Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
Fell down with a splat this weekend after some very long night shifts - post-night shift is a very dangerous time for my wallet (not the first time this has happened)! Anyway, I ordered a few Real Techniques brushes from iherb and some Sigma brushes as well (E25, E52, F15) - those copper ferrules got me. I guess I can cross the MAC brushes from my list, and they're all things I will definitely use, I just wasn't planning on spending that money this week. Note to self: hide wallet after night shift.
TOTALLY understand. i work nights and its when i do the most of my shopping and research for things on my wishlist lol. whats worse is i was on a group where my paydays fell on my nights i worked
total set up!!!


Well-known member
Most of the time I purchase something at night, when I'm tired and can't think straight, I regret it >.< need to leave myself window to think stuff over, my new year resolution: No impulse shopping!


Well-known member
Fell down with a splat this weekend after some very long night shifts - post-night shift is a very dangerous time for my wallet (not the first time this has happened)! Anyway, I ordered a few Real Techniques brushes from iherb and some Sigma brushes as well (E25, E52, F15) - those copper ferrules got me. I guess I can cross the MAC brushes from my list, and they're all things I will definitely use, I just wasn't planning on spending that money this week. Note to self: hide wallet after night shift.
I think that's a pretty common theme! Also possibly why MAC releases collections at random hours.. gotta make sure we're stalking and sleep deprived so we make poor decisions lol! That's not too bad of a slip though, I wouldn't call it a splat. What do you think you get out of ordering? Relaxation? Comfort? The thrill of crossing something off your to-do list? If you pinpoint what you're craving out of it maybe you can replace it with something else rather than trying to resist altogether?


Well-known member
That's awesome!! And without knowing this info... we've all sort of put a lot of this together as a team... so that's so cool!
I think this thread is part of "find a way to enjoy yourself" for me!!
We all realized very early on that being specific about our own personal goal was of PRIME IMPORTANCE!! So, I stress to everyone to do that if you still haven't.

Thanks for posting this veronikawithak! It REALLY helps drive everything home! And we'll need these little reminders from time to time. So anyone that finds motivational quotes, article links, pointers, or good tips... PLEASE SHARE! It will take a lot of support to keep us all on track! #TeamLowBuy
This thread has been so perfect for me! I cut myself off from Specktra last year when I realized it was triggering part of my overspending and I'm glad it's turned into a more balanced forum in that way. I can still enjoy chatting with others who have similar interests and yet not feel like I need to buy anything to feel included.

My motto for this year is: "Collect to love; don't love to collect." And this thread is massively contributing to that attitude of maintaining a collection of loves, not a collection of dustbunny magnets. Also recommend the "use it up" thread for anyone who hasn't seen it! I think they go hand in hand. :)


Well-known member
Veronika, you have been doing great. Nobody can really make our choices for us -- we ultimately decide what we spend on. Some don't have a budget made, other's have money to spare, and other's think that makeup is a collectible.

Kids please understand: MAKEUP IS NOT A COLLECTIBLE. It is a personal use and enjoyment, an item subject to individual taste, with no intrinsic value other than what we ascribe to it. It gets broken, it get's old and unusable. Once used, it is worthless to others. Some people buy it and then try to resell it for a few dollars more, and do so. Good for them, but it's not a valid business model since it has no longevity. But what if once purchased it gets broken? damaged? .. it is not a commodity like gold, silver, nor is it art or jewelry.

people who want to collect should buy gold (it's gone down in price), silver, art, vintage costume jewelry, comics, pottery, land.. lol. Whatever you like which can be resold if push comes to shove.

again -- repeat after me: MAKEUP IS NOT A COLLECTIBLE.


Well-known member
Veronika, you have been doing great. Nobody can really make our choices for us -- we ultimately decide what we spend on. Some don't have a budget made, other's have money to spare, and other's think that makeup is a collectible.

