Mac - Maleficent (May 15, 2014)


Well-known member
Oh why did you have to bring up that mirror?  The Cinderella mirror is the only item in all of cosmetics that I was devastated I missed.  By the time I even realized it existed, it was long gone.  le sigh
Sorry, Doll! Hopefully having Cassis back in your life, helps soften the blow. :) :peace: :fluffy:

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
why on earth did they not continue that disney sephora biz?? i was so hoping for a princess aurora collection! and i never even had a chance to get anything i wanted from any of that collection!!!! i wanted the lil mermaid book palette and jasmine grrrrr


Well-known member
why on earth did they not continue that disney sephora biz?? i was so hoping for a princess aurora collection! and i never even had a chance to get anything i wanted from any of that collection!!!! i wanted the lil mermaid book palette and jasmine grrrrr
I tried telling my boss to name his daughter Aurora. He did not go for it


Well-known member
p.s. can they just please bring back the venomous villians collection we would all be way more happy with that!

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
well when that new rendition of the little mermaid comes out maybe they will collab!!! and if i wasnt already buying a crap ton from everything else coming out i would consider buying the shadow quad. thats all.


Well-known member
I'm still disappointed that there weren't any purples or greens in this collection. Regardless, I'm thinking of getting the beauty powder, and lipstick (both pending on swatches).


Well-known member
why on earth did they not continue that disney sephora biz?? i was so hoping for a princess aurora collection! and i never even had a chance to get anything i wanted from any of that collection!!!! i wanted the lil mermaid book palette and jasmine grrrrr
I'm gonna need them to do a Pocahontas collection. And have the mirror look like John Smith's compass. I would die.


Well-known member
I am BEEEE-YOND disappointed! I feel like a 48 year old father that paid for undergrad, grad and internship just to be told "I want to be a rapper". Thou hateth Mac for thoust bullshat!


Well-known member
I'm gonna need them to do a Pocahontas collection. And have the mirror look like John Smith's compass. I would die.
That sounds freaking amazing. I have to admit after seeing Frozen I'm disappointed there will never be a Sephora/Disney collection based on it with the awesome packaging because I would have snatched up every single item. A 'Let It Go' eyeshadow and the cool dynamic between Elsa's icy shades and Anna's earth tones. Siiigggggghhhhh.

Dolly Snow

why on earth did they not continue that disney sephora biz?? i was so hoping for a princess aurora collection! and i never even had a chance to get anything i wanted from any of that collection!!!! i wanted the lil mermaid book palette and jasmine grrrrr
Right! I wanted a snow white collection. They could have continued!


Well-known member
Big disappointment! And ugh! Carbon again? Really Mac? I found this pic that seems to sum up what a lot of us are thinking every time Carbon comes up.


/Pees myself laughing at that one! (then remembers she has like four quads with Carbon, so I have fallen more than once for this ploy)

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