MAC Early Buzz - News for Upcoming Collections in 2014


Well-known member
Any news and images about a nude collection around new year? Boxing Day collection with lots of extra dimension skin finish, blush and eyeshadow is all we know.
Boxing Day is Punk Couture! Magnetic Nude is the extra dimension one.
Right! So they'll probably be out around the same time.


Well-known member
I get the general idea in my head with multiple collections but sometimes they all get muddled up until it comes closer to launch date then everything becomes a bit more clearer and easier to keep up with. I guess the fear of missing out let me get it together really fast!!!!


Well-known member
I have to write them down too. It took me a few times to notice the patterns though. LOL I used to have a brain. This job ate it.

Ana A

Well-known member
I have one of those desk calendars (for makeup only) with writing/scribbles and post its all over it.


Well-known member
Credit to There are quite a few new product names/shades in these face charts.... Pleasure Model Extra Dimension Blush, Ray of Sunshine Lipglass, Nightlight Sparkle shadow, Radiant Pink Prep & Prime Natural Radiance...
They need to make a matte Vino/Violetta lipstick ASAP.

Have a Lovely Day wasn't one that I bought last year...doesn't look like I'll buy it next year either lol.