Kids please understand: MAKEUP IS NOT A COLLECTIBLE. It is a personal use and enjoyment, an item subject to individual taste, with no intrinsic value other than what we ascribe to it. It gets broken, it get's old and unusable. Once used, it is worthless to others. Some people buy it and then try to resell it for a few dollars more, and do so. Good for them, but it's not a valid business model since it has no longevity. But what if once purchased it gets broken? damaged? .. it is not a commodity like gold, silver, nor is it art or jewelry.

people who want to collect should buy gold (it's gone down in price), silver, art, vintage costume jewelry, comics, pottery, land.. lol. Whatever you like which can be resold if push comes to shove.

again -- repeat after me: MAKEUP IS NOT A COLLECTIBLE.
Can I get an AMEN!? Thank you!

I never meant to "collect" makeup... I just started buying what I liked. I never cared or paid attention to LE collections or even shades that were current for the season. When I got into modeling, acting, performing... and started working w AMAZING makeup artists.. that's when my trouble began! I took little lists home from almost every shoot! Thinking, I can make myself look just like that if I had THOSE SPECIFIC products! Then I started following collections. Then I started getting a ton of work... so I justified the purchases by telling myself "this is for my career, so it's ok to have more than the average person." Then the discounts came... And 10 years later I'm a makeup collecting hoarder. I'm trying to take myself back to my mindset before it all began. But I know that's not realistic. Because now I know so much more about makeup... the formulas, the different finishes, the way certain colors work together, etc, And I'm glad to have acquired that info! It's come in handy on location for my job, and even doing my own makeup for appearances and shoots! Situations I'd NEVER have considered NOT having a makeup artist at all times! But my "collection" has gotten way out of hand. I know it has no value beyond myself. And I certainly never bought it thinking of selling it. But I REALLY need to come to grips with what I have. Clear out things I'll never use. Pass on multiple backups to others who will love them. And be able to grab a little something here and there because I like it! NOT because I "NEED" it or the world will come to an end if I don't have the latest version of fuchsia lipstick!

Have I told you all lately that I LOVE our thread!!!!???? Every time I come here, I feel so much better about my goals. Thanks ladies!


Well-known member
Veronika, you have been doing great. Nobody can really make our choices for us -- we ultimately decide what we spend on. Some don't have a budget made, other's have money to spare, and other's think that makeup is a collectible.

Kids please understand: MAKEUP IS NOT A COLLECTIBLE. It is a personal use and enjoyment, an item subject to individual taste, with no intrinsic value other than what we ascribe to it. It gets broken, it get's old and unusable. Once used, it is worthless to others. Some people buy it and then try to resell it for a few dollars more, and do so. Good for them, but it's not a valid business model since it has no longevity. But what if once purchased it gets broken? damaged? .. it is not a commodity like gold, silver, nor is it art or jewelry.

people who want to collect should buy gold (it's gone down in price), silver, art, vintage costume jewelry, comics, pottery, land.. lol. Whatever you like which can be resold if push comes to shove.

again -- repeat after me: MAKEUP IS NOT A COLLECTIBLE.
"Makeup is not a collectible.. Makeup is not a collectible.. Makeup is not a collectible."
Haha! Thank you for that, so true.

Honestly it doesn't bother me if someone else wants to consider their makeup hoard a collection. If you have the money for that and you don't mind "archiving" products that expire, by all means go for it. That's just not for me. I can't see the point of having 10 drawers of limited edition lipglosses that you'd be afraid of putting on your lips 5 years later.. or just having them sit there and look pretty. That's what I display art and pictures on my walls for. When I first started really playing with makeup a few years ago (at like 23! haha) I wanted to try all these new things and so I amassed a hoard of products, some of which I liked and some of which were hype that I bought into. The upside of that is now I realize what works for me and what doesn't.. What kind of "makeup lifestyle" I want and what I don't. And I don't want things just sitting there deteriorating. Makeup is a consumable to me. I want to get to a place where I cycle products in and out every season and use them up within a year or two max. This year is about experimenting to see what that magic number is for me!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Oh my, Pixie, your new avi! My eyes almost popped out, lol!

I'm glad I'm over my MAC collecting phase. Where I felt I had to buy something from a certain collection just to have it. I still have a long way to go though,right now I'm fighting the urge to buy two Perfect Topping MSF. I will stay strong and only get one! HerGreyness is right, makeup shoudln't be a collectible. I'm trying to look at it as something I use, something that expires. I'm still planning to sell more of my stash as time goes by. It always feels so good to get rid of some items I haven't used in while and felt bad about it.
My goal is to have a well edited collection, enough variety to choose from, but no dust collectors. I feel like I've been doing great so far.

