Wanted to pop in to say I'm one of the evil lurkers
but its not cause I was trying to snatch up Riri stuff, its cause I'm a nerd who loves seeing the drama (good happy drama
not the feelings hurt never logging in again drama
Same reason I watch haul videos, lol, sometimes its just fun to see all the "I got it!" "I got mine!" "Finally snagged my lipstick!" announcements and seeing folks show off their shiny new items.
(Sometimes its even better when I can go to bed cause I know I'm not going to be buying anything unlike you poor ladies that have to stalk and stalk.)
I just wanted to say I think its this stupid collection making everyone tense, lol, and its all MAC's doing. I feel like MAC just wanted to have the hype of "Riri sold out in an hour!" and they're just playing games.
I have some experience in makeup inventory and shipping and it seems too unlikely Nordstrom and these other department stores are 'finding' some more Riri items every other 10 minutes, lol. Like I can just picture they shipped out enough TO sell out in that hour, now there's still like 300 boxes left in a warehouse. Now they're just like
"Okay...put it on the site slowly...so they snatch it up like its tickets to heaven." Folks are so happy/desperate to get stuff whether its for CP's or what not that they're snatching immediately so they can distribute it to who needs it.
If you're a newbie and you feel downed on, don't. So long as you're not part of the problem (ebay-ers, only using Specktra to get key info etc.) then there's 0 reason to feel that way. I think folks just hate to feel like there's a lot of taking but no giving back like if you're not even registered then how could you offer help to fellow members you know? Maybe you don't have to log in and talk everyday but little comments here and there in support or help really help improve the whole environment.
Oh, also I have some suggestions for dealing with launch day drama without giving up too much info so folks can get stuff. If its cool to pm it to you Richelle I will, but if not cause you're a moderator I won't, lol.