Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
PS - Going to IMATS, I caved and bought tix.  Any advice on how to curb spending there?  I want to visit MUFE mostly.  And watch the MUA compete in the battle of the brushes competition.  
Id literally just take cash and then you have only the amount thats in your purse to spend! As trying to not buy makeup at imats must be like trying not to eat chocolate in willy wonkas factory haha.


Well-known member
[@]Glitteryvegas[/@] :waves: Good to see you! CONGRATS on the no buy and weight loss! Soooo happy for you, it really sounds like you're doing awesome. I agree, take cash to IMATS! I went to hot yoga 10 out of the past 11 days now. Aerial classes start back up in September so I'm working on getting in better shape for that. Lost 4 pounds so far but I'm trying not to focus on the scale and more on my mood and energy levels. Feeling great!


Staff member
I've added a couple of things to my listing in the Low Buy thread in the Clearance Bin (page 1, post 18). Also took some really old things out. I've got at least one more thing to add.
Counted my nail polishes. Anyone have a guess about how many I have?  160.  YEP.  160 bottles.  I've been doing through and swatching them side by side on my nails to get rid of dupes.  I'm going to give them away to girls at work or do something with them.  It's crazy. I keep them in the fridge at home and it takes up a whole top shelf.  Yep. I'm crazy!  Lucky hubs is so patient.  Hey, he knew who he was marrying - what can I say?!?
Yay purging! And yay weight loss! (Still haven't photographed my nail polish collection. Which is odd because I don't own very many polishes at all!)
PS - Going to IMATS, I caved and bought tix.  Any advice on how to curb spending there?  I want to visit MUFE mostly.  And watch the MUA compete in the battle of the brushes competition.
Taking cash only is a good idea. :nods: Then you're limited to that amount.


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Hey Ladiezzzz!

I'm just back checking in with ya'll! Loved all of your movie/book suggestions, going to go through and jot those down for the winter when things get depressing weather wise here and I need a pick me up!

Really enjoyed seeing how July has progressed for ya'll! Congrats @mel33t and @veronikawithak for keeping up the strides of purging and low buying! Good job ladies!

For me, I've been doing no buy July too. I've been in to Sephora and MAC a few times and haven't even really been tempted. I also went to a beauty supply store and didn't buy anything (would have bought nail polish usually at wholesale prices). Tested myself many times just to get used to the feeling of saying NO. It's working!

For me, I don't keep wish lists because I find it a never ending cycle of wanting more. I admire you ladies that can create and stick to lists. I have just found that I'm getting sick of carting around and sorting and cleaning shit. It's exhausting. This applies to many areas of my life.

Counted my nail polishes. Anyone have a guess about how many I have?

160. YEP. 160 bottles.

I've been doing through and swatching them side by side on my nails to get rid of dupes. I'm going to give them away to girls at work or do something with them. It's crazy. I keep them in the fridge at home and it takes up a whole top shelf. Yep. I'm crazy! Lucky hubs is so patient. Hey, he knew who he was marrying - what can I say?!?

I also have a HUGE announcement haha. I've lost 10 pounds!!! TEN!!! YAY!!! And I've been sticking to dairy/wheat free. So far so good! I think I had one dairy slip up and one wheat slip up this month. Turned down Dairy Queen birthday cake. YEAH. I love that ish more than anything and I said NO. Practicing my NO skills!

@burghchick - you were asking about how I am planning on losing weight, right? I use FitnessPal app on my phone to track my calories. It asks what you weekly weight loss goal is and calculates how many calories you can eat based on that. It really reinforces good choices, because if you eat all of your calories in the morning or drink them all (pop, booze, etc), then you'll be starving later. I don't feel deprived - sometimes I go over my calorie goal for the day and other days I'm under (as it adds in calories when you work out, but I don't use those - I try to stick to my base goal and not include my added 'workout calories' for my daily goal - hope that makes sense). I also alternate running and going to the gym, so I'm doing activities basically an hour a day for approx 6 days a week. It's not sustainable to keep up long term for me, but I'm determined to make the most of my time now to jump start my weight loss and fitness. For me it's all about feeling good, feeling strong, and not having to buy new clothes because I don't fit into my stuff right now. I don't have money to replace stuff, so I'm trying to fit into what I have.

