RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
I just realized macys gave me free shipping for my bday and just called to get the shipping fees removed. Yay!  Now the agonizing wait! After seeing pictures of lines on instagram I'm glad I got everything online even if that means a little bit of sleep deprivation.
You're preaching to the choir. I think I've officially decided I am /not/ ever going to in-store/counter launches of super frenzied collections like this. Although I did go to Marilyn last year and it was not stressful in the slightest.


Well-known member
Ok so my Nude and WTC lippies just came from the online launch. I will confess that as soon as the delivery guy left, I closed my door and practically bit the box open.  GGGRRRRR!!!   Nude looks just like Fresh Brew on me, so I'm kinda disappointed, I was hoping for a new nude.  I mean I like Fresh Brew, it's my go to nude actually, so I'm gonna keep it, but I was expecting... MORE.  Then I tried on WTC and remember why I've never been a huge fan of frost finishes.  I feel like the 80s are back.  LOL!  Overall, I'm not disappointed with my purchases, but honestly, I'm all set with Rihanna and her MAC collection.  No backups necessary.  More for everyone else.   Disappointed I didn't get the blush, but I'll live.  
I am glad to see you say that Nude and Fresh Brew look the same on you. Now I can stop obsessing over it. None of the stores around me would allow e to pre-sell or buy online, or got no stock and I could was not successful in online attempts. I am going to have a deep sigh and go on about my day.


Well-known member
Hey ladies I'm nc30 and undecided as to whether I should get hibiscus kiss or bad girl gone good blush. Waiting outside for my store to open an I need to decide soon. Any suggestions?
I'm NC 25 and prefer bggg. My HK is from summer though so I think its a bit different.

Dolly Snow

Alright my sister went to make for me and her.
They had three big boxes of each product, and they had sold out of the first two boxes of almost each product by the time she finished checking out and swatching.
Everyone and their mama was there for this collection. Everyone was talking about TTT.
My sister was first outside the doors and when she got in she didnt know they were handing out those paper things.
She ended up being number twelve because Macy's decided to leave the door she was at as the last door to open.
The ladies she was with let her go first because she was there before them which I thought was nice of them.
When she left she sent me a photo of about forty women waiting for their RIRI stuff. They are so packed, not to mention this is the only place that sells Mac for about seven cities.
Half of the people there stated they were only there because it is a RIRI collection.
Sorry if this makes no sense lol I am still all over the place.
Our final list: TTT l/s, Nude, WTC, HK and BGGG!


Accidentally posted in the holiday thread. Long story short I witnessed two freak outs and got diamonds and another TTT. So I have two TTT's and if my orders hold up, three diamonds. Still debating the cocoa quad. Someone tell me no.
I think I saw you today! I was the one who got the last TTT. If that was you, you're very pretty in person.


Well-known member
Nude looks just like Fresh Brew on me, so I'm kinda disappointed, I was hoping for a new nude. I mean I like Fresh Brew, it's my go to nude actually, so I'm gonna keep it, but I was expecting... MORE. Then I tried on WTC and remember why I've never been a huge fan of frost finishes. I feel like the 80s are back. LOL! Overall, I'm not disappointed with my purchases, but honestly, I'm all set with Rihanna and her MAC collection. No backups necessary. More for everyone else.

Disappointed I didn't get the blush, but I'll live.
I am glad to see you say that Nude and Fresh Brew look the same on you. Now I can stop obsessing over it. None of the stores around me would allow e to pre-sell or buy online, or got no stock and I could was not successful in online attempts. I am going to have a deep sigh and go on about my day.
Can anyone else confirm this? I bought Nude but not sure I really want or need it.


Well-known member
I am still calling nordies stores and the ones that have TTT are not accepting phone orders. So it is not sold out nation wide like that SA said it is just everyone wants to keep their stock,so what is the point. I even asked as to whether she could putt me on a waiting line like I was physically In The store but she said no phone orders. Seriously MAC how hard can you make this collection for us to get. There are some who are not capable of going to stores in the middle of the week.


Well-known member
Who's that Chick is here! Finally!


Well-known member
Hibiscus Kiss...the bronzer has little pay off but pulls very yellow. It is light enough but too yellow for my NW self. The blush side is awesome but reminds me of the WW blush. Nude, I could have skipped because it takes a bit of work to be ok color wise. The texture is amazing.


Well-known member
Can anyone else confirm this? I bought Nude but not sure I really want or need it.
It depends on skin coloring, others it may look like poo, and it would like an amazing color on others! On me, definitely does not look like fresh brew, I would not be running on two hours of sleep waiting for it to launch online. A unique grey/mauve colors =D


Well-known member
For my Los Angeles ladies. The Nordstrom's at 220 S. Broadway in Santa Monica is fully stocked right now. I just left and I was the only person at the counter. Parking is free for the first hour and a half....get stocked up

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