MAC x Pedro Lourenço (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
Figurative & literally sick that I missed on Roxo. I'm splitting my wrists. Ugh, FML. If anyone doesn't like Roxo & needs to unload BUs or whatever, PLMK. Thank you!


Well-known member
If it helps any - I LOVE how that gold gloss is looking on you! Very fresh and modern. I bet the silver one wouldn't be as nice against your skin tone!


Well-known member
Figurative & literally sick that I missed on Roxo. I'm splitting my wrists. Ugh, FML. If anyone doesn't like Roxo & needs to unload BUs or whatever, PLMK. Thank you!
Aww, it'll be okay!! I'm sure you'll be able to get one if you want it that bad! Not to make things any worse, but it's one of my favorite lipsticks in a long time...


Well-known member
Sorry about the zoom in on my gross after work face! This my first REALLYYY. Dark lippie, I'm a little scared of it. Not loving the gold gloss, wanted silver
Same here the gold doesnt look good on me


Well-known member
Ugh I went out to get beer for half an hour and someone incompetent at Fed Ex didn't think to leave my package at the front desk like everyone else does.. have to wait until Monday now.. when I'll be at work. I gotta start leaving notes on the door for them but I figured it was a no brainer.. now they've just created more work for themselves. So glad I wasn't in the low buy mindset for this and got both glosses! Hopefully I did get one of each though.. at least I'll get my box Monday so I can go in store if something's wrong. Sorry everyone's having such problems.. :(


Well-known member
That blush does look icely pigmented! I totally gave it a pass thinking it might have a hard texture! MAC and their quality issues!!!!!!!!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Well a few of you girlie talked me into getting Mirror, since a I was eyeing it & it's sold out. Well "coming soon" lol so I'll see. But th e quad swatches do look nice; )