July is going really well all around. I'm looking forward to continued success in August too! Lots of things to accomplish over here. Loving it and making the most out of what I have right now!

Hope you ladies are enjoying your summer! The weather here has been rocking. Been outdoors a lot and spending time with hubs and family.
Thanks for the info, Glittery! I'll have to download that app. I don't eat a lot but I know I don't get enough exercise. I've been having a problem with one of my legs all summer, and it's made exercise difficult. My knee doesn't bend that well and my leg doesn't want to support my weight. I can only imagine what I look like at the gym when I try to get on the floor to stretch and do floor exercise! (probably funny) I've been a regular gym person for 10 years and it's so frustrating not to be able to do what I used to do. I feel like I have a defective body! I've had so many more problems that my siblings who are all older.
But I'll get it fixed somehow. In the meantime I can still use that app. it will probably tell me that I shouldn't eat anything! :)
I'm really glad to hear that you've been doing so well. I hope that everything continues in this direction for you. Looking forward to hearing more.


Well-known member
I finally counted my lipsticks and lip glosses and entered all of my info in Excel. I categorized them by general color so I could see what I have the most of. I have a total of 137 lipsticks, which is just slightly more than I thought I'd have. I was surprised to see how many purple-hued lipsticks I have. It's been one of my favorite colors for years, but I still didn't think I had as many as I do. (I can't remember the exact number, somewhere between 20 - 30.) I was really surprised by the number of lip glosses I have - 63. I didn't think I had that many. I should probably B2M some of them (some are more than 6 years old), but it's hard with some of the colors that I love that aren't available anymore. I do have 5 or 6 lippies that I'm almost finished with, anyhow.

I kind of hate that I know the exact number I have because I'll feel worse about buying any more. Getting pretty new cosmetics is something that I really enjoy and it brightens my day when I do, so I feel like I'm taking away something that makes me happy. I feel like I shouldn't say that in this thread but it's how I feel. Logically I know that I should find other things to do that bring me happiness and I will. Today is just a bad day because I'm in a lot of pain and really frustrated that physically I can't do the things that I want to do and used to do. I can't even do yoga right now. Also money is very tight, so for the next 2 weeks I have to watch every penny I spend. I get very unhappy when I don't have money for even one little thing. My birthday is next week and I'm so broke that I can't even do anything for myself (I know I won't be getting anything from anyone else now that my Dad is gone).

But it is what it is. I think when I inventory my eye shadows I'll do the same thing and categorize them by color so that I can see what I have too much of and if there are any colors that I actually need. I suppose I just need to retire from make up buying because I honestly don't need anything.


Well-known member
I finally counted my lipsticks and lip glosses and entered all of my info in Excel. I categorized them by general color so I could see what I have the most of. I have a total of 137 lipsticks, which is just slightly more than I thought I'd have. I was surprised to see how many purple-hued lipsticks I have. It's been one of my favorite colors for years, but I still didn't think I had as many as I do. (I can't remember the exact number, somewhere between 20 - 30.) I was really surprised by the number of lip glosses I have - 63. I didn't think I had that many. I should probably B2M some of them (some are more than 6 years old), but it's hard with some of the colors that I love that aren't available anymore. I do have 5 or 6 lippies that I'm almost finished with, anyhow.

I kind of hate that I know the exact number I have because I'll feel worse about buying any more. Getting pretty new cosmetics is something that I really enjoy and it brightens my day when I do, so I feel like I'm taking away something that makes me happy. I feel like I shouldn't say that in this thread but it's how I feel. Logically I know that I should find other things to do that bring me happiness and I will. Today is just a bad day because I'm in a lot of pain and really frustrated that physically I can't do the things that I want to do and used to do. I can't even do yoga right now. Also money is very tight, so for the next 2 weeks I have to watch every penny I spend. I get very unhappy when I don't have money for even one little thing. My birthday is next week and I'm so broke that I can't even do anything for myself (I know I won't be getting anything from anyone else now that my Dad is gone).

