MAC Divine Night Collection (October 17, 2013)


Well-known member
Thanks, luv.
I really lean towards a true neutral (if they made F&B in N1.5 I would be set) but occasionally have some surface redness from rosacea flares.
I have a feeling a couple of lipsticks, a blush and Past Midnight MES may come home with me as well.
My skin twin!

N2 = NW20
N1 = NW15

I'm also in between (NW18). N1.5 in F&B would be lovely.


Well-known member
My skin twin!

N2 = NW20
N1 = NW15

I'm also in between (NW18). N1.5 in F&B would be lovely.
I have missed you!
Thanks for your comments earlier. My wallet appreciates it. LOL
If this collection isn't getting you excited, what is? I find that if you love it, I do too.


Well-known member
I don't think in going to get captivating it has too much white ..I wish it was the other way around and I doubt it looks like a white gold


Well-known member
Here's Private Party. On me it looks Nothing like the swatches we've seen so far. I was expecting for it to be similar to rebel but it's more on the mauve side. The closest dupe I can think of would be Glamourdaze but I think Private Party leans more purple than brown. It reminds me of Up the Amp && RiRi Boy but a deeper fall version. I've been wearing it with nightmoth lately && I just love the combo! Perfect for fall! It's been so damn sunny lately that's it's been hard to snap a decent pic in good lighting so you can really see the color. It looks like your typical plummy mauve shade but it's so much more! Oh && the texture is just fabulous! MAC is REALLY stepping up their formula because satin finish lipsticks used to be horrible. Betty Bright, Sushi Kiss && Viva Glam Nicki are all super drying && waxy feeling. Private Party glides on like butter && isn't drying at all. It doesn't look gross once it starts wearing off either. It's really changed my view of satins which were my least favorite finish


Well-known member
Oh && the texture is just fabulous! MAC is REALLY stepping up their formula because satin finish lipsticks used to be horrible. Betty Bright, Sushi Kiss && Viva Glam Nicki are all super drying && waxy feeling. Private Party glides on like butter && isn't drying at all. It doesn't look gross once it starts wearing off either. It's really changed my view of satins which were my least favorite finish
Thanks!! I was hoping it would be more like Spitfire, oh well.

Guess I'm just down to Lavish Living!


Well-known member
Here's Private Party. On me it looks Nothing like the swatches we've seen so far. I was expecting for it to be similar to rebel but it's more on the mauve side. The closest dupe I can think of would be Glamourdaze but I think Private Party leans more purple than brown. It reminds me of Up the Amp && RiRi Boy but a deeper fall version. I've been wearing it with nightmoth lately && I just love the combo! Perfect for fall! It's been so damn sunny lately that's it's been hard to snap a decent pic in good lighting so you can really see the color. It looks like your typical plummy mauve shade but it's so much more! Oh && the texture is just fabulous! MAC is REALLY stepping up their formula because satin finish lipsticks used to be horrible. Betty Bright, Sushi Kiss && Viva Glam Nicki are all super drying && waxy feeling. Private Party glides on like butter && isn't drying at all. It doesn't look gross once it starts wearing off either. It's really changed my view of satins which were my least favorite finish
This wasn't on my list, but it's really pretty! I have to consider it now!


Well-known member
So finally I want to get around to the other MSFs and blushes!!!! There's just too much to say about this collection, because all these products are going to be major love for some people but some others are going to get them and be disappointed and then never use them. Photos alone are not really going to cut the mustard and not everyone can try things on in person first. This collection is a serious try-before-you-buy situation, though, especially if you're a pale NW or are someone that has mixed feelings about Mineralize.

Centre of Attention: OK, I'm just going to say that for my needs, this is an AMAZING product. MAC's done some killer face powders this year, not to mention highlighters, but THIS is so useful and handy and fantastic. I will hit pan on this one and probably will wind up BUing it up, which I never do with MSFs. BUT BUT BUT, there's a checklist to decide if this is going to be terrible for someone else.

The main color in it is close to Forever Marilyn but a little pinker. It's much sheerer than FM, though. I love the sheerness - it just melts into the face. It's the lightest and sheerest MSF I've ever encountered and you don't get the heavy coated feeling wearing it all over that MSFN gives in the slightest. It looks somewhat frosty in the pan, but fear not - it goes on very matte for an MSF - like Light Year, if you took out every drop of glittery swirl. It's sheerer than LY though. Forever Marilyn and Elude are heavier than this one too. It's a tiny bit more natural finish than FM, which just sits on the face in a more retro way, and it's less glowy than Elude. It's what I'd call a natural matte. The only thing is, it is so sheer, that if you want some coverage for freckles, etc. you're not really going to get it. This is the barest wisp of delicate coverage. A 187 or 188 brush is just not enough for it - you need something like a 159 or a standard powder blush to get that product on there.

