Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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I wore a nude lippie today and felt dead .. I had to change it.

I wore some MAC Honeylove and it looked ok, but the rest of my face looked blah.. I changed and put on Chanel Fougy.. and it's like night and day.

eyes.. Lorac Palette.. don't know the names but it was soft and a bit burgundy beigey..

life is hard with dark hair

Also for HG: Dark hair is great! Perfect excuse to ditch all the neutral pink lipsticks (those will be blah now) and go for all your strongest fuchsias, magentas, purples and red! This is from the mouth of someone who's never lightened her hair and doesn't give a hoot about blonde. When I go grey, it'll be finally the time for lavender hair, which I've wanted since I was a kid. Not there yet, thank you genetics. Blondes could definitely have more fun, though - I'm probably good to be ignorant about that :p
Quote: Originally Posted by ILoveMakeup84

Hey girls!! I've been MIA lately and missed you guys! We opened a new store last week so I've been very busy. Things are going a little slow at the store so I am kinda stressed out but I have to remember it's only been a week. I need to stay positive

To all of you looking for a job or having a rough time stay positive and strong! Better days are just around the corner! Yaay!

I failed my 30 day lipstick challenge
I completely forgot to share what I used each day. Bad Anna! Lol!

I wanted to share a pic of our new store
I am excited about it!

Adorable window display. Congrats!!

Yesterday was Day 29: Go For Girlie (so gorgeous! wore it with perfect wings with the grey Superslick liner and Fairly Precious EDSF on the cheeks)
Today is the big Day 30: I should really go out with a bang, but right now I'm keeping it soft with Spontaneous. Maybe if I go out tonight, I'll slap on Punk Couture - that's BANG!


Well-known member
OK... I came to confess... I hauled a little too much from the Sephora Sale. Nothing outrageous. Most of it was planned purchases.
However I did use a gift card and coupon today to pick up a few more things that were not planned. Not a lot of $ out-of-pocket.. but still stuff I didn't need.

In my sad, half-ass defense, I DID swatch a ton of stuff and wanted like 10 things, but resisted. And I did only spend a little out-of-pocket after my Gift Card and Coupon... but who am I kidding...

One GOOD thing that came from my recent purchases...

I did picked up a Bite Beauty product today that T is saying is similar to Playland's Toying Around, which is the only lippie I was thinking of getting. So I have convinced myself... (@Audrey C and @PeachTwist helped) I am OFFICIALLY SKIPPING... yes, I said it... SKIPPING Playland! I was going to allow myself my 3 item limit, but now... Not a single fuck will be given! HeeHee

I ordered some things from Sephora too. I've actually been pretty bad lately. Just reading up here the last few days has really motivated me to get with the program. I am on several makeup sale FB groups and lets just say I shouldn't be lol!!

I'm probably going to skip Playland too. The l/s are so pretty but I've got brights from the last few years coming out of my ass. Unfortunately most of them are satins and mattes. I much prefer the amplified finish. If I cave and get a l/s from Playland I am for sure going to purge whatever I have similar to it in the finish I don't care for. I was tempted to get two of the casual colours but I really think I can dupe the colors with creme blushes I already have.

Quote: Originally Posted by ILoveMakeup84

Hey girls!! I've been MIA lately and missed you guys! We opened a new store last week so I've been very busy. Things are going a little slow at the store so I am kinda stressed out but I have to remember it's only been a week. I need to stay positive

To all of you looking for a job or having a rough time stay positive and strong! Better days are just around the corner! Yaay!

I failed my 30 day lipstick challenge
I completely forgot to share what I used each day. Bad Anna! Lol!

I wanted to share a pic of our new store
I am excited about it!

Wow that looks great, congrats!!


