MAC Divine Night Collection (October 17, 2013)


Well-known member
No need to apologize to me love! You know it gets crazy with EVERY launch! It wasn't my idea (forget whose it was tho
), but i think it's brilliant! Hopefully it prevents all the guests from lurking and gives everyone else a chance who stalks the ability to get what they want!
Sorry if I'm overstepping my bounds, but what's the new system?


Well-known member
a few members online and like 400 lurkers waiting to buy up products. Not all lurkers are ebayers,
Just a little observation (which probably most know, but just in case)

I think many are not aware that if anyone chooses to remain invisible through their profile settings will show up as a "Guest" aka "lurker".
That's quite a few of us! But yeah unusually high numbers of guests is never a good sign ^^


Well-known member
lol and I'm the rude, drama queen? I start stuff? Did you just read what you typed? Since I've been on here (which hasn't been long, so that should say somethin there),you're always sayin something catty to someone who's new, who may post incorrectly, or say something that you deem to be private knowledge. Like really? I'm not feelin the clique-ish vibe this has. It's ridiculous! Grow up girl. and fyi I'm not one of those ppl who profit from anything I've read on this site. I don't use this site to gain info..I use it to relate to other women who like what I like and share what I purchased. So have a seat dear...have several seats.
Im sorry. Who was it that jumped in, quite rudely i might add, on my response (polite, mind you) to a fellow speckrette? She had no issues with my response, and no one else has either. Just you. Now who needs to take a seat?
I did too! Dun be mad, erine, pretty please?:heart:
Neva! I PMd you hun! But i also see that Richelle did too :haha:


Well-known member
Well someone fill me in on new system because I honestly don't read every post. Usually when I know a collection is launching I look at the last post of the thread on specktra to see if someone post "it's up on site map". That's honestly how I find out when a collection launches. It's hard to site stalk at work and I barely turn on my computer at home.


Well-known member
There really isn't newbies vs veterans here. People that contribute a lot get a lot of love in return. There's so much acceptance here of people from all backgrounds and bunnies, too. RiriCummings, I think you missed some of the back posts where Specktra members problem-solved the issue of having a few members online and like 400 lurkers waiting to buy up products. Not all lurkers are ebayers, but we just want members to have a fair chance at products, that's all.
Yes I totally get that. I'm not a lurker or ebayer tryin to buy up stuff for personal gain. Her comment was jus so off the wall to me. I guess it seems strange to ppl who've been here for yrs and yrs obtaining info but to a newcomer trying to share and get excited over new stuff, erin comes and tells someone don't do that anymore, in the forum where everyone reads. Something like that should be a PM otherwise it will be taken the wrong way to someone like myself who's new to actually joining the site, especially when the only reason I actually joined was to share lol but whatevs...over it...