One item I really want to get soon is the new Nars primer. Then Perfect Topping and I think one new lipstick, MAC, Chanel or Armani, which I'll probably have a gift card for.And I want the darn Sculpt powder, which is not available on the german site. Other than that I'll be saving for Hakuhodos, Chanel Les Beiges collection and an Hourglass blush. Well, and whatever I want from the Proenza collection, one powder and maybe a lipstick. That will hopefully be all until summer.


Well-known member
I agree, it's so easy to slip into the collecting phase without even realizing it!! And no, the world will not end if you don't have that fuchsia lipstick that looks half a percent of pink different than all of the other fuchsia lipsticks! I'll remind you of that later haha. What's the worst that could happen? I need to ask myself that all the time. Veronika, what's the worst that could happen if you don't buy that shiny new palette? Is life going to go on? Yes. Is there going to be an almost identical palette next year? Yes. It's wayyy more often I regret things I DID buy than things I DIDN'T buy. I honestly can't think of a time I didn't buy a piece of makeup and regretted it later. And even if I did, the ratio would be like 95:5, so there you go!
"Makeup is not a collectible.. Makeup is not a collectible.. Makeup is not a collectible."
Haha! Thank you for that, so true.

Honestly it doesn't bother me if someone else wants to consider their makeup hoard a collection. If you have the money for that and you don't mind "archiving" products that expire, by all means go for it. That's just not for me. I can't see the point of having 10 drawers of limited edition lipglosses that you'd be afraid of putting on your lips 5 years later.. or just having them sit there and look pretty. That's what I display art and pictures on my walls for. When I first started really playing with makeup a few years ago (at like 23! haha) I wanted to try all these new things and so I amassed a hoard of products, some of which I liked and some of which were hype that I bought into. The upside of that is now I realize what works for me and what doesn't.. What kind of "makeup lifestyle" I want and what I don't. And I don't want things just sitting there deteriorating. Makeup is a consumable to me. I want to get to a place where I cycle products in and out every season and use them up within a year or two max. This year is about experimenting to see what that magic number is for me!
Please DO remind me!!! HeeHee
And you're absolutely right... I have a lot more buyers remorse than skippers remorse! If I skip something and then find out later it was just incredible... all I really have to do is wait a little bit for it to be repromoted (because if it's that good it will!) or it's twin sister to be released... and most of the time new products have a nicer, upgraded formula!! So experimenting and holding off on some new things until they perfect it could be a huge PLUS!
A good example is Perfect Topping MSF. I skipped it the first time. I have been beating myself up about it. But refused to breakdown and buy it at an inflated price. And now... it's coming back out! Do I feel I missed out those years I didn't have it? No. And now I'm even happier to be able to get it and I know I'll actually USE it because of the eagerness!

I hope you find your magic number hun!!! I know I'm using this year to really re-evaluate what my mind tells me I "want" versus what I "need"... and find a happy middle ground!


Well-known member
Oh my, Pixie, your new avi! My eyes almost popped out, lol!

I'm glad I'm over my MAC collecting phase. Where I felt I had to buy something from a certain collection just to have it. I still have a long way to go though,right now I'm fighting the urge to buy two Perfect Topping MSF. I will stay strong and only get one! HerGreyness is right, makeup shoudln't be a collectible. I'm trying to look at it as something I use, something that expires. I'm still planning to sell more of my stash as time goes by. It always feels so good to get rid of some items I haven't used in while and felt bad about it.
My goal is to have a well edited collection, enough varitely to choose from, but no dust collectors. I feel like I've been doing great so far.

One item I really want to get soon is the new Nars primer. Then Perfect Topping and I think one new lipstick, MAC, Chanel or Armani, which I'll probably have a gift card for.And I want the darn Sculpt powder, which is not available on the german site. Other than that I'll be saving for Hakuhodos, Chanel Les Beiges collection and an Hourglass blush. Well, and whatever I want from the Proenza collection, one powder and maybe a lipstick. That will hopefully be all until summer.
Lol @ the avi comment. Me too! Love it though!

