Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
To keep myself motivated (and occupied) during my February no-buy I've decided to make up a challenge for myself!

I'm going to use EVERY single one of my color products at least once, without repeats. This includes lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, nail polish, liners, etc. Exceptions are: special events and eyeshadow repeats like highlighting or crease shades which I don't have as many of.

Feel free to play along with me or come up with your own rules!


Well-known member
To keep myself motivated (and occupied) during my February no-buy I've decided to make up a challenge for myself! I'm going to use EVERY single one of my color products at least once, without repeats. This includes lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, nail polish, liners, etc. Exceptions are: special events and eyeshadow repeats like highlighting or crease shades which I don't have as many of. Feel free to play along with me or come up with your own rules!
This is a great idea!! I love it! I'll try and do the same :D


Well-known member
I like the idea of using this "game" to to re-evaluate and up-grade my make-up experience.
I'm doing a similar thing, using almost forgotten cosmetics to see how they work, tweaking colours and resolutely consigning products that simply don't make the cut to a "give-away" baggie, which, when it's full will be given to people I know will make good use of it.

Life is too short to be weighed down with unloved cosmetics.
And the money saved from resisting buying what you know you don't really want!
I reckon the money I'm saving from this "game" will pay, at least in 3-5 years for that trip down the Nile I've always dreamed of.
That said, they'll have to pry my LMdB Corinthian from my dead and stiffening fingers.


Well-known member
I like the idea of using this "game" to to re-evaluate and up-grade my make-up experience.
I'm doing a similar thing, using almost forgotten cosmetics to see how they work, tweaking colours and resolutely consigning products that simply don't make the cut to a "give-away" baggie, which, when it's full will be given to people I know will make good use of it.

Life is too short to be weighed down with unloved cosmetics.
And the money saved from resisting buying what you know you don't really want!
I reckon the money I'm saving from this "game" will pay, at least in 3-5 years for that trip down the Nile I've always dreamed of.
That said, they'll have to pry my LMdB Corinthian from my dead and stiffening fingers.
Right on! Keep us updated on your progress ladies! I'm excited to get out of my makeup rut.


Well-known member
Hey everyone :) My low-buy started yesterday (1st Feb) since January was my birthday month I did treat myself a fair bit. That's all behind me now and my low buy is in full swing! Since I am trying the "French Wardrobe" approach I set some rules up. I'm a stickler for rules and trying to regulate myself in some way, can't help it.

5 products per season (I lump spring/summer and autumn/winter together making it 10 products a year). That's in an attempt to really make me think about purchases. I can't exceed 5 in a season but I don't have to buy 5 if that makes sense?

No budget, I won't be buying much so I can afford to spend if there's something I really think I need (as long as it falls in line with my challenge).

Finish a product up before buying another. This is so my purchases stay low and I'm more thoughtful. I can give myself the option to not finish a product but it has to be something I've really tried to work with.

What with me spoiling myself a little and then birthday gifts on top I am confident I can work with this model. I destashed recently too but anything left over I am donating to a charity since 90% of the stuff is very lightly used. I'm decluttering my life in many ways lately, just happens that I started with make up.


Well-known member
I feel ya girl - I understand and feel the same struggles myself. Sometimes it feels like a never ending treadmill of disappointing myself. It's time to get off the treadmill now - so we won't be on it in another 10 years!!!
Yes it is. I think if I set myself limits, I'll do better. I have so many goals; it's time to start reaching them!


Well-known member
Hey everyone :) My low-buy started yesterday (1st Feb) since January was my birthday month I did treat myself a fair bit. That's all behind me now and my low buy is in full swing! Since I am trying the "French Wardrobe" approach I set some rules up. I'm a stickler for rules and trying to regulate myself in some way, can't help it.

5 products per season (I lump spring/summer and autumn/winter together making it 10 products a year). That's in an attempt to really make me think about purchases. I can't exceed 5 in a season but I don't have to buy 5 if that makes sense?

No budget, I won't be buying much so I can afford to spend if there's something I really think I need (as long as it falls in line with my challenge).

Finish a product up before buying another. This is so my purchases stay low and I'm more thoughtful. I can give myself the option to not finish a product but it has to be something I've really tried to work with.

What with me spoiling myself a little and then birthday gifts on top I am confident I can work with this model. I destashed recently too but anything left over I am donating to a charity since 90% of the stuff is very lightly used. I'm decluttering my life in many ways lately, just happens that I started with make up.
I absolutely love the french wardrobe style! Have you ever read this blog before? It has some great ideas about developing capsule wardrobes but also a simplified makeup look.
I've been on the decluttering train for the past year or so too.
I'd eventually like to have a seasonal approach to makeup where I use up and replace a few products a season rather than having a huge stash of new products all at once.


Well-known member
To keep myself motivated (and occupied) during my February no-buy I've decided to make up a challenge for myself! I'm going to use EVERY single one of my color products at least once, without repeats. This includes lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, nail polish, liners, etc. Exceptions are: special events and eyeshadow repeats like highlighting or crease shades which I don't have as many of. Feel free to play along with me or come up with your own rules!
That's a really good idea!


