RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
A video of my RiRi Haul and a semi review.. I hope you enjoy Specktra Family!! I swear without you guys makeup wouldn't be half as fun!!! Smooches...

Thanks for sharing your video! Everything looks beautiful on you. Would you mine posting comparison swatches of Bad Girl Gone Good and Ginger please?

CCBs have no expiration date my dear
Now I'm on operation BU.

Quote: Originally Posted by butterflyeyes

Exactly. The business person in me can appreciate tacking on the cost of time and the convenience afforded to the buyer. Ultimately, as high as the prices look they would never get that way if someone didn't see the worth in it. As much as I love my MAC products I know that the lipstick I buy isn't worth $15 on it's own (it's why MAC and other brands don't bat an eye at giving such generous pro discounts either. Even at 40% off they aren't losing money). Even the cheapest drugstore brand you may buy isn't worth the dollar amount you pay on it's on (if it's $1 it didn't take a fraction of that to actually make it). We're paying for the packaging, marketing, labor force, distribution, ingredients, etc as a whole. Ebayers are just tacking on their middleman costs....or the bidders are if it is an auction style listing. Even if someone is falsely driving the bid up there are some legit bidders that continue to bid higher because they want it bad enough. My personal limit for playing the game is far lower than some of those people though so I shake my head at it but hey...it's their money. As long as they aren't hurting anybody then what they choose to splurge on then it's their business. I just wish MAC would stop helping things out by making everything ridiculously limited so the cycle can keep being like this. And maybe chill out a little on every collection being LE. It's really ok to not toss one out every few weeks. I promise lol
That is actually a very valid point. Never thought about it that way.


Well-known member
I also would like to welcome all new members to the site! Can't wait to hear from you!

Everyone who is receiving their goodies and sharing them look lovely!

My first package was delivered but I have to wait for my boyfriend to bring it to me. I also have a package coming tomorrow. Maybe one with just samples as well.


Well-known member
I know, right?   I think the first Naked palette started out at $44.. so they've increased the price almost $10 in 3 years?  I can understand though - supply/demand, but is that thing still a hot selling item?  I guess so.. whoever designed that should get a big fat raise! I have Diamonds coming from some Macy's in MA or somewhere - I have no idea where it's coming from... when it's getting here or what service they use to ship... :unsure:   but if it is the USPS -- they're a little unreliable in their delivery updates now-a-days.. I order A LOT of crap and the USPS delivery confirmation is off a lot..  Either it has already been delivered but the status claims it's still on its way.. or it hasn't been delivered--and it claims it has.. usually it's just off a day though... I wouldn't panic until tomorrow afternoon.
I won't call until tomorrow & hold out hope it's still on its way to me. I didn't sleep all night for this......I'm gonna be pissed if it was delivered to another house.


Well-known member
LOL! I don't even remember. I'm going to open them up when the kids are asleep. I told my husband "don't worry there's only one thing in each box"
Lol that's how many boxes I had yesterday and all but one had one item in them funny thing is my bf met the ups man and brought all my boxes to me. I was so busted lol


Well-known member
i have to say that i really do not like that Nordstrom waste so man products by sending a box of samples and then sending the actual product if there is a delay. How dumb is that? i avoid even trying to order from them...


Well-known member
My fool child called me a few hours ago saying she's following Rihanna on Twittergram (
don't recall which) and now she's kinda wanting something from the collection. Now y'all know I asked that girl a month ago if she wanted anything and she said no several times. Now she wants Her Cocoa quad. Lucky for her I just checked Nordies and it was in stock. I just sent her that plus Hibiscus Kiss b/c I've been drooling over the packaging and also threw in Up the Amp b/c she said she needed a light purple lipstick. I'm not gonna tell her I found it, just let her enjoy the surprise package of goodies. All her friends at college wish their mom was a makeup head like me.


Well-known member
So I ordered a TTT lipstick from Macy's & just checked status & it says delivered......but nothing has been delivered. Someone else probably got it......won't get that back :(
DarkAngel8595 call Macys and tell them you never got the package. If they can't replace it at least get a refund. That happened to me once on a Macys order and they sent me a new item.


Well-known member
Any similar blushes in perm line similar to the riri blush??
i have the riri one but i have nothing else like it. i need more options! i luv it with vampy lips.


Well-known member
Any similar blushes in perm line similar to the riri blush??
i have the riri one but i have nothing else like it. i need more options! i luv it with vampy lips.
Someone posted their video review of the collection and said Ginger is similar. I asked her if she could post swatches so we'll see if she can and will.

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