Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
There's nothing I really want from ANR, except for Stay Sultry in the Passionate Quest quad, but I'm not spending all that money just for the one shade, not to mention palettes are a no-no for me. So I will look for something similar and permanent to buy later. Besides that, I'm more looking forward to Artificially Wild. :nods:
Palettes are a no-no for me as well. Glad I've resisted and not purchased any this year.. I much prefer customizable pans. AW is the collection I'm most looking forward to as well. I've heard from a few of my local MAC MUAs that it was their favorite too. Should be a good one!
I had Yield to Love and Wanting More on my list but I am reconsidering them both. You?
My list to swatch is Wanting More lipglass, Fun Ending Blush and Myself lipstick. I need to make an exchange and I have 3 B2M so that will cover it if I do decide to get all 3 which I'm not sure about yet. Looking forward more to AW and the new MUFE shadow line has really caught my eye. There's always so much going on that by the time collections come around I'm already distracted by something else coming up!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Wow, next week! It's like I miss alot when I don't get on. I haven't looked at the collection that much in dept, but maybe a blush & lipglass for me. And that depends on if I need it & don't have anything like it.


Well-known member
Wow, next week! It's like I miss alot when I don't get on. I haven't looked at the collection that much in dept, but maybe a blush & lipglass for me. And that depends on if I need it & don't have anything like it.
Crazy eh?? I'm waiting to see it in stores but looking forward to seeing what everyone else picks up next week. Which ones are you looking at?

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Crazy eh?? I'm waiting to see it in stores but looking forward to seeing what everyone else picks up next week. Which ones are you looking at?
I'm thinking on Animal Indtincts,Talk S3xy (like I need another purple) and Bared for you or Reckless Desires. But the fluidline pencils are intriguing lol


Well-known member
I'm thinking on Animal Indtincts,Talk S3xy (like I need another purple) and Bared for you or Reckless Desires. But the fluidline pencils are intriguing lol
Great choices! Bared for You and Reckless Desires were on my original list too but I'm trying to take it easy on lipglosses in case a good holiday set comes out. I love lip minis.. I find it way easier to use them up before I feel nervous about their expiration. I'm sooo glad they're coming out with better pencils that don't require sharpening! I've really been enjoying the one Marc Jacobs I have and I'm excited for my 100 point perk mini to come. MUFE has a new line of them and I want to try those as well. I have a few regular MUFE pencil liners to use up first before I purchase any more eyeliners though!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Well that is one thing I always use up, lipglass lol. So what's on your list now? I just really started getting into liners. My eyes are so sensitive, it's not a every day thing. But the Marx Jacobs ones sound interesting. And I've heard about the Mufe ones. I'd like to try em out, but lmk your options.


Well-known member
So what's everyone's plans for A Novel Romance? Hard to believe it'll be out next week! I feel like I've been looking forward to it for so long.. What are you planning on getting and/or what's your method for sticking to your Low Buy goal?
I was originally planning on getting Lingering Kiss and Good Kisser but managed to cross them off my list soon after seeing swatches. So, ANR was going to be a skip buuut... Hearts Aflame has totally caught my eye! I don't have any similar reds so I plan to try it in-store (in case it's too brown for my taste) and possibly B2M it. There are rules with new releases and B2M'ing, right? I thought I read something along the lines of having to wait two weeks after the release date?

I've brought my lipstick number down considerably (totally my problem area). I'm at 87 with my max firmly set at 100. This is down from 158! I bought two 36-slot lipstick holders on eBay to go along with my current 12-slot and 16-slot to really solidify my goal of 100. If it doesn't fit, it cannot stay. They get here tomorrow and I'm so excited!


Well-known member
I was originally planning on getting Lingering Kiss and Good Kisser but managed to cross them off my list soon after seeing swatches. So, ANR was going to be a skip buuut... Hearts Aflame has totally caught my eye! I don't have any similar reds so I plan to try it in-store (in case it's too brown for my taste) and possibly B2M it. There are rules with new releases and B2M'ing, right? I thought I read something along the lines of having to wait two weeks after the release date? I've brought my lipstick number down considerably (totally my problem area). I'm at 87 with my max firmly set at 100. This is down from 158! I bought two 36-slot lipstick holders on eBay to go along with my current 12-slot and 16-slot to really solidify my goal of 100. If it doesn't fit, it cannot stay. They get here tomorrow and I'm so excited! 
Congrats on bringing your lipstick count down! That's a huge accomplishment :congrats: I'm still unsure about Good Kisser. So far for ANR I have Yeild to Love as my only definite. I'm having to step back from makeup for a bit due to some unforseen expenses and just feelings in general. I'm thinking after ANR the only collection I'm interested in will be the Matte collection. As of right now I only want Damn Glamorous from that.


Well-known member
Well that is one thing I always use up, lipglass lol. So what's on your list now? I just really started getting into liners. My eyes are so sensitive, it's not a every day thing. But the Marx Jacobs ones sound interesting. And I've heard about the Mufe ones. I'd like to try em out, but lmk your options.
For now my list is just Wanting More for lipglasses and maybe FE blush and Myself lipstick. I want to try one fluidline pencil from MAC, probably the gold/bronze one and one from MUFE, probably the taupe. Will be waiting on those a while though for when I use up all my pencils which could take a while. [@]Jaymuhlee[/@] WOW!! That's almost half that you got rid of! Awesome!! Must be so much easier to choose which one to wear. Keeping them in a specific size of container is a great idea too. Right now I have 2 muji drawers designated for lipsticks and glosses and I'm going to try not to go over that!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
@Jaymuhlee WOW!! That's almost half that you got rid of! Awesome!! Must be so much easier to choose which one to wear. Keeping them in a specific size of container is a great idea too. Right now I have 2 muji drawers designated for lipsticks and glosses and I'm going to try not to go over that!
Wow, that is ALOT of lipstick girl lol, but good for you getting your stash down.
And I may get a fluidline pencil, I'm not sure yet. Maybe after I see more swatches, reviews. But like I said
it depends on if I need it.


