Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
lol, yes it seems that some people will always have an opinion on other's choices of having kids or not, and what to have, or not SMH ;) I did not think I would have my second so soon after but it has been awesome! Wearing a baby carrier while pushing a toddler in a cart and using a double stroller helped me build some upper body muscle ;) I will see people with 3 or more kids and wonder how that works, like the dynamics and how they balance everything in general (because with even one it can be tricky). But I'd never think any of the kids were "accidents".... that's terrible to think of another person, especially an innocent kid.


Well-known member
Also I was catching up on a few pages and I totally support all of you who are debating or choosing to not have kids. Good for you! Do whatever you want, it's your life, and you get to decide what is best for you. I love my kids, but I certainly think life could be just as fulfilling without kids. Haters gonna hate.


Well-known member
lol, yes it seems that some people will always have an opinion on other's choices of having kids or not, and what to have, or not SMH ;)  I did not think I would have my second so soon after but it has been awesome!  Wearing a baby carrier while pushing a toddler in a cart and using a double stroller helped me build some upper body muscle ;)   I will see people with 3 or more kids and wonder how that works, like the dynamics and how they balance everything in general (because with even one it can be tricky).  But I'd never think any of the kids were "accidents".... that's terrible to think of another person, especially an innocent kid.  
I'm with you girl!! That double stroller can be tricky! Opening the door and jammin through! Lol


Well-known member
Decided to give up two things during Lent.

Makeup (New Purchases)
And sugar. (Cookies, candies, soda, cake ect)

This will probably help my low buy and add to my savings. Wish me luck everyone. I know By Request is in April too. Lent ends on the 17th.


Well-known member
Finally got to place my FOF order last night - 3 lipsticks! I really like lustres and these are shades (DD, SD, HH) I should be able to wear to work quite happily. They're within my max 3 items per collection limit, and even better I got them at 10% off and paid with loyalty points so no money leaving my wallet :) Even though they're perm, I'm also tempted to order the yellow CC cream, and a mineralize lippie and gloss (allowing myself one of each this year) from the new release now while I can get them at a discount, but need to swatch them first. I did compensate slightly by tossing out a few more things last night. I had 3 no-brand cream shadows that were not at all interesting so that was an easy decision. I also found a foundation that had separated. I never got on with it particularly well either (stupidly irritating delivery system) so no qualms about chucking it. I think there are a couple more drugstore foundations buried in my drawers somewhere that can go quite happily. I'll have another small purge at the weekend - doing it gradually to make it less painful! That means that since my low-buy started I am at 13 items in (6 of which are UD eyeliners in the set I bought!) , 14 out - net reduction of 1. The more I think about this low-buy, the more I think that the precise numbers/limits are not so important to me as finishing up the year with less than I started. Oh, and remember that crazy collection of Juicy Tubes I had sitting doing nothing? I started with 18, and tossed out a couple straight away that had gone off. I can't see me ever wearing these out the house again, I have so many other glosses I love more, so I am using them at night in place of regular lip balm. I think my lips are actually better for it too. I am just using each one until I get bored of it (at which point I feel I've had my money's worth) then throwing them out - if I tried to use them up I'll be stuck with them forever, those suckers are huge LOL. One way or another they will all be gone by the end of the year.


Well-known member
@jennyap - Hope you'll like the lipsticks! And congrats to getting rid of some old stuff, I know this can be hard.

I found someone who wants to buy my new Stereo Rose and although I really need the money and I just KNOW I wouldn't wear SR very often, I find it really hard to let it go. I'm also quite sad that I skipped FoF completely now - any normal person would be happy to have saved some money but I'm sad because I wanted to participate in the hype. Weird me.

Anyway - my yellow CC Cream arrived today and I quite like it. I need to find a way to apply it better but so far it does a great job. I used it as a primer and applied it under my foundation and somehow - even though I still used concealer and camouflage to cover up my acne scars and set it all with pressed powder - it makes me look way more natural than I usually look.
I want to get the lavender CC Cream, the yellow pressed powder, and the lavender pressed powder now as well but they're perm, so there's plenty of time left.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by SleepingBeauty

@jennyap - Hope you'll like the lipsticks! And congrats to getting rid of some old stuff, I know this can be hard.