But it is what it is. I think when I inventory my eye shadows I'll do the same thing and categorize them by color so that I can see what I have too much of and if there are any colors that I actually need. I suppose I just need to retire from make up buying because I honestly don't need anything.
I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so down. I know how that is. Please take care of yourself. I don't want you to have a blue birthday!


Well-known member
[@]burghchick[/@] I hope you feel better soon! Not being able to treat yourself on your birthday is the worst! Is there something you can do that wouldn't require funds? Like an at-home spa day or TV/movie marathon?


Well-known member
I had a serious moment today.. I've been trying to hit pan on/use up my Pink Swoon blush in the pan form and it has been so frustrating. The pigmentation is terrible and it kicks up powder everywhere.. so on a whim I check the manufacture date.. February.. 2006!! I was still in high school then for F's sakes lol. I probably bought it in 2011-2012, how are they allowed to sell 5-6 year old products like that!? Anyway, I came to the conclusion that I'm going to toss all 6 of the blushes in my palette (!). They're all 3-8 years old, none of them are as nice as I remember and the only ones I'll really miss are Blushbaby (might repurchase someday but for now I'm enjoying Mood Exposure by Hourglass and I might want to try Tarte Exposed) and Melba (which I have in the pot too and that one is only 2 years old.. don't ask why I needed 2 of them when I barely have a dent in either!!). I'm going to be reeeeally careful when I buy permanent products from now on.. like going in to the store and checking codes before I purchase! People are going to be annoyed with me but whatever! And no more trying to use up things.. I'm going to rotate everything but if there are clear favorites I'm going to get rid of the others. I don't want to see some of my favorite blushes die because I was trying to get my "money's worth" of other things. Anyway.. just a personal reminder to myself that things expire.. makeup is a consumable not a collectible.. repeating this mantra until it sticks.


Well-known member
That's so shocking! I've often thought about how long a product has been bottled up or packaged before I even lay hands on it. I must g back through the thread and find the website you linked to to check codes!
I had a serious moment today.. I've been trying to hit pan on/use up my Pink Swoon blush in the pan form and it has been so frustrating. The pigmentation is terrible and it kicks up powder everywhere.. so on a whim I check the manufacture date.. February.. 2006!! I was still in high school then for F's sakes lol. I probably bought it in 2011-2012, how are they allowed to sell 5-6 year old products like that!? Anyway, I came to the conclusion that I'm going to toss all 6 of the blushes in my palette (!). They're all 3-8 years old, none of them are as nice as I remember and the only ones I'll really miss are Blushbaby (might repurchase someday but for now I'm enjoying Mood Exposure by Hourglass and I might want to try Tarte Exposed) and Melba (which I have in the pot too and that one is only 2 years old.. don't ask why I needed 2 of them when I barely have a dent in either!!). I'm going to be reeeeally careful when I buy permanent products from now on.. like going in to the store and checking codes before I purchase! People are going to be annoyed with me but whatever! And no more trying to use up things.. I'm going to rotate everything but if there are clear favorites I'm going to get rid of the others. I don't want to see some of my favorite blushes die because I was trying to get my "money's worth" of other things. Anyway.. just a personal reminder to myself that things expire.. makeup is a consumable not a collectible.. repeating this mantra until it sticks.


Well-known member
I must g back through the thread and find the website you linked to to check codes!
I was shocked too! I thought surely they must pull products that are really old.. but no. There's probably little to no regulation of it.. I also found a MUFE eyeliner that I bought literally weeks ago that was made in 2010! That's 4 years of a product just sitting there and I'm supposed to put it on my eyes? I'm taking it back to exchange for a new one! is the website.