Well-known member
30 lipsticks/Blush/Palettes in 30 days Challenge (for me) Although these may not be my usual combos, I tried to use up everything I liked so I could go through and find what I didn't reach for. After day 1, I decided I was going to do MAC only lipsticks. The blushes and palettes could be whatever. Day 1: Urban Decay Native Lipstick Naked Basics Palette Estée Laurder Plum Nuance Blush Day 2: MAC Feed The Senses Lipstick Naked 3 Palette Tarina Tarentino Neapolitan Lane Blush Day 3: MAC Plumful Lipstick Chanel Harmonie Du Soir Palette MAC Vintage Grape Blush Day 4: MAC Betty Bright w/kiss & tell lipglass MAC Caramel Sundae Quad MAC Cream Soda Blush Day 5: Rose Lily Lipstick Tarte Mattenificent Palette Mac Pink Buttercream Pearlmatte Day 6: Flair for finery w/you've got it c/s MAC Vintage Coin e/s Tarte Exposed Blush Day 7: MAC Marcel Wanders Annemiek Lipstick Clinique Spruced Up Duo Nars Dolce Vita Blush Day 8: MAC Syrup Lipstick MAC Interior Life Quad MAC Petticoat MSF Day 9: MAC Pure Zen Lipstick Dior Bleu de Paris Palette MAC Legendary Blush Day 10: MAC Snapdragon Lipstick- happy spring! Clinique Pink Chocolate Quad Clinique Cheek Pop Plum Pop Day 11: MAC Venus Lipstick YSL Chromatic #9 Palette MAC At Dusk Blush Saturday Day 12: MAC Lustering Lipstick Urban Decay Theodora Palette Hourglass Radient Magenta Blush Day 13: MAC Glamourdaze Lipstick Sephora + Pantone Orange Quad MAC My Paradise Blush Day 14: MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Dior Rosy Tan Palette TheBalm Down Boy Blush Day 15: MAC Sheen Supreme Impressive Lipstick Kat Von D LadyBird Palette TheBalm Frat Boy Blush Day 16: MAC Daddy's Little Girl Lipstick w/Mall Madness on top Dior Grege Palette Nars Gaiety Blush Day 17: MAC Kittenish Patentpolish TheBalm NudeTude Palette Nars Mata Hari Blush Day 18: MAC Dreaminess Lipstick Ready To Party, Stolen Moment, Peachy Keen Shadows MAC Gentle Blush Day 19: MAC Girl Next Door Uranian Decay Shattered Face Kit Day 20: MAC Flamingo Lipstick TheBalm Meet Matte Palette MAC Legendary Blush - In honor of HIMYM LOL Day 21: April 1 MAC Lavendar Whip Lipstick Laura Mercier Artist Palette 2 MAC Sakura Blush Day 22: MAC Double Spin Lipstick w/Dior Addict Gloss Evening Rose on top MAC Smokey Mauve EDES W/ MAC Interior Life Palette Dior Rosebud Blush Day 23: MAC Raspberry Swirl Lipstick Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette Clinique Berry Pop Blush Day 24: MAC Spontaneous Patent Polish Urban Decay Glinda Palette Dior Rosy Glow Blush Day 25: MAC Dish it up Lipstick MAC Fabulousness Smokey Eyes Palette MAC Azalea Blossom Blush Day 26: MAC Sheen Supreme Blossom Culture Lipstick Dior Rose Ballerine Palette MAC LightYear MSF Day 27: Monday MAC Pink Popcorn Lipstick Too Faced Naked Eye Palette MAC Pink Tea Blush Day 28: MAC Fearless Patent Polish Dior Rosy Tan Palette MAC The Perfect Cheek Blush Day 29: MAC Private Party Lipstick Too Faced Romantic Eye Palette Hourglass Mood Exposure Blush Really liking these Hourglass blushes. They swatch powdery and boring but they wear so beautifully Day 30: MAC Salute w/ strange potion lipglass over it. Too Faced Boudoir Eyes Palette MAC Flower Beauty Pearlmate Not a fan of Salute Lipstick but wanted to wear it one last time before I attempt to remove the lipstick and replace it with a favorite. love Too faced Boudoir Eyes it's one of my favorite palettes and Flower Beauty Pearlmate is my most used pearlmate. I am done with my 30 days and so looking forward to my other lipsticks. I'm going to post an update soon. this was fun for me and I learned a lot about what colors and brands I gravitate towards and what I don't. Going to post an update later.