Now, the gold part is pretty crazy. It's incredibly yellow. It's like goldenrod yellow almost more than gold. Plus it's very glittery. Not big flaky chunks, but it's more than sparkle (less that a pressed pigment, at least). When it hits the light, you get GOLD GOLD GOLD, but a yellow gold for sure. Does this sound hideous to you or fabulous? Here's the thing - it's quite the color balancer, again because it's not too opaque (although it's less sheer than the main color). It's a fantastic color for neutralizing the red on my cheeks while complimenting my NC skin. It's nice on the bridge of the nose too, lightly. I felt the best way to wear it was applying it first and then putting the main color on top - that covers up most of the glitter, and leaves the sheen. Here's where it gets fantastic - the gold is so warm and the main color so cool that you can get a perfect blend just for your coloring and really get a perfect level of coverage and color exactly for you. You probably want to be basically NC or neutral in coloring to get the most out of this one, plus be ok with glitter along with your sheen plus also be OK with sheerness. It's very unusual for an MSF, but personally I think it's a very dynamic idea that's really useful - waaaaaaay better than Light Year for my taste. Before, my feeling was Elude > FM > LY but now I think I'm going to say Elude > CoA > FM for the top 3.

If you're dark skinned, I don't think the main color is going to do much of anything, although I don't think it will be ashy because it's so sheer. It just might not show up at all and act more like a totally transparent powder. That yellow gold is still crazy stuff, though, and could be good for anyone who wants a strong theatrical highlight for a night out, dark skin or not.


Well-known member
Thanks!! I was hoping it would be more like Spitfire, oh well.

Guess I'm just down to Lavish Living!
Richelle - this it's a really changeable color. You've got to try it in person! It's probably going to run more purple mauve on you than it does on me, and be more like it is for Fancieland, but I saw it on a couple of girls and it was different on everyone. Very dependent on skin tone!

I hate to be miss enabler, but it really is a unique color.

I am going to be
when this collection comes out, because first there will be all these people who will be very indifferent, and then there will be people who get some things without trying them on first and will be super pissed and be returning stuff right and left and then finally, there will be people who will just try stuff on in-store first and they're going to be massively in love with their favorite ones. That's this collection in a nutshell - the things you think you will hate and won't work will work shockingly well and the stuff you think would be fine might be either way better or way worse than you hoped. I can't even stress this enough - that's why I've run on at the mouth about everything so much.


Well-known member
Richelle - this it's a really changeable color. You've got to try it in person! It's probably going to run more purple mauve on you than it does on me, and be more like it is for Fancieland, but I saw it on a couple of girls and it was different on everyone. Very dependent on skin tone! I hate to be miss enabler, but it really is a unique color. I am going to be :coffee: when this collection comes out, because first there will be all these people who will be very indifferent, and then there will be people who get some things without trying them on first and will be super pissed and be returning stuff right and left and then finally, there will be people who will just try stuff on in-store first and they're going to be massively in love with their favorite ones. That's this collection in a nutshell - the things you think you will hate and won't work will work shockingly well and the stuff you think would be fine might be either way better or way worse than you hoped. I can't even stress this enough - that's why I've run on at the mouth about everything so much.
I have to agree. It looks different on everyone plus a little liner totally changes everything. I'll be posting more pics of it soon!


Well-known member

Tonight's Temptation- Black with pearlized base/ Royal blue - Woah that blue! It's like a cross between a Satin and a VP when applied wet. It's so jewel toned and rich. It looks just like that glowing deep blue pressed pigment that came out recently, except just smooth with sheen and no sparkle. I almost bought the pressed pigment one, but I am so glad I held off, because this one is way, way better. The black is really something else too. It's what I'd call a slightly warmer black, but it's definitely black, rather than off-black. It has a subtle clear sparkle that is almost imperceptible when applied wet - the texture is JUST like Beluga, where it reads pretty much matte, with an occasional single glint catching the light. You can also sheer it out really well and even that won't accentuate the sparkles. I tried sheering it out all the way up to the brow and it looked seriously excellent like that - better than Dark Dare worn that way, because it's more subtle. I felt like I was straight off the runway. I will be wearing it like this with just a touch of the blue in the inner corners of the eyes and a little Feed the Senses on the lips and my hair in a romantic up-do! Can't wait.

