RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
Lol, when this collection came out a lot of people rightfully said they weren't happy about Rihanna being selected because of her behavior and a lot of folks jumped on them claiming it wasn't right to judge or how could you believe tabloid gossip. Why would you need tabloid gossip when you can follow her yourself and judge based on her own actions? The girl has a hair trigger and is a long-time cyber-bully. Heaven help you if you say anything unfavorable about her and she catches it (like when another fan said they were disappointed she was working with Chris Brown and she responded by mocking their looks/weight) she'll pounce with a viciousness. She's made plenty a racist callous insensitive tweet...it's just this one was picked up by the mainstream media. I feel sorry for the girl. The Internet can be a cruel place and at 16 I guess it feels like being kicked in the ribs to have your idol call you a thot (whore) for daring to like her enough to dress like her for your prom. The cyberbullying and harassment that Riri piled on really ruined what should have been a cool experience for that girl.


Well-known member
I feel sorry for the girl. The Internet can be a cruel place and at 16 I guess it feels like being kicked in the ribs to have your idol call you a thot (whore) for daring to like her enough to dress like her for your prom. The cyberbullying and harassment that Riri piled on really ruined what should have been a cool experience for that girl.
I wonder if this will nix RiRi VGII?


Well-known member
I'm not surprised by her behavior. She's been e-thugging for years. I thought she might have learned her lesson after Teyana Taylor got in her ass last year. Rihanna is one of those chicks who's all bark & no bite.

Even though I can't stand her, I did love these collections. It was hard to put money in her pocket but it was worth it.


Well-known member
I feel sorry for the girl. The Internet can be a cruel place and at 16 I guess it feels like being kicked in the ribs to have your idol call you a thot (whore) for daring to like her enough to dress like her for your prom. The cyberbullying and harassment that Riri piled on really ruined what should have been a cool experience for that girl.
I completely agree with you!


Well-known member
I feel sorry for the girl. The Internet can be a cruel place and at 16 I guess it feels like being kicked in the ribs to have your idol call you a thot (whore) for daring to like her enough to dress like her for your prom. The cyberbullying and harassment that Riri piled on really ruined what should have been a cool experience for that girl.
that's really something to expect from a horrible person... self serving and nasty.


Well-known member
I don't recall Rhianna calling her a whore.
You're right, she did laugh at it and retweet it though. She basically got into the mockery, joined in and egged it on. She is a celebrity and while it wouldn't have stopped most of it I think one serious tweet from her defending the girl would have shut a lot of the mean tweets down. But when you've got other immature fans and they see their idol laughing and enjoying them bullying another girl? Of course it escalated. http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1037445/rihanna-mocks-fans-prombat-dress-homage @mousygiggles Honestly no, Rihanna will cool it down since this got so much attention but then once the heat dies down a little she'll go back to e-thugging, like someone else said she's been doing this for years. I will say the last time she really got into it with her little online bullying was with Teyana and unlike usually she suddenly deleted the tweets and stopped responding to Teyana. This was like right before the Winter launch I think? So maybe MAC intervened on behalf of her jackassery.


Well-known member
I guess I never new how hateful she is because I've never followed her or really gave any real thought to her as nothing she's ever done has ever been interesting enough for me to follow until her MAC collab. I've heard a handful of her songs and find them to be so-so at best. If I had known she was such a hateful jerk to her fans, I probably would of just sucked it up and skipped anything with her name on it. Lesson learned for me in that respect. I hope that poor, bullied girl's cyber misfortune passes soon for her and that she can go back to how things might of been for her soon.


Well-known member
Wow riri up to her mess again I never been a riri fan riri she is stunningly beautiful but deep down I think she is insecure.i was thinking the other day when I saw her and her best friend Melissa picture and I was wondering why Melissa is never dress to the nine like riri it got me to thinking maybe she don't want nobody else around her looking flyy riri can dress like nobody business but to disrespect a fan a young fan at that who will buy her cd me I would never buy a riri cd is a disgrace it has all the way turned me off from her I dislike bullies and people that feel they can do anything they want just because it was totally uncalled for she is beautiful on the outside but so ugly inside that's the worse kind (side note I can't look at my pretty rose gold packaging the same)


Well-known member
I guess I never new how hateful she is because I've never followed her or really gave any real thought to her as nothing she's ever done has ever been interesting enough for me to follow until her MAC collab. I've heard a handful of her songs and find them to be so-so at best. If I had known she was such a hateful jerk to her fans, I probably would of just sucked it up and skipped anything with her name on it. Lesson learned for me in that respect. I hope that poor, bullied girl's cyber misfortune passes soon for her and that she can go back to how things might of been for her soon.


Well-known member
Yea nothing I can do about it, I enjoy my products for the collection. However, I wonder if it came out this year will i have second thoughts. I only buy if I some sort of connection.


Well-known member
I was a fan, but I am beginning to see why many others view her in an unfavorable light. Her insecurity, and the bitchiness that is a result of that, overshadows and hinders any beauty and talent she may possess. This was a truly nasty thing she has done here to a teenage girl who admires her.


Well-known member
I'm not sure, but I could go by and look tomorrow after work if I remember to!
yes, please. i want both of the brushes but i don't have a cco where i am currently located.


Well-known member
Does anyone know if there a dupe from any line for Riri Nude? it's my all-time favorite color on me. I'm desperate to find the same shade again.

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