup of tea, but if TTT is nice enough, I'm willing to overlook it.


Well-known member
Your post made my day! Thank you. I totally needed that.

I know I have badmouthed the packaging but its what inside that counts as well described here, and I can always depot. Nothing really appeals to me from the collection except CCB Diamonds and the TTT lip liner. I love the TTT lipstick by description, esp. if those pix from teh VMA above are accurate, but I have enough similar colors I don't feel the urge to run it down. (I have Cyber, BF Stealer, Dramatic Encounter, and a purple Dior that is quite a vampy purple and I never wear them., just too goth for my everyday tastes, not judging, I am just too much of a certain age for it to look right)

I do like the idea of the pink brushes, but I don't need any ATM and agree the SH ones are inferior quality. That won't stop me from buying a good brush set if its cute and the tacky R doesn't offset the visual too much, and if I will actually use the brush types provided. So, I cannot say I am totally uninterested in the collection, but I ain't doing any wait room crap and I am not stalking. We will see if those brushes, Diamonds CCB and that lip liner make it into my stash...


New member
I honestly dont see a problem with the packaging. everyone complained about the summer collection NOT having special packaging, now everyone has a problem with HER signature and logo on HER packaging. honestly, its not a piece of clothing you have to wear. I cannot wait for the collection. but I'm wondering how close Talk That Talk will be to smoked purple or even sin. and nude kind of looks like honey love.. nonetheless.. I'm excited.


Well-known member
I honestly dont see a problem with the packaging. everyone complained about the summer collection NOT having special packaging, now everyone has a problem with HER signature and logo on HER packaging. honestly, its not a piece of clothing you have to wear. I cannot wait for the collection. but I'm wondering how close Talk That Talk will be to smoked purple or even sin. and nude kind of looks like honey love.. nonetheless.. I'm excited.
It does look like that or a matte version of Fresh Brew
I really hope it is that though. I am excited I think I'm going to stick with all the lipsticks minus riri woo. The liners look to close to cherry lip pencil and nightmoth lip pencil, so those are a def no. And I don't see the point of riri woo lipglass wouldn't you want it to stay matte and if not to put on top then there are plenty of red lipglasses out there. But I am excited too.


New member
It does look like that or a matte version of Fresh Brew
I really hope it is that though. I am excited I think I'm going to stick with all the lipsticks minus riri woo. The liners look to close to cherry lip pencil and nightmoth lip pencil, so those are a def no. And I don't see the point of riri woo lipglass wouldn't you want it to stay matte and if not to put on top then there are plenty of red lipglasses out there. But I am excited too.
Yeah, I'm only getting talk that talk and the nude. whos that chick doesnt even look appealing. I have cherry & nightmoth, and gloss on anything other than a nude is a no go for me. I do want the cream color base but I'm iffy on how it will look outside of the pan. I like the compact for hibiscus kiss but the product isnt great. I like how the special packaging is on everything down to the lashes lol its like she heard everybody complaining and was like "fuck it, y'all wanted it here you go" lol


Well-known member
I thought people were complaining or questioning if the summer release would have a PRO discount, not if it would be special packaging. We did know that fall and holiday would have special packaging a bit before RRW first came out, that I'm almost positive of.


Well-known member
Honestly, it's that stupid "R " for me. I would be in love with the rose gold with the pink cursive if it was just that. But that huge, harsh "R" completely ruins it in my opinion. It makes it look tacky. Again, this is all just my humble opinion. The packaging isn't absolutely horrid, but it could have been better without that obnoxious "R" that punches you in the face. Again, in my opinion.