It's all mentality. If you really wanna quit you can do it., but, you have to know why you're a smoker in the first place. I started smoking when i was 13 and smoked for 10 years. I ended up smoking just in social situations, driving to/from work, during my lunch break, and during school break. I was a smoker because i need to keep my hands busy when I'm bored or have extra time on my hands. Now I fidget with my earrings or text or find other things to keep myself busy. OCD. This September will be 10 years now that I've quit. Things smell better, food tastes better, and i can breathe better. My dad quit, on a dare, for a year. He was an eater, and smoked instead of eating. So to stop, he sucked on hard candy when he wanted one. Once to find out why you smoke, you can find a substitute to help you quit. Plus, they're too expensive! I remember when I'd get change back from $2 for a pack! Just image how much makeup you could buy instead of cigarettes!