Funny that we're talking about this, I've just come face to face with the mortality of powder products. I always viewed them as okay to hoard because in my mind they'd last theoretically years and years indefinitely. In practice? They expire. I've composed the following haiku as an ode to a fallen friend:

naked lunch shadow
why did you go hard on me?
scraped without success

@Naynadine You'll get there! I've only purchased one backup and it was Ronnie Red from the Archie's collection because I loved it when I got it. I've worn it like 5 times? Backup is sitting there. Do you really want to spend the $ on an identical product when you could get something different to try? Clearing out is definitely a process! Something I found really helped was to inventory my entire stash, and record the date of every single time I used every item. You really see the sheer numbers of what you have and the percentage of products you actually use day to day. One month I used like 4 eyeshadows out of almost 70? That's like 5%! Try and let go of the sub-par dupes and the things you absolutely hate first to ease yourself into it.


Well-known member
Oh my, Pixie, your new avi! My eyes almost popped out, lol!

I'm glad I'm over my MAC collecting phase. Where I felt I had to buy something from a certain collection just to have it. I still have a long way to go though,right now I'm fighting the urge to buy two Perfect Topping MSF. I will stay strong and only get one! HerGreyness is right, makeup shoudln't be a collectible. I'm trying to look at it as something I use, something that expires. I'm still planning to sell more of my stash as time goes by. It always feels so good to get rid of some items I haven't used in while and felt bad about it.
My goal is to have a well edited collection, enough varitely to choose from, but no dust collectors. I feel like I've been doing great so far.

One item I really want to get soon is the new Nars primer. Then Perfect Topping and I think one new lipstick, MAC, Chanel or Armani, which I'll probably have a gift card for.And I want the darn Sculpt powder, which is not available on the german site. Other than that I'll be saving for Hakuhodos, Chanel Les Beiges collection and an Hourglass blush. Well, and whatever I want from the Proenza collection, one powder and maybe a lipstick. That will hopefully be all until summer.
THANK YOU soooo much girlie! I am SO ready for SPRING! I wanted to change my avi to one from my recent photoshoot that's being published in March.... I'm pretty proud of the accomplishment after all the years I've been in the business! The magazine's last covergirl was a former Playboy Playmate that's 10 years younger than me!! Not too shabby for a veteran! HeeHee

I also wanted to show an example of what I HAVE taken away from years of collecting... This shoot was the first I ever did my own makeup! NO major magazine will allow that sort of thing. But I told them to trust me and save the money. They were thrilled with the result, and now I have a magazine credit as the model AND the MUA / Wardrobe Stylist... for my OWN shoot! So I look at that as a positive result of this overwhelming obsession that I have! But I can DEFINITELY slow down now! I don't think there are enough photoshoots in the WORLDDDD! LOL


Well-known member
@Naynadine I'm with you on the PT MSF too... I was originally going to get 2. But I told myself NO MORE BU'S this year! And if I DID get a BU, it would count as 1 of my 3 items in that collection. So, I have decided it's a NO GO for PTx2! I am going to have to try 1 of the Hourglass blushes too, as much as I like the Ambient powders!! But with ALL my blushes, I can really only justify ONE to try!

And did you consider the new Anastasia contour palette at all? I think it's much cheaper and supposed to be fantastic. I have too many products to use up before I'll allow myself to get it, but maybe look into it.

@veronikawithak I'm with you about purging the unloved/unused products. That's part of my goal this year!

And... sorry about your eyes! LOL


Well-known member
THANK YOU soooo much girlie! I am SO ready for SPRING! I wanted to change my avi to one from my recent photoshoot that's being published in March.... I'm pretty proud of the accomplishment after all the years I've been in the business! The magazine's last covergirl was a former Playboy Playmate that's 10 years younger than me!! Not too shabby for a veteran! HeeHee

I also wanted to show an example of what I HAVE taken away from years of collecting... This shoot was the first I ever did my own makeup! NO major magazine will allow that sort of thing. But I told them to trust me and save the money. They were thrilled with the result, and now I have a magazine credit as the model AND the MUA / Wardrobe Stylist... for my OWN shoot! So I look at that as a positive result of this overwhelming obsession that I have! But I can DEFINITELY slow down now! I don't think there are enough photoshoots in the WORLDDDD! LOL
you look phenomenal:)