Well-known member
So to keep track of the products I am using and to keep myself motivated I will share with you guys what I use each day :) Today I used: Romantico e/s Friendly e/s Cream Soda blush Lollipop Lovin' l/s I am so excited about this challenge!! :D Thank you Veronika for sharing this idea with us!


Well-known member
I am so excited about this challenge!!
That's a fun idea.
To keep track of mine I'm using the Excel table I made for my stash inventory. It has the date I used each product and a totals column for the end of the month. Then I can see how many products got 0 uses, which ones got the highest, etc. Really helps me see what needs to be adjusted! I'm going to keep a record for the whole 12 months of low-buy and at the end of the year, anything I didn't use enough is going!

Today I used Flatter Me pearlmatte, Painterly paint pot, Dazzlelight eyeshadow and NARS Barbarella lipstick - made me glad I didn't order Fleur d'Coral since I don't need more than one sheer coral lipstick.


Well-known member
[@]ILoveMakeup84[/@] Thanks for sharing your stash & purge pics!! I love these... Thanks for starting that [@]serenityy[/@]!!! Very motivational!
I know the feeling... it's the inner addict in us. Tomorrow is my only sister's 2nd anniversary.  She died young and beautiful of  miserable cancer.  I don't condone what I do because of the pain I have felt over the years .. I just think it's time I finally took charge of my life and emotions.  And I am working on that goal. so hang on, hang tough.. and plod.
My heart bleeds for stories like these... Sending you more hugs than you know! Family is SO important to me and I know the devastation felt by losing someone so close to your heart... Especially in such a horrible way!! Thanks for sharing this and your struggles. It really is so important to work through the hurt and get to a better place in our souls! Sounds like you are getting there... I'm sure your sister would be proud of your progress and smiling that you are doing so much better everyday!
I'm so sorry for your loss. It is so easy to take measures to dull the pain, but it ultimately doesn't go away. In those cases, it just lingers beneath the surface. That's exactly what I'm trying to do- take charge of my life and my emotions. I've given myself so many excuses over the years, and I always manage to find more. I will hang tough! I just have to stay accountable and realize that as long as I let myself slip and let myself make excuses, it'll be another ten years and I'll still be in this same position. 
Accountability and no excuses... Great advice and awareness sweetness!! You can do ANYTHING! BELIEVE IN YOUR STRENGTH! Hugs for you too!!
Does anyone use the Alex drawers from Ikea to organize their makeup? I need to invest in some makeup storage and have been eyeing those for a couple of years now!
I've seen those used a lot! I don't have an IKEA near me and their shipping charges are insane, so I personally went w an elfa storage system from the Container Store. They are currently running their annual 30% off sale! Maybe look into that option and see if it would suit you! Let's us know what you decide!! And of course we'd love to see pics!!
I am so sorry HerGreyness. Although different circumstances, I can identify with what you have been going through. My son passed away just over two years ago now, and it has been a devastating and really tough go. I also don't condone my spending habits and am making a serious effort to make changes to my life as well. It won't happen over night I know, but at least I am trying. I really appreciate your candor and encouragement of others. Thanks for sharing.
My gawd.. That hurt must be immeasurable. Thank you for telling your story. Stay strong and know you can handle these trials... I hear He doesn't give us more than we can handle, so He must have very high standards in some cases.. But you can do it! I wish I could give all you ladies the biggest hugs!! You are truly angels!
 Yep, stay strong, ladies. I completely failed January. I don't even wanna add my spendings because I'm really afraid of the total. However, I'm quite positive for February because there is absolutely nothing that is interesting for me. There are no MAC collections coming out this month in Germany except for Viva Glam but I can also get the gloss in a few months. I'll only buy staples.
Failing is human my dear... But I know you can do this!! Stick w it and don't give up! Cheering for you and your no-buy!!
To keep myself motivated (and occupied) during my February no-buy I've decided to make up a challenge for myself! I'm going to use EVERY single one of my color products at least once, without repeats. This includes lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, nail polish, liners, etc. Exceptions are: special events and eyeshadow repeats like highlighting or crease shades which I don't have as many of. Feel free to play along with me or come up with your own rules!
Great idea!! Just an FYI... In the first post I linked a thread called Theme Makeup With A Purpose... They do awesome monthly themes & goals to use more of their products! So along w your new game here... Peak in there and see if you can get some inspiration too!! Posting your daily products is super cool too!! I'm interested in seeing your posts on this girlies!!


Well-known member
That's a fun idea. :) To keep track of mine I'm using the Excel table I made for my stash inventory. It has the date I used each product and a totals column for the end of the month. Then I can see how many products got 0 uses, which ones got the highest, etc. Really helps me see what needs to be adjusted! I'm going to keep a record for the whole 12 months of low-buy and at the end of the year, anything I didn't use enough is going! Today I used Flatter Me pearlmatte, Painterly paint pot, Dazzlelight eyeshadow and NARS Barbarella lipstick - made me glad I didn't order Fleur d'Coral since I don't need more than one sheer coral lipstick.
The Excel idea is great and super helpful. I am going to do that too for the whole year!

