I'm new to this forum. But I wanna apply for sephora. Every time I walk Into the store. I feel like I'm at home. I been in the restaurant business for about 5 years. Never had been in the makeup industry. I know about makeup but not to the extreme. Do you guys still think I should apply ? I wanna grow with the company. And learn more about makeup. They are currently only looking for a cashier nd seasonal. Which one do you think I got a better shot at?
I interviewed with Sephora in early November for a seasonal position. I went through one group interview and it was only me and two other girls. We were interviewed by both the Director in Charge of the store and the vice Director in Charge. I got a call three days later saying that I was hired as a seasonal employee.
On my first day the DIC (Director in Charge) introduced us to the rest of the cast who was working that day. She made a big deal about the fact that one of the girls who was now a makeup sales associate/consultant came to Sephora after having worked "in the fast food world". I mention this because I think it might not matter that you only have restaurant experience and no cosmetics experience, particularly if you are applying for a seasonal job. The might take into account your fast-paced efficiency and ability to move quickly on your feet.
I worked for Sephora for the season, from late November 2013 to late January 2013. In mid-January I was told that they would not be keeping me on as a permanent employee since they did not have enough room in their budget to hire all the seasonals. However, my DIC did tell me to apply again in 3 months time (April) and that she would definitely hire me again if there was an opening, since I exemplified Sephora's values.
I don't know who, if any of us seasonals got a permanent position at Sephora, but I do know that they hired at least 10 seasonal employees and could not possibly have kept them all.
My experience at Sephora was a good one, I enjoyed working there even though I was only a cashier. I absolutely intend to re-apply come April and try to get a permanent position. I know that one of the girls who worked for the holiday season had also worked the previous holiday season and she is probably one of the ones who got hired permanently because she showed her commitment to being a Sephora employee.
To the girl who asked about plus-size costumes, there were at least 2 or 3 girls at my Sephora who were plus-size and they were provided with tunics that fit.
Good luck to all who apply at Sephora and feel free to ask me any questions