Thank you so much for the descriptions of the items, liba! You just convinced me to get Tonight's Temptation! :D


Well-known member
My list for this has dwindled greatly! Skipping the lip balm set since thy are not MLB and they are scented ( I don't do scents other than standard mac vanilla lol). I have 3/4 of the pink lg set, 2/4 of the coral set and 1/4 of the nude set. I like the glitter and pigment sets but I'm skipping because I don't use the pigments and glitters that I already have so why buy more? I am Skipping all the bag sets. I want only lured to love blush ( do I need another coral blush? No lol). I like private party lipstick and gloss. Don't know if I want to spend extra money on the pale csg's I like EE as well and YGI. Ok writing this down helped me finalize my list lol! 5 things, yay! Lol now lets see if I get them all. If not i think I will be ok, as long as I get one lippie for the packaging lol


Well-known member
Ok Liba.... after MUCH torment I THINK I have somewhat of a list compiled...

Private Party
Exclusive Event
You've Got It
Private Party
MB: Lavish Living
MSF: Perfectly Poised

Stroke of Midnight Violet lip bag

SO.... Pretty Please tell me if you think I've gotten this right... or if there's anything that should go or be added?
I'm NC 30/35. C4 in F&B.
I REALLY don't want to over-buy. And I can't really try in person, since I have to buy online to get my PRO discount. I never return anything. And will feel crappy if I overspend on things I don't love. So I'm using the "skip if I'm not 100% sure" approach Mac-Guy has endorsed several times (that I always seem to ignore despite my better judgement)! I really want to show some restraint with this collection... Just to prove I can! LOL And also because there's so much to look forward to with PC and the new ED Collections!
Thanks for ALL your help! You're the bee's knees!! HeeHee


Well-known member
Ok Liba.... after MUCH torment I THINK I have somewhat of a list compiled...

Private Party
Exclusive Event
You've Got It
Private Party
MB: Lavish Living
MSF: Perfectly Poised

Stroke of Midnight Violet lip bag

SO.... Pretty Please tell me if you think I've gotten this right... or if there's anything that should go or be added?
I'm NC 30/35. C4 in F&B.
I REALLY don't want to over-buy. And I can't really try in person, since I have to buy online to get my PRO discount. I never return anything. And will feel crappy if I overspend on things I don't love. So I'm using the "skip if I'm not 100% sure" approach Mac-Guy has endorsed several times (that I always seem to ignore despite my better judgement)! I really want to show some restraint with this collection... Just to prove I can! LOL And also because there's so much to look forward to with PC and the new ED Collections!
Thanks for ALL your help! You're the bee's knees!! HeeHee
Did you miss Riri Nude? Or are you wearing it so much, you're sad you don't have a BU? Exclusive Event is a 98% dupe of Nude (100% with Stone) If you said YES to either question, EE is a buy. Otherwise, it'd just be a hoarding thing. For me, Nude is a teeny weeny bit better than EE, because there's a really subtle pink undertone that just barely shows up. EE is missing that, but it's almost dumb to care about it, unless every time you wear Nude you are wishing it could only be a scientific fraction warmer.

Private Party ls and csg are both musts. If you don't already have You've Got It csg, it's great to own - it's the least orangey nude csg MAC's done in years and not too light.

Do you love Just a Bite? Do you wear a lot of red lipsticks? Prepare For Pleasure is the surprise color of the collection for me. Some more neutral reds look dull on me, not bright and vibrant, but this one is just the right balance to look super rich and glowing and it's got that same amazing texture of JAB. I'd get this one instead of EE if you already have plenty of Riri Nude and wear red lips. I didn't think the csg that goes with was as special and am skipping it.

Lavish Living FOR SURE for you!!! I thought all 3 MBs were crazy awesome but if you have to have just one, LL is the one for you. It's unique.

Perfectly Poised is one I didn't go into here, but on me, the main color behaves like a deeper CoA main color (very sheer), it's not orangey on me but it is warm. The highlight is similar but gentler in color as STBS - again, from one angle you don't even see it and from another angle Woah Metallic Pink! I still think this is the safest of the 3 MSFs and least unique. If you really want to save money, you should try all 3 MSFs on in person then afterwards order online - I don't think these MSFs are going to sell out so fast that you won't be able to do this because I bet Temptalia is going to rag on them and they're all going to be hard to photograph. I do think all 3 will work really well on you, even CoA!

Finally, if you like fluidlines that are more mid-tone than dark, I didn't get a chance to say how gorgeous Stares & Speculations is. It is totally NOT the glittery type like Deliciously Rich - it is just amazing metallic sheen. On me it's a perfect, slightly olive, golden pewter. Just the sort of color I usually can't wear. It's dark enough you can do winged liner and have the wing show up softly, but it's light enough and smooth enough that it makes a great base for the MES, which combine very well with it. If Local Wares was too dark and too olive for your taste, you're going to love S&S - to me, it was a must buy, but it's going to look different on a lot of people. It might look close on you, though, if you're not darker around the eyes than the rest of your skin.

