Audrey C
Well-known member
Ladies...absolutely no judgment for falling off the wagon and I say this with all the affection in the world... PUT DOWN YOUR CREDIT CARDS AND STOP SHoPPING!!! Things are getting outta hand here. We're enabling each other, buying bunches of items impulsively, getting caught up in the frenzy of SALE and NEW SHINY and it's so easy to undo months of restraint in a few days. Sephora might be offering 15% off, but let's remember that no one saves money by buying items they don't need. If there's a new brand or formula that's tempting, maybe try one and plan to buy more again when they're 20% off in the fall if you like it. The buffet might have been fun, but it's time to get back on the scale. Add up what you might have spent or the number of items purchased to be sure it fits into your goals. If you have second thoughts, it's not too late to return any items you don't really want or need. If it feels comfortable, then great; enjoy your new goodies! Don't shoot the messenger - just trying to help! :grouphug: #teamlowbuy #buylessenjoymore #theanswerisnotmorestuff