Audrey C

Well-known member
I'm having so much fun in the swap thread! I'm heading to the post office later today to ship off my first two packages. It's been fun to chat to other low-buy members and trade things that just aren't getting any love in our own stashes. I'm happy to have not wasted the items I bought and don't use, and I even get some new items to enjoy (*cough*yet more blush*cough*) in return. We all get to clear out the things that aren't being used for items that are a better choice. The best part is...we didn't have to buy a thing to do it! Sure, there's a mailing cost but that's way less than what we'd have spent buying new items.

If you're not participating, give it serious thought. These new to me items will be as much fun as a Sephora box, and there's no guilt associated with getting them. Of course it takes trust, but there are some great ladies on this thread who are both honest and thoughtful. I'm enjoying getting to know some of them. :)

Yay us!


Well-known member
So to keep track of the products I am using and to keep myself motivated I will share with you guys what I use each day :) Today I used: Romantico e/s Friendly e/s Cream Soda blush Lollipop Lovin' l/s I am so excited about this challenge!! :D Thank you Veronika for sharing this idea with us!
I love this idea! I recently started writing down in my journal what I used for the day but I think it would be more fun to share with each other and make this journey more enjoyable!
[@]ILoveMakeup84[/@] Thanks for sharing your stash & purge pics!! I love these... Thanks for starting that [@]serenityy[/@]!!! Very motivational! My heart bleeds for stories like these... Sending you more hugs than you know! Family is SO important to me and I know the devastation felt by losing someone so close to your heart... Especially in such a horrible way!! Thanks for sharing this and your struggles. It really is so important to work through the hurt and get to a better place in our souls! Sounds like you are getting there... I'm sure your sister would be proud of your progress and smiling that you are doing so much better everyday! Accountability and no excuses... Great advice and awareness sweetness!! You can do ANYTHING! BELIEVE IN YOUR STRENGTH! Hugs for you too!! I've seen those used a lot! I don't have an IKEA near me and their shipping charges are insane, so I personally went w an elfa storage system from the Container Store. They are currently running their annual 30% off sale! Maybe look into that option and see if it would suit you! Let's us know what you decide!! And of course we'd love to see pics!! My gawd.. That hurt must be immeasurable. Thank you for telling your story. Stay strong and know you can handle these trials... I hear He doesn't give us more than we can handle, so He must have very high standards in some cases.. But you can do it! I wish I could give all you ladies the biggest hugs!! You are truly angels! Failing is human my dear... But I know you can do this!! Stick w it and don't give up! Cheering for you and your no-buy!! Great idea!! Just an FYI... In the first post I linked a thread called Theme Makeup With A Purpose... They do awesome monthly themes & goals to use more of their products! So along w your new game here... Peak in there and see if you can get some inspiration too!! Posting your daily products is super cool too!! I'm interested in seeing your posts on this girlies!!
Glad I can help out! :)


Well-known member
The Excel idea is great and super helpful. I am going to do that too for the whole year!
Awesome! Good luck with it! I started a few months ago and it's already helped me curb my spending immensely..
Last month I only wore like 2 of my eyeshadows.. lol.
Clearly I wear a lot less eye makeup than I think I do during the school year and therefore don't need to be buying it until I use what I have!


Well-known member
I'm having so much fun in the swap thread! I'm heading to the post office later today to ship off my first two packages. It's been fun to chat to other low-buy members and trade things that just aren't getting any love in our own stashes. I'm happy to have not wasted the items I bought and don't use, and I even get some new items to enjoy (*cough*yet more blush*cough*) in return. We all get to clear out the things that aren't being used for items that are a better choice. The best part is...we didn't have to buy a thing to do it! Sure, there's a mailing cost but that's way less than what we'd have spent buying new items. If you're not participating, give it serious thought. These new to me items will be as much fun as a Sephora box, and there's no guilt associated with getting them. Of course it takes trust, but there are some great ladies on this thread who are both honest and thoughtful. I'm enjoying getting to know some of them. :) Yay us! :stars:
SUPERFANTASTIC!! Glad you're getting and giving new goodies! It is sometimes scary to swap on the internet, but that's why it's so nice we have such an intimate group here that we can all feel comfortable with! I'm happy its working out as planned for so many of us!! What did you swap?? I'm nosey! Heehee


Well-known member
Great idea!! Just an FYI... In the first post I linked a thread called Theme Makeup With A Purpose... They do awesome monthly themes & goals to use more of their products! So along w your new game here... Peak in there and see if you can get some inspiration too!!
Thanks Pixie! I think I've popped in there once or twice before but I'll definitely have to check it out again now that I'm in the challenge mood.


Well-known member
Ps. If anyone's feeling on the edge about wanting things from Fantasy of Flowers, avoid that thread like the plague right now. It's enabler-central with all of liba's posts! Lol.

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