Well-known member
Day 1:Estee Lauder Crystal Baby
Day 2: Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy in Desirable - My new favorite l/s and formula, feels like my Tom Ford
Day 3: B&BW Guilty Peach Tart lip gloss - I love their l/g tubes, they don't dry out my lips like most lip products do and they taste so yummy!
Day 4 : Revlon Temptress - I'm not sure if this color is dc'd or not, but it's a really nice wearable every day pink. I'd have to swatch to make sure but it reminds me of MAC Venus. I have it on with Lancome Rose l/l
Day 5: L'Oreal The Queen's Kiss - Every time I pull this l/s out I think, nah this isn't a good color for me and then I put it on and I'm in love again lol!! I just wish it was more of a fine shimmer than a full on metallic frost.
Day 6: BE Marvelous Moxie Get Ready - I love this formula and this color is so perfect for me. Not only do these l/s not dry out my lips like almost everything else does, but it actually improves the texture of my lips. The more I wear it the better my lips look. LOVE!!
Day 7: MAC Force of Love - This might be my first fail. I don't know why I fell in love with this. I don't think the dry, neon, coral-pink is too flattering for me at all.
Day 8: NYX Butter l/s in Fizzies. This just came in the mail yesterday with my Cherry Culture order that I did during the 40% off sale. I love it!!
Day 9: MAC Feed The Senses. This one is a tough one for me. When I first put it on I think I love it, then I feel like I look washed out, then I reach for a brighter blush lol. I also have to keep reapplying it over and over again b/c it just fades on me so quickly.
Day 10: WnW Cherry Bomb. one of the few vampy colors I have. I can't do this straight on the lips though, it's too intense. I kind of mix it with lip balm and I like the color, but it's bleeding on me. I need to remember to put MAC prep & prime lip stuff under it to see if that helps at all.
Day 11: MAC Lady at Play - I go through phases where I like oranges, then I don't like oranges. I like this formula so I will keep this one for the days I'm "in the mood" for orangy lips. :)
Day 12: Maybelline Hot Plum - this is one of my favorite purple l/s, definitely not going in the purge pile!!
Day 13: nada!!!
Day 14: NYX Doll - when I first discovered NYX they were having a 50% off sale and I bought probably 30 l/s. Most of them have been given away or sold except for this one. It's a very flattering color for me, I should really wear it more often.
Update on day 14. I'm not sure NYX doll is a keeper. I swear I had to reapply it every 30 minutes. I might have to carry that one around in my purse at the mall looking for a dupe. :)
Day 15: Maybelline Color Whisper Mad for Magenta - I really like this color and wish I had a lipstick similar to this. I'm thinking Heavenly Hybrid would have been what I was looking for but I didn't get any l/s from FoF. Did anyone get HH? Like it?
Day 16: Revlon Suede l/s in Muse. This has got to be the worst l/s formula in the history of l/s formulas. Sticky, patchy and gross. But then.... I layered NYX Dolly Pink gloss over it and it made the most perfect base for a gloss. I didn't have to touch up for about 5 hours. I was going to toss Muse in the trash but I'm going to hang on to it for under glosses.
Day 17: MAC Reel Sexy - I love this.

I'm SOOO behind on this. I'm not even sure what I wore and when. I just dumped out all of the lipsticks hanging out in my purse lol! I don't know what I wore when so I'm just going to do the best I can and make a list and do a quick "yay" or "yuck" lol.

Day 18: TF Razzle Dazzy Rose YAY
Day 19: Clinique Bonfire gloss YUCK
Day 20:Viva Glam Nicki YUCK
Day 21: MAC Haute Altitued YAY
Day 22: Revlon Sweet Tart YAY
Day 23: Maybelline Peachy Scene YAY
Day 24: NYX Candy Buttons YAY
Day 25: NYX Pops YAY
Day 26 ; Estee Lauder Candy YAY (I've almost finished this one!)

Day 27: MAC Angel w/NYX Real Nude l/g YAY
Day 28: MAC Deliciously Forbidden Mattene YAY
Day 29: L'Oreal Lilac Ever After YAY

Not too many "yucks" but at least a few from this list have been purged. I have several glosses like the Clinique one I didn't like so I tossed those along with Bonfire.


Well-known member
Ladies...absolutely no judgment for falling off the wagon and I say this with all the affection in the world... PUT DOWN YOUR CREDIT CARDS AND STOP SHoPPING!!! Things are getting outta hand here. We're enabling each other, buying bunches of items impulsively, getting caught up in the frenzy of SALE and NEW SHINY and it's so easy to undo months of restraint in a few days. Sephora might be offering 15% off, but let's remember that no one saves money by buying items they don't need. If there's a new brand or formula that's tempting, maybe try one and plan to buy more again when they're 20% off in the fall if you like it. The buffet might have been fun, but it's time to get back on the scale. Add up what you might have spent or the number of items purchased to be sure it fits into your goals. If you have second thoughts, it's not too late to return any items you don't really want or need. If it feels comfortable, then great; enjoy your new goodies! Don't shoot the messenger - just trying to help! :grouphug: #teamlowbuy #buylessenjoymore #theanswerisnotmorestuff
Very sage advice. While I did haul like a mofo from the Sephora sale, it was all using my debit card, so I definitely evaluated each purchase beforehand.


