
Dolly Snow

It is still available in the US though, so if anyone of you who doesn't have it wants to get it or buy a BU that is still possible :) Thanks, I hope it worked out since i have received an order-confirmation but i haven't received a delivery-confirmation yet. Tomorrow we'll see...
I haven't yet


Well-known member
I haven't yet
Gal, You have had enough poking (
) for this lippie. JUST DO IT


Well-known member
Wanted to share this with you: My bf is so cute...:heart: I just got an anniversary gift: Since I haven't found a good way to store my lipsticks/lipstick boxes (i keep my lipsticks in the fridge now) yet he made a lipstick holder for me :yahoo: :heart:

Dolly Snow

She will be! Wishing her a great B'day ahead!

: Originally Posted by Periodinan

Phew, that's a lot you must really like your sister

I bet it will
Oh I surely do. She stopped partying and hanging out with friends, when our home situation needed an extra pair of hands. She helps me so much and my mom.
She deserves some happiness. And she is a great MUA and Hair dresser, does my shiz for free lol


Well-known member
Oh I surely do. She stopped partying and hanging out with friends, when our home situation needed an extra pair of hands. She helps me so much and my mom. She deserves some happiness. And she is a great MUA and Hair dresser, does my shiz for free lol 
Okay, then she deserves it :) I guess it is really cool having a MUA and hair dresser as your sister, you can always trust her when she's doing your make up or your hair. I wish i had that possibility... haven't found the right hairdresser yet. :(