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
THANK YOU soooo much girlie! I am SO ready for SPRING! I wanted to change my avi to one from my recent photoshoot that's being published in March.... I'm pretty proud of the accomplishment after all the years I've been in the business! The magazine's last covergirl was a former Playboy Playmate that's 10 years younger than me!! Not too shabby for a veteran! HeeHee

I also wanted to show an example of what I HAVE taken away from years of collecting... This shoot was the first I ever did my own makeup! NO major magazine will allow that sort of thing. But I told them to trust me and save the money. They were thrilled with the result, and now I have a magazine credit as the model AND the MUA / Wardrobe Stylist... for my OWN shoot! So I look at that as a positive result of this overwhelming obsession that I have! But I can DEFINITELY slow down now! I don't think there are enough photoshoots in the WORLDDDD! LOL
Congrats on that accomplishment! You look fabulous!


Well-known member
Please DO remind me!!! HeeHee
And you're absolutely right... I have a lot more buyers remorse than skippers remorse! If I skip something and then find out later it was just incredible... all I really have to do is wait a little bit for it to be repromoted (because if it's that good it will!) or it's twin sister to be released... and most of the time new products have a nicer, upgraded formula!! So experimenting and holding off on some new things until they perfect it could be a huge PLUS!
A good example is Perfect Topping MSF. I skipped it the first time. I have been beating myself up about it. But refused to breakdown and buy it at an inflated price. And now... it's coming back out! Do I feel I missed out those years I didn't have it? No. And now I'm even happier to be able to get it and I know I'll actually USE it because of the eagerness!

I hope you find your magic number hun!!! I know I'm using this year to really re-evaluate what my mind tells me I "want" versus what I "need"... and find a happy middle ground!
Yes!! I feel exactly the same. I wasn't into MAC when Shell Pearl was around initially but caught it on the repromote last year and love it. Would it have been worth extra time and money to track it down earlier? No. Would I have been pissed when it got repromoted like the next year with an awesome pattern? YES! Lol. By the time you get around to using the backup, there's definitely going to be something just as good or better, or a reformulation!

I hope you find your middle ground. :) Sounds like you're off to a pretty great start!


Well-known member
Yes!! I feel exactly the same. I wasn't into MAC when Shell Pearl was around initially but caught it on the repromote last year and love it. Would it have been worth extra time and money to track it down earlier? No. Would I have been pissed when it got repromoted like the next year with an awesome pattern? YES! Lol. By the time you get around to using the backup, there's definitely going to be something just as good or better, or a reformulation!

I hope you find your middle ground. :) Sounds like you're off to a pretty great start!
YESSSS Girl, yes! I feel like I have already made HUGE strides towards my goals. Last year, I'd have probably grabbed 2 if not 3 PT's! Now, I'm able to see things for what they are.... It's JUST a powder. Pretty no doubt, but I'm probably the only one that would know that I'm wearing PT and not another of my MANY Skinfinishes or Highlighters! I think sometimes (especially on a makeup lovers site like Specktra) people try to justify in their own minds multiple products that are practically the same thing! Yes there ARE subtle differences but they key word is SUBTLE!!!


Well-known member
THANK YOU soooo much girlie! I am SO ready for SPRING! I wanted to change my avi to one from my recent photoshoot that's being published in March.... I'm pretty proud of the accomplishment after all the years I've been in the business! The magazine's last covergirl was a former Playboy Playmate that's 10 years younger than me!! Not too shabby for a veteran! HeeHee

I also wanted to show an example of what I HAVE taken away from years of collecting... This shoot was the first I ever did my own makeup! NO major magazine will allow that sort of thing. But I told them to trust me and save the money. They were thrilled with the result, and now I have a magazine credit as the model AND the MUA / Wardrobe Stylist... for my OWN shoot! So I look at that as a positive result of this overwhelming obsession that I have! But I can DEFINITELY slow down now! I don't think there are enough photoshoots in the WORLDDDD! LOL
You look absolutely GORGEOUS in that photo.. I can't imagine someone 10 years younger than you as a model for anything other than the JC Penney back to school! That's so amazing that you did the modelling AND makeup/wardrobe!! That is such a fantastic achievement for sure, and something you'll always be able to look back on and be proud of yourself for! But it's the experience you'll cherish, not necessarily the products although they look great too haha.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by PixieDancer Awwwwww Thanks so much ladies!