I know for me, based on the swatches I saw, I am much more into this collection's shadows than the Magnetic Nude ones - a lot of those are going to be too light for me and too frosty compared to the unusually velvety MES here. I'm going to skip all of the EDES and am going to be picky about the new EDSFs. I think these MSFs are going to wind up being more unique. So my money's going to this collection and Punk Couture but Magnetic Nude will be my restraint collection. You know me - I don't like to be an auto-enabler, but I think this collection is pretty special in a way that's more understated than the usual Mineralize collection and is great for olive and NC/mixed red + sallow skin better than a lot of MAC collections.

So, I hope I haven't been too confusing or make you feel like you have to get wild 'n crazy, but I want you to get the most unique things, if they work for you. Wait till it's in-store, check it all out, then order online - you won't miss out!


Well-known member
Did you miss Riri Nude? Or are you wearing it so much, you're sad you don't have a BU? Exclusive Event is a 98% dupe of Nude (100% with Stone) If you said YES to either question, EE is a buy. Otherwise, it'd just be a hoarding thing. For me, Nude is a teeny weeny bit better than EE, because there's a really subtle pink undertone that just barely shows up. EE is missing that, but it's almost dumb to care about it, unless every time you wear Nude you are wishing it could only be a scientific fraction warmer. Private Party ls and csg are both musts. If you don't already have You've Got It csg, it's great to own - it's the least orangey nude csg MAC's done in years and not too light.  Do you love Just a Bite? Do you wear a lot of red lipsticks? Prepare For Pleasure is the surprise color of the collection for me. Some more neutral reds look dull on me, not bright and vibrant, but this one is just the right balance to look super rich and glowing and it's got that same amazing texture of JAB. I'd get this one instead of EE if you already have plenty of Riri Nude and wear red lips. I didn't think the csg that goes with was as special and am skipping it. Lavish Living FOR SURE for you!!! I thought all 3 MBs were crazy awesome but if you have to have just one, LL is the one for you. It's unique. Perfectly Poised is one I didn't go into here, but on me, the main color behaves like a deeper CoA main color (very sheer), it's not orangey on me but it is warm. The highlight is similar but gentler in color as STBS - again, from one angle you don't even see it and from another angle Woah Metallic Pink! I still think this is the safest of the 3 MSFs and least unique. If you really want to save money, you should try all 3 MSFs on in person then afterwards order online - I don't think these MSFs are going to sell out so fast that you won't be able to do this because I bet Temptalia is going to rag on them and they're all going to be hard to photograph. I do think all 3 will work really well on you, even CoA! Finally, if you like fluidlines that are more mid-tone than dark, I didn't get a chance to say how gorgeous Stares & Speculations is. It is totally NOT the glittery type like Deliciously Rich - it is just amazing metallic sheen. On me it's a perfect, slightly olive, golden pewter. Just the sort of color I usually can't wear. It's dark enough you can do winged liner and have the wing show up softly, but it's light enough and smooth enough that it makes a great base for the MES, which combine very well with it. If Local Wares was too dark and too olive for your taste, you're going to love S&S - to me, it was a must buy, but it's going to look different on a lot of people. It might look close on you, though, if you're not darker around the eyes than the rest of your skin.  I know for me, based on the swatches I saw, I am much more into this collection's shadows than the Magnetic Nude ones - a lot of those are going to be too light for me and too frosty compared to the unusually velvety MES here. I'm going to skip all of the EDES and am going to be picky about the new EDSFs. I think these MSFs are going to wind up being more unique. So my money's going to this collection and Punk Couture but Magnetic Nude will be my restraint collection. You know me - I don't like to be an auto-enabler, but I think this collection is pretty special in a way that's more understated than the usual Mineralize collection and is great for olive and NC/mixed red + sallow skin better than a lot of MAC collections. So, I hope I haven't been too confusing or make you feel like you have to get wild 'n crazy, but I want you to get the most unique things, if they work for you. Wait till it's in-store, check it all out, then order online - you won't miss out!
when I wear riri nude I like it best with a pale pink gloss over it to make it look like mlbb. I have a bu to riri nude. I don't really need EE... or do I? Lol


Well-known member
when I wear riri nude I like it beat with a pale pink gloss over it to make it look like mlbb. I have a bu to riri nude. I don't really need EE... or do I? Lol
Get EE, because backing up Riri Nude sounds like Evil Bay horror prices. No need to spend extra for Nude at all.


Well-known member
Get EE, because backing up Riri Nude sounds like Evil Bay horror prices. No need to spend extra for Nude at all.
I already have the bu I thought my order was gonna get canceled so I went n got it at Macy's. my original order went thru tho so now I have a bu. so should I still get EE? Lol