Well-known member
I don't wear lipstick. Ever. When I have tried it I usually wipe it off within an hour. My partner really dislikes the look of lipstick on me and I hate the feeling & how my hair sticks to it..... So why, you ask, do I have over a dozen lippies? I was just wondering that myself. I think I need to come to grips with reality. Check out my post #140 near the end of the low buy swap thread if you're interested in adopting! Will be adding more throughout the day.


Well-known member
I really don't consider 15% off that great, it barely covers the tax here. I need 20/25% for me to consider it a good deal.

Skipping Playland and one lipstick from AA.

This is a very good point. Saving most of my purchases for November VIB. As well, by then I will have an idea of how much I actually use up (i.e. might concievably need) where as right now I am probably over estimating how many of X I use in a year.

Um, it's Day 10 and I still have 5 more foundations to try. Hi, my name is Laura and I hoard foundation.
Hello Laura. I have some samples/minis of a few bb/ccs creams to go through, I thought it would be fun to buy a nice one for summer. Now I realize I will need to try to use them all up. :eek

Quote: Originally Posted by CrimsonQuill157

I am so proud of myself! I returned that foundation and didn't buy ANYTHING!

Success stories are great to hear, more of this! :)


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by v0ltagekid
Hi there! I'm Marcela, and I just hit Rouge for 2015 :(
I need to join this group/discussion! S.O.S.

I work at Sephora, so it's really hard to stop buying things when u get a discount :( and I always try to justify it by saying "oh I work here, I should be super innovative with my makeup all the time and I need every product" :(


That must be the height of temptation. Stay strong - i'm sure in this group we can give some help and support.


Well-known member
I think I'll start going through my lipsticks to see if there's any I want rid of. I'm sure there's a couple. If I can't swap/sell I can always B2M them right with product left right?


Well-known member
I just looked. Off the top of my head I can only see a couple possibilities of ones I'd be willing to part with. Spice Ruffian Red (I think) Charmed, I'm Sure (Maybe) Politely Pink Glamourdaze (BU) That's a start, right? The problem is I don't usually buy things I don't think I'll love, making it really difficult for me.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Ajigglin
@Calla88, let me know what you think about the dark spot corrector from Murad. I just finished a bottle, and I haven't noticed any changes.

One of the first things i bought a few years ago when i hit 60 and decided maybe i should get more pro-active about my skin. I used two bottles and it did very little. AND there are plenty of other products with the same active ingredient for a fraction of the price.


Well-known member
Ladies...absolutely no judgment for falling off the wagon and I say this with all the affection in the world... PUT DOWN YOUR CREDIT CARDS AND STOP SHoPPING!!! Things are getting outta hand here. We're enabling each other, buying bunches of items impulsively, getting caught up in the frenzy of SALE and NEW SHINY and it's so easy to undo months of restraint in a few days. Sephora might be offering 15% off, but let's remember that no one saves money by buying items they don't need. If there's a new brand or formula that's tempting, maybe try one and plan to buy more again when they're 20% off in the fall if you like it. The buffet might have been fun, but it's time to get back on the scale. Add up what you might have spent or the number of items purchased to be sure it fits into your goals. If you have second thoughts, it's not too late to return any items you don't really want or need. If it feels comfortable, then great; enjoy your new goodies! Don't shoot the messenger - just trying to help! :grouphug: #teamlowbuy #buylessenjoymore #theanswerisnotmorestuff
Oh I NEVER buy with credit cards! That's a huge problem for sure. My initial sephora haul was planned and in my budget in advance. My trip yesterday was not, but I justified the few purchases because it was only around $40 out of pocket. But you're right... This ISNT a collection thread and I sincerely appreciate the reminder that we should not let our spending get out of control and justify it! We agreed to hold each other accountable and we should always keep that in mind! I'm skipping PS, Playland, and Maleficent. I'm only allowing my 3 items for AA. I'm back on track. Goooooo #TeamLowBuy! Thanks for the reality check girlie!!
Hey girls!! I've been MIA lately and missed you guys! We opened a new store last week so I've been very busy. Things are going a little slow at the store so I am kinda stressed out but I have to remember it's only been a week. I need to stay positive :D To all of you looking for a job or having a rough time stay positive and strong! Better days are just around the corner! Yaay! :D I failed my 30 day lipstick challenge :( I completely forgot to share what I used each day. Bad Anna! Lol! I wanted to share a pic of our new store :D I am excited about it!
That's so exciting doll! Hard work pays off! Congrats Anna!! And you can start the lippie challenge anytime! I may extend mine another 30 days to transition into Spring shades. Might help me resist buying. When I know better what I have, I tend to not spend. My recent purchases were all for fresh Spring shades I felt were lacking in my collection. Colors I love now that I don't have a lot of (I'm looking at you corals). So I want to make sure I actually use them so I don't buy more! Join in with me if you want!!