YESSSS Girl, yes! I feel like I have already made HUGE strides towards my goals. Last year, I'd have probably grabbed 2 if not 3 PT's! Now, I'm able to see things for what they are.... It's JUST a powder. Pretty no doubt, but I'm probably the only one that would know that I'm wearing PT and not another of my MANY Skinfinishes or Highlighters! I think sometimes (especially on a makeup lovers site like Specktra) people try to justify in their own minds multiple products that are practically the same thing! Yes there ARE subtle differences but they key word is SUBTLE!!!

Subtle = YES! You're so right. If I went out with a fancy new product on my face nobody would look at it and know it was anything other than some sort of makeup. If it was REALLY THAT AMAZING, people would be like: "Wow you look so healthy and rested. Did you age -5 years last night?" NOT "Oh wow, you must be wearing PT."


Well-known member
You're getting there! Even just starting with one area of your collection like lipsticks, maybe the easiest area for you to let go, you'll see how much you love having a more streamlined stash and the contagion to minimize will spread!! I'm telling you, inventory is the key! Haha. One day, you'll be ready. And it will be a revolution!

You look absolutely GORGEOUS in that photo.. I can't imagine someone 10 years younger than you as a model for anything other than the JC Penney back to school! That's so amazing that you did the modelling AND makeup/wardrobe!! That is such a fantastic achievement for sure, and something you'll always be able to look back on and be proud of yourself for! But it's the experience you'll cherish, not necessarily the products although they look great too haha.
Oh absolutely! I have had a lifetime of amazing experiences and memories! I have been extremely blessed!
I'm just proud to know that along with my growing collection came a growing knowledge of products and how to use them! The education I gained allowed me to do something I never would have had the confidence to do more than 10 years ago when I first started on my journey. I'm grateful for that, and it helps me be at peace with the past decisions I've made that probably weren't always great in terms of buying and collecting... But now I need to understand that I need to move forward. That the makeup is nice, but feeling unburdened by STUFF is a much nicer feeling than HAVING unnecessary stuff!

And thank you very much for the kind words!


Well-known member
Oh my, Pixie, your new avi! My eyes almost popped out, lol!

I'm glad I'm over my MAC collecting phase. Where I felt I had to buy something from a certain collection just to have it. I still have a long way to go though,right now I'm fighting the urge to buy two Perfect Topping MSF. I will stay strong and only get one! HerGreyness is right, makeup shoudln't be a collectible. I'm trying to look at it as something I use, something that expires. I'm still planning to sell more of my stash as time goes by. It always feels so good to get rid of some items I haven't used in while and felt bad about it.
My goal is to have a well edited collection, enough varitely to choose from, but no dust collectors. I feel like I've been doing great so far.

One item I really want to get soon is the new Nars primer. Then Perfect Topping and I think one new lipstick, MAC, Chanel or Armani, which I'll probably have a gift card for.And I want the darn Sculpt powder, which is not available on the german site. Other than that I'll be saving for Hakuhodos, Chanel Les Beiges collection and an Hourglass blush. Well, and whatever I want from the Proenza collection, one powder and maybe a lipstick. That will hopefully be all until summer.

Lol @ the avi comment. Me too! Love it though!

Funny that we're talking about this, I've just come face to face with the mortality of powder products. I always viewed them as okay to hoard because in my mind they'd last theoretically years and years indefinitely. In practice? They expire. I've composed the following haiku as an ode to a fallen friend:

naked lunch shadow
why did you go hard on me?
scraped without success

@Naynadine You'll get there! I've only purchased one backup and it was Ronnie Red from the Archie's collection because I loved it when I got it. I've worn it like 5 times? Backup is sitting there. Do you really want to spend the $ on an identical product when you could get something different to try? Clearing out is definitely a process! Something I found really helped was to inventory my entire stash, and record the date of every single time I used every item. You really see the sheer numbers of what you have and the percentage of products you actually use day to day. One month I used like 4 eyeshadows out of almost 70? That's like 5%! Try and let go of the sub-par dupes and the things you absolutely hate first to ease yourself into it.

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