I found someone who wants to buy my new Stereo Rose and although I really need the money and I just KNOW I wouldn't wear SR very often, I find it really hard to let it go. I'm also quite sad that I skipped FoF completely now - any normal person would be happy to have saved some money but I'm sad because I wanted to participate in the hype. Weird me.

Anyway - my yellow CC Cream arrived today and I quite like it. I need to find a way to apply it better but so far it does a great job. I used it as a primer and applied it under my foundation and somehow - even though I still used concealer and camouflage to cover up my acne scars and set it all with pressed powder - it makes me look way more natural than I usually look.
I want to get the lavender CC Cream, the yellow pressed powder, and the lavender pressed powder now as well but they're perm, so there's plenty of time left.

That's good to know about the yellow CC cream, that's the one I'd get if I do. I'm interested in the lavender powder too.


Well-known member
Decided to give up two things during Lent. Makeup (New Purchases) And sugar. (Cookies, candies, soda, cake ect) This will probably help my low buy and add to my savings. Wish me luck everyone. I know By Request is in April too. Lent ends on the 17th.
We must be on the exact same wavelength, because those are the EXACT two things I gave up! I love that someone else is doing them too (misery loves company haha) I was telling a friend yesterday that I feel like my "sacrifices" are so shallow. Mother Theresa probably gave up food or went on a a mission trip or spent those days in silence...I give up purchasing stuff I don't need and eating stuff I really don't need. But this is going to be hard! The struggle is real. We can support each other now haha.


Well-known member
But this is going to be hard! The struggle is real. We can support each other now haha.
We can! I can be very impulsive with makeup and sweets so I'm going to see how this pans out. But to be honest I gave up soda New Years day 2 years ago and don't really drink it now. Sometimes I backslide but I'm not like, a hardcore soda drinker anymore. Flavored water and sparkling water are like juice and soda to me. Will I get a soda when I go to a drivethru? Sometimes but you'll be surprised how much weight you lose once you stop drinking it. I know I can do this with sugar though. Makeup is something I got into a couple years ago really in terms of limited editions and following collection releases.I always had an interest in it but not how I do now or since joining Specktra My mom sells Mary Kay and even when I was a teenager I don't think I had the interest I have now. MAC was basically the center of the universe when you went to the mall.

But I said let me give up two things I know will be hard.
I almost said bread/carbs but decided not to get too crazy.


Active member
Love the deep thoughts and discussions going on here! Especially about kids, since I'm expecting my first in less than three weeks. Very excited! I always knew I wanted to be a mum, but I would never ever question someone who doesn''t. Rude and stupid! (Sitting here stuffing my face with chocolate, no way I'm giving that up for lent. My baby probably needs it, right? But looking forward to beeing able to work out again once my boy is born. I used to hit the gym 3 times a week until the beginning of my 8th month of pregnancy) So, make up. I just got a Tom Ford lippie. Argh. But on the other hand, I went through my bye bye box (love it, @naynadine!), and listed a ton of stuff on ebay (don't have access to the clearance bin yet, sadly/luckily). I don't even care if it sells for 1€, I just want to see it gone! Watched pinksofoxys video on youtube. I really want to do the same as she did! I posted my total numbers at the beginning of the thread, now I need to count again and compare. And I want to come up with numbers for my ideal collection, but it's going to be hard.


Well-known member
I have a quick behavior modification tip to share. The basic idea is that you pick a habit that you want to form and make a visual representation of the number of days you've done it. You can mark it on a calendar or use a diary. As you cross off the days, the chain gets longer and longer. And you feel more motivated and reluctant to break it as the chain grows. Your goal is to not break the chain!

