RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
Can Monday be here already? Im dying to order my goodies. Im crossing my fingers that this time there will be the overnight shipping option but i doubt it. A girl can dream, right?


Well-known member
I'm just here like
Y'all are killing me. The tears LOL


Well-known member
it does.....im sorry u are offended by my opinion...i can say what the hell i want...its free speech america....where u from MARS? dont worry bout What i say :bangin:
Has anyone ever told you that you're very disrespectful? Learn some good social skills please.


Well-known member
Sorry about that. I'm in a foul mood and didn't want to quickly ban someone when posts were flagged last night. Apparently I should have just banned her then.


Well-known member
A part of me wishes I wasn't into all these collections..they can be so stressful to get your hands on ..but I'm addicted !!!! Lol
This has been the most stressful of all collections because I was so unsure of what was going to happen. With other highly anticipated collections I got into a preview party and it was easier to make it to the store and be the first in line in the evening. Online launches w/o a waiting room are great because I'm a computer whiz. All this trying to get in on a regular morning launch was stressful. I was running late, didn't know how much stock the store had and didn't know if the 4 girls in front of me would try and succeed in buying multiples. After I walked in there was a rush of women that came up from behind me. It was kinda hard to get ahold of a MUA. I was starting to get panicky for 2 seconds, but a rush of employees came out of the back room and I snatched one up like listen to me now. :lol:


Well-known member
Every collection of RiRi's someone just has to go that extra extra mile. WHY?! This is supposed to be fun and not whatever the hell that just was.


Well-known member
I am holding my breath..........I just can't believe the level of boldness, offensiveness and plain utter disrespect! So crude


Well-known member
Just got back and I was only able to get wtc, nude, and hk. I personally like nude (that's a surprise), wtc is my least favorite. sad they only had 1 ttt to sell. :/ ima try online and at Macys next week. Btw, Sup with all the drama? If you don't like how someone looks in a lipstick just don't say anything if they didn't ask your opinion. Its just common sense, don't be rude. sheesh, people act like their mom didn't teach them any manners. Smh. Sorry to ramble, mad I couldn't get TTT this time around >:/