Well-known member
had an eexciting day today! I won a competition to try out the body shops new vitamin e aqua boost sorbet, i didn't read the terms properly and to my dread discovered I had to a video review! Luckily it was only ten seconds they wanted but still it was my first video and I was super nervous. The body shop put it on their YouTube today along with other bloggers thoughts, kind of scary but exciting! I'm also doing a no buy august *gulps*


Well-known member
Ok so going through just my mac things took 20 mins... But look at what failed the three year cut! The lipsticks I knew about as I could figure out when I bought them anyway. It's the face stuff that's made me think, do I want five year old strobe cream on my face? Nope! Same for the careblends oil, made five years ago. That was a backup id bought last year and I only opened it last month... A good reminder to avoid back ups! Same with the lightful moisturizer, that was a backup too that I've recently opened. Will the spf have gone bad if it's over three years old? I think I already know the answer :/ Not gunna lie, some of these items will be going back into my stash as I see fit but most will be b2m, yay swings and roundabouts! Food for thought!


Well-known member
I'm also doing a no buy august *gulps*
Wow!! That is so exciting! Congrats on your videoooo. That's fantastic.

No Buy August.. yay! YOU CAN DO IT! The first week of July was hard for me but after that it was okay.. and today's already the last day! WOO! As long as I don't purchase anything until after midnight tonight I'm good. ;) I kept putting things on a wishlist for August but I crossed at least half of them off! Out of the few things that have stuck around I get to choose 5 to buy this month.


Well-known member
Oh yeah no buy July had a better ring to it but I gotta do it now or never! Having to throw out and give away so much of my stash due to my ever increasing allergies really shocked me, it really showed me how addictive my behaviour had become about buying beauty products and applying them. I mean it's no surprise my allergies flare if I've got to the point where Im putting like 20 different things on my face in one day! So I'm living off what I got for the whole of august, no passing purchases off as 'healthcare' neither as I've enough shampoos, body wash etc to last through a seige! Congratulations on the no buy I'm excited to start mine :)
Wow!! That is so exciting! Congrats on your videoooo. That's fantastic. No Buy August.. yay! YOU CAN DO IT! The first week of July was hard for me but after that it was okay.. and today's already the last day! WOO! As long as I don't purchase anything until after midnight tonight I'm good. ;) I kept putting things on a wishlist for August but I crossed at least half of them off! Out of the few things that have stuck around I get to choose 5 to buy this month.


Well-known member
@burghchick I hope you feel better soon! Not being able to treat yourself on your birthday is the worst! Is there something you can do that wouldn't require funds? Like an at-home spa day or TV/movie marathon?
Most things at home aren't enjoyable because I live with my Mom, and she drives me crazy. (I avoid her as much as possible, which is why I'm always online at night because I sleep during the day.) If I where to do a spa day she'd ask what I was doing, say she needed to use the bathroom, and/or ask me to do something for her. BUT I might be able to do a movie marathon. That is an idea. I was about to say I could go to the park if the weather was nice but then I remembered my stupid leg. I'd have to limp around the park and that isn't fun. So... I'll think along the lines of a movie marathon.
Thank you Veronika!


Staff member
:hug: for burghchick. Confession time: I just broke my foundation no-buy and bought MAC F&B in White. I think it had to do with the fact F&B seems to be disappearing on MAC US site for whatever reason, and the White shade is something I'd been eyeing anyway, and I didn't want to wait any longer before getting it. It would be useful to me, though, being so fair. (I know it's not the only white foundation out there, but I think it'd be the most versatile.) Very likely going on a full No-Buy for August, myself. (I know, I was going to get the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette for my birthday treat to myself, but it's going to have to wait for a while.)


Well-known member
Most things at home aren't enjoyable because I live with my Mom, and she drives me crazy. (I avoid her as much as possible, which is why I'm always online at night because I sleep during the day.) If I where to do a spa day she'd ask what I was doing, say she needed to use the bathroom, and/or ask me to do something for her. BUT I might be able to do a movie marathon. That is an idea. I was about to say I could go to the park if the weather was nice but then I remembered my stupid leg. I'd have to limp around the park and that isn't fun. So... I'll think along the lines of a movie marathon.
Thank you Veronika!
That's too bad.. I know how you feel, my parents were the same way.. You could try to do some spa-like things during a movie night too, like a mud mask or manicure if you're into that. Then you wouldn't have to be in the bathroom for too long, just to wash the mask off. Add a candle, a cup of tea or other beverage/snacks of your choice and that sounds like a good time to me. :) There was a tag going around YouTube about what people do for a "pamper evening" - those might have some good ideas too! I'm picturing a Pamper Evening On Steroids. And if you have some hobbies that you like to do, throw those in too!