Well-known member
--= 30 lipsticks 30 =--

Sorry, haven't posted since Saturday, so here's a pile of lipsticks i've been wearing since then...

Day 4 (Sunday) - Fleur d'Coral - so many say it's sheer, but on me it's opaque and a little chalky. I was hoping it would be a replacement for Flamingo as a pinky-peach, but on me it's peachier than it is pink. I patted it down with my finger and it looked better. I'm not giving it the boot yet.

Day 5 (Monday) - Oh, Oh, Oh again - this time i did my face with cool stuff and it looked plummy. Clearly if i'm going to wear it, i have to make sure i'm using all cool face and eye stuff.

I finally started going through my old drug store lipsticks that i got in the late 90s

Day 6 (Tuesday) - Revlon Raisin Rage - this was all the rage about 20 years ago. First, it's very dark and i like dark lipsticks. However, it made my skin tone look very muddy. It's a brown-plum. There's no help for it, other than a complete face makeup job and it isn't worth it. DISCARD

Day 7 (Wednesday) - Revlon Violet X-treme - another very dark lipstick. Not what i consider violet. Very plummy, leaning warm, with subtle shimmer. It's OK, but... i imagine new DS lipsticks have a better finish than they did in the 90s. This 90s lipstick was so creamy it wore off in a hurry. Additionally, it was trying hard to feather. It's a DISCARD, because i have many better-wearing plums.

Day 8 (today!) - L'Oreal Mulberry - it's another very dark lipstick. This one is quite a bit bluer than the other two, more opaque. It's in the MAYBE pile, but will probably work its way to DISCARD.


Well-known member

I was contemplating the UD electric palette - until I realized I only wanted one unique shade from the bunch. It's so pretty, yes. But I have so many things like it in my stash. Instead I used my gift card for a Clinque Pop blush, which is unique to my stash and something I've been wanting to try. Having someone else talk me down helps (hubby), but doing it myself (FOR MYSELF) is better! I ended up only spending $20 of my GC instead of $50-60! I managed to only get that one thing during the sale. Skipping playland completely and PS collection I think too. Only interested in AA and maybe/kinda the Osbournes in the coming 2 months!


Well-known member
--= 30 lipsticks 30 =--

Sorry, haven't posted since Saturday, so here's a pile of lipsticks i've been wearing since then...

Day 4 (Sunday) - Fleur d'Coral - so many say it's sheer, but on me it's opaque and a little chalky. I was hoping it would be a replacement for Flamingo as a pinky-peach, but on me it's peachier than it is pink. I patted it down with my finger and it looked better. I'm not giving it the boot yet.

Day 5 (Monday) - Oh, Oh, Oh again - this time i did my face with cool stuff and it looked plummy. Clearly if i'm going to wear it, i have to make sure i'm using all cool face and eye stuff.

I finally started going through my old drug store lipsticks that i got in the late 90s

Day 6 (Tuesday) - Revlon Raisin Rage - this was all the rage about 20 years ago. First, it's very dark and i like dark lipsticks. However, it made my skin tone look very muddy. It's a brown-plum. There's no help for it, other than a complete face makeup job and it isn't worth it. DISCARD

Day 7 (Wednesday) - Revlon Violet X-treme - another very dark lipstick. Not what i consider violet. Very plummy, leaning warm, with subtle shimmer. It's OK, but... i imagine new DS lipsticks have a better finish than they did in the 90s. This 90s lipstick was so creamy it wore off in a hurry. Additionally, it was trying hard to feather. It's a DISCARD, because i have many better-wearing plums.

Day 8 (today!) - L'Oreal Mulberry - it's another very dark lipstick. This one is quite a bit bluer than the other two, more opaque. It's in the MAYBE pile, but will probably work its way to DISCARD.
I found I have the same problem with that shade. It's a shame because I like it. But it just doesn't look right on me.

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