Here is a more in-depth explanation if anyone's interested:

To make things easier for myself I downloaded an app called Habit Streak. I like apps over paper for this because I can track multiple habits at once and if I start over it shows the total numbers. I also set an alarm to prompt me to record it so I don't forget any days.



Well-known member
I saw that article a few weeks ago and am planning to do something like that. Last night my colleague made a good point. I always see/hear people talk about what they're giving up for Lent. Well she mentioned that it's not just about giving something up, but anything you want to adopt, so to speak. So the habit I want to form is getting more sleep. I'm averaging 3-5 hours most nights (my own fault) and it makes it harder for me to get my exercise routine going again because I feel so tired and lazy. While I have my top three positive habits I want to re-ignite (more sleep, exercise and water), I think that if I really place my focus on one if those, it will feed into and support the others. Too many times I've tried to tackle all at once after being out of sorts for a while, and I've always failed. I also got a Nutri Bullet last weekend and I'm excited to start using it.


Well-known member
I've gone through a few bottles of Fix+, and jars of the Complete Comfort Creme, Mineralized Charge Water Gel, and am getting close to finishing my first MSFN. My Richly Honed sculpting cream will probably be used up in the next month if I continue to use it regularly. I think I will also focus specifically on 2-3 blushes to use them up quicker. As for kids, and forgive me as I may get into TMI territory, I am CBC (childless by choice). I can't really pinpoint the one deciding factor that pretty much sealed it for me, but I'm sure my own mother has a place high on the list. I was an unplanned pregnancy - my father told my mom he thought he was sterile - that's the story anyway; not sure how true that is anymore as she always made disparaging remarks about him, some of which I realized where unfounded (too little, too late since he passed in 2008). Anyway, she's made no secret that I was unwanted. I think the indifference hurt most - she worshipped the child (my sister) she sent away to live with a family friend and and couldn't give a rat's ass about the one she kept (me). Who knows if I would've felt differently had I had a better upbringing. I love and adore my neice and my grand nephew, and my best friend's kids, but I can't see myself as a mother. They always tell me I'd make a great mom but I love knowing that I can hand them back to their parents at the end of the day and I'm good with that. Auntie Yazmin suits me just fine. I admit though that I do get pangs every now and then when I watch ItsJudysLife on YouTube. Her daughter Julianna is so adorable.
I'm so sorry to read this. Stories like this make me angry. Parents repeatedly forget that actions great and small can leave lasting effects on their children. What I would humbly say to you is that your mother probably has had some traumas that she hadn't addressed and took out on you. Know that you're on this earth for a reason and that your mother's issues have nothing to do with you. Should you ever change your mind about having children, your self-awareness alone will make you a great mom. Don't think that you would be incapable of being a wonderful mom to someone if you choose to be.


Well-known member
All caught up! Loving the posts on kids and tits. In summation, if you want em, have 'em. If you don't, don't. Both decisions are brave, because at the end of the day, children deserve to be in an environment where they are loved, respected, and safe. I've been doing some trauma-awareness work, so I'm very sensitive to these things. As for tits, they so sag post breastfeeding as opposed to pregnancy. I am mad at these deflated balloons. Thank goodness for push up bras. Also, being a temporary member of the Big Boobs Crew, those suckers are hard to maneuver! For me, a C cup is enough. Pixie, damn girl! You really are smoking hot. Good news-I had an interview on Tuesday and another one for another job this coming Tuesday! I'm getting hits, which is good. I feel the end of unemployment is in sight. Yay!


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Staff member
Day #2 of using the castor oil: no Cara brows or Bert unibrow yet.

Good news-I had an interview on Tuesday and another one for another job this coming Tuesday! I'm getting hits, which is good. I feel the end of unemployment is in sight. Yay!

Good luck with the interviews!


Well-known member
Day #2 of using the castor oil: no Cara brows or Bert unibrow yet.


Good luck with the interviews!

as the pink panther would say, you must maaaasssage the eyebrow dear..
.. it takes a good two months.. lol. Massage with the oil and then blow.. lol

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