

Well-known member
Gee what an evening you had. Don't you just love this thread cause we can just vent and say whatever we want lmao!! Yup!! People have no respect for other peoples property. It's such a shame :(


Well-known member
That is terrible! I just don't understand people nowadays! Makes me furious!

LOL! You would have laughed out loud if you would have seen me--messy side braid, old short shorts, sweat shirt and this bright lipstick. HAHA! The neighbor whose car got hit said my lipstick looked great which is even funnier. What a crazy evening!
That is like me when I'm at home just hanging out. I'm usually in a tank top and yoga pants, with a full face of makeup on. LOL


Well-known member
Well, people.:eek:hboy: I had parked my car in the parking lot, my ex-neighbour who was shifting took a U-haul and did a number while backing out the van. I returned from office to see my car like that, Oh god! They didnt even have the decency to let me know or leave their number or anything. Had the cops do a writeup and had them tracked , used their insurance for my car. Still the incident left me paranoid. I am actually worried each time I leave my car somewhere & paranoia is so high that I make sure to note the numbers of the cars on either side. I swear its a trauma esp for someone like me who has an OCD abt the car. :unsure: PS: Party Parrot works best in such scenarios :amused:  
I've come out and had mystery damage done to my car three times in my life! No clue what happened or who did it, just destruction and not so much as a stinking note. :eek:hboy:


Well-known member
She was probably pissed off there was a witness and she couldn't away with it. Parry Parrot is perfect for such an occasion me thinks. Lol


Well-known member
I've come out and had mystery damage done to my car three times in my life! No clue what happened or who did it, just destruction and not so much as a stinking note. :eek:hboy:
it sucks! I had someone key my Mustang 2 days after I got it, and someone else destroyed the finish on my front bumper 4 months later... needless to say she's a year old, and no boo boos were of my doing. I wonder if people are just dumb or jelly that I have a fly girl. :sigh:


Well-known member
I've come out and had mystery damage done to my car three times in my life! No clue what happened or who did it, just destruction and not so much as a stinking note.
I hate when people do that. If you are not careful, well atleast learn to take responsibility. I am seriously paranoid these days and do note down the numbers on either side of mine while parking. Not that it does much, still...


Well-known member
So I'm doing my first ever MAC return today and feel really guilty! It's for the contour product I mentioned earlier and my highlighter. I'm using Prep + Prime Bright Forecast and it's just not noticeable enough. I'm going to exchange the two for Lightscapade MSF and maybe just a couple lippies or a mascara. Meh. I'm actually nervous about returning. I don't want them to hate me. Also, I tossed the boxes the day I bought them, but still have the receipt. Hopefully they'll take it?


Well-known member
And I am ok. I've had a lot happen and it is still happening. Hope you are ok?
Crazy! I am thinking of you doll and hoping that life becomes more sane for you in the near future---take good care of yourself okay!

I'm fine--a lot has been going on around here but I'm getting through it with party parrot lipstick. LOL. No, but seriously, there has been a lot going on. It's okay, I am surviving and taking it one day at a time. So far it's working :)

Big hugs sweets! xoxo


Well-known member
So I'm doing my first ever MAC return today and feel really guilty! It's for the contour product I mentioned earlier and my highlighter. I'm using Prep + Prime Bright Forecast and it's just not noticeable enough. I'm going to exchange the two for Lightscapade MSF and maybe just a couple lippies or a mascara. Meh. I'm actually nervous about returning. I don't want them to hate me. Also, I tossed the boxes the day I bought them, but still have the receipt. Hopefully they'll take it?
Don't worry. They aren't going to hate you! Now people that are constantly returning things on a regular basis might miff them a little, but this is your first return. They aren't going to mind at all, and they will be able to take them back without boxes.


Well-known member
That is terrible! I just don't understand people nowadays! Makes me furious! LOL! You would have laughed out loud if you would have seen me--messy side braid, old short shorts, sweat shirt and this bright lipstick. HAHA! The neighbor whose car got hit said my lipstick looked great which is even funnier. What a crazy evening!
You sound adorable!

Dolly Snow

So I'm doing my first ever MAC return today and feel really guilty! It's for the contour product I mentioned earlier and my highlighter. I'm using Prep + Prime Bright Forecast and it's just not noticeable enough. I'm going to exchange the two for Lightscapade MSF and maybe just a couple lippies or a mascara. Meh. I'm actually nervous about returning. I don't want them to hate me. Also, I tossed the boxes the day I bought them, but still have the receipt. Hopefully they'll take it?
They will take it. Returns arent a big deal. It is scary but trust me it'll be easy and fast, painless too :)