Well-known member
I finally counted my lipsticks and lip glosses and entered all of my info in Excel. I categorized them by general color so I could see what I have the most of. I have a total of 137 lipsticks, which is just slightly more than I thought I'd have. I was surprised to see how many purple-hued lipsticks I have. It's been one of my favorite colors for years, but I still didn't think I had as many as I do. (I can't remember the exact number, somewhere between 20 - 30.) I was really surprised by the number of lip glosses I have - 63. I didn't think I had that many. I should probably B2M some of them (some are more than 6 years old), but it's hard with some of the colors that I love that aren't available anymore. I do have 5 or 6 lippies that I'm almost finished with, anyhow.

I kind of hate that I know the exact number I have because I'll feel worse about buying any more. Getting pretty new cosmetics is something that I really enjoy and it brightens my day when I do, so I feel like I'm taking away something that makes me happy. I feel like I shouldn't say that in this thread but it's how I feel. Logically I know that I should find other things to do that bring me happiness and I will. Today is just a bad day because I'm in a lot of pain and really frustrated that physically I can't do the things that I want to do and used to do. I can't even do yoga right now. Also money is very tight, so for the next 2 weeks I have to watch every penny I spend. I get very unhappy when I don't have money for even one little thing. My birthday is next week and I'm so broke that I can't even do anything for myself (I know I won't be getting anything from anyone else now that my Dad is gone).

But it is what it is. I think when I inventory my eye shadows I'll do the same thing and categorize them by color so that I can see what I have too much of and if there are any colors that I actually need. I suppose I just need to retire from make up buying because I honestly don't need anything.
Hi love! I saw this post and all day I was like respond to burghchick!!

It's crazy to actually sit and count the numbers. You don't realize it until you do and then you're at a point where you think about never buying any more makeup. But, and I know this is the low buy thread and it might be controversial, but I don't think you should stop doing something that makes you happy. Obviously we're all here for a reason, I'm here to show some restraint and not go crazy buying every blush under the sun. But if I throughouly think a lipstick through and look for dupes and decide this is something I want, and I will wear it, I let myself get it. No more $100 shopping trips at MAC or Sephora. No more unnecessary drugstore buys. That's my goal right now.

You have to do what makes you happy. Because otherwise you're just going to be sitting there analyzing every little thing and being unhappy.

I had a bit of a harsh wake up call this week too. I know how you feel.

I hope you have an amazing birthday. Don't let it get you down. I know Veronika offered the movie marathon, that's a great idea. Is there a park by you? Just going outside and sitting at the park or lake for a few hours might be good. If you can't get outside even sitting in your back yard or an outside area with a good book or magazine might help. Lots of hugs for you girlie, thinking of you.


Well-known member
I sooo agree with you @mel33t! At several points I've said to myself that I shouldn't buy makeup again. Ever. But it's kind of like that Sunday morning hangover that tells you not to ever drink again.. that feeling in your gut is your mind's way of telling you it's uncomfortable and to back off of whatever you're doing to excess. Even though I threw out $200 of product that I'd barely used today and it made me feel really uncomfortable, I will continue to buy makeup. Of course I will! Because I love it! If I didn't I wouldn't be here. I just don't want to buy multiples of everything every year just to be constantly tossing barely used things the next. Moderation is what I'm aiming for. I already know 12 products a year isn't nearly enough for me.. and 100 is way too much! So I'm going for 25 in 6 months to see if that's my sweet spot!

It's okay to evaluate and re-evaluate things, but don't shame yourself for it. We deserve things that make us happy.

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