Staff member
I've brought my lipstick number down considerably (totally my problem area). I'm at 87 with my max firmly set at 100. This is down from 158! I bought two 36-slot lipstick holders on eBay to go along with my current 12-slot and 16-slot to really solidify my goal of 100. If it doesn't fit, it cannot stay. They get here tomorrow and I'm so excited! 
Yay! :cheer: FOTD... * It Cosmetics YSBB CC Cream - Fair + a tiny bit of MAC Face & Body - White * MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer - NW15 * NARS Smudgeproof Eyeshadow Base * Smashbox Eyeshadow - Vanilla * Bare Minerals Flawless Definition Mascara * NARS Blush - Sex Fantasy * Maybelline Colorburst Vivids Lipstick - Shocking Coral (edited to add...) So my white F&B came in yesterday. I did a mixing test with my Maybelline Fit Me in #110, which is a touch too dark on me. It went well, but I think I've reached the end of my love for Fit Me. It didn't seem to dry down, even though I set it with powder. I'll likely finish the bottle (I've finished a bottle previously), but I won't repurchase. I've also been having thinky thoughts regarding my brush collection lately, especially after one of Kerry-Jane's posts a couple of pages ago. While there are some brushes that I definitely still love using, there are others that I'm kind of over, and some that I use because that's what I have. I've been looking at other brushes -- brands with shapes I want that I've been eying include MAC, Louise Young, Chikuhodo, Hakuhodo, Rae Morris (btw, I think her magnet concept is very clever), Goss, and MUFE -- and OMG. I'm not in a position to start replacing brushes at the moment, but I'm thinking I'll be spending some time examining my existing brush collection, and then by the end of 2015, I hope to have a brush collection/wardrobe that I absolutely love. (Brands in my existing collection include MAC, Sigma, e.l.f., Sonia Kashuk, Real Techniques, Louise Young, Sephora (Pro collection), and EcoTools, as well a few Posh brushes which I don't use regularly but kept for travel use.)


Well-known member
Thanks, ladies! I'd actually been cycling through the same small group of lipsticks so this will definitely help me use my entire collection.

There are lots of people on the forum with wayyy more so I don't feel too bad about my number. What I do feel bad about is the condition one of my holders arrived in:

For some reason that eBay seller only wrapped the two holders' boxes in bubble wrap, without actually shipping them in a box?? So bizarre, and such a bummer! They're offering a refund or a replacement, thankfully. Still, how weird!

Now to work on the rest of my stash... and actually list/donate/toss what I've cleared out!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Thanks, ladies! I'd actually been cycling through the same small group of lipsticks so this will definitely help me use my entire collection.  There are lots of people on the forum with wayyy more so I don't feel too bad about my number. What I do feel bad about is the condition one of my holders arrived in: For some reason that eBay seller only wrapped the two holders' boxes in bubble wrap, without actually shipping them in a box?? So bizarre, and such a bummer! They're offering a refund or a replacement, thankfully. Still, how weird!  Now to work on the rest of my stash... and actually list/donate/toss what I've cleared out! 
Aww, that is a bummer & also weird no box. Hopefully they'll replace it for ya. Good your sorting things & tossing, giving away. I don't have tons as some like you, but I def have more than the Average chick lol. I line my size, as I give and toss alot. Just went through & gave some away & Lil items go to my daughter. She's on 8, so good enough for her to play in.


Well-known member
A couple of weeks until hubby goes back to work and the girls are back at school. I hope to spend the first while depotting all my MAC shadows (about 85).

Can anyone link a video or information about depotting multiple shadows at once, I just couldn't bear doing one at a time with a flat iron.

Thank you.


Staff member
You could probably do two or three at once with the flat iron technique. I think your other, better option would be to use an oven at a low temperature. Here's one tutorial (this doesn't use MAC eyeshadows, but it would work for them) ~


Well-known member
Aww, that is a bummer & also weird no box. Hopefully they'll replace it for ya. Good your sorting things & tossing, giving away. I don't have tons as some like you, but I def have more than the Average chick lol. I line my size, as I give and toss alot. Just went through & gave some away & Lil items go to my daughter. She's on 8, so good enough for her to play in.
Same/opposite! I let my mom have first dibs on my to-go pile!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Lol @Jaymuhlee, as long as it'd in the family. My daughter has a Lil collection going on, it's cute. Now I've thought about giving my mom items, but eh, idk if she'd even wear anything she's sooo plain.


Well-known member
Happy belated birthday, [@]burghchick[/@]!
@burghchick  did your birthday happen yet?? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :nanas:  :stars: :party2: :stars: 
Thank you, wicked and Veronika! It wasn't a great day but today was better. I slept all day! I've been unusually irritable and sad lately. I'm not positive why but I have a few guesses. Mainly due to the ideas in this forum about having only things that I love rather than just "stuff", I've started going through everything I own in order to get rid of things. Surprisingly, there are mostly just things that I love. Most of my things have been in storage in my mother's garage for years (long story). So I've forgotten how many beautiful things I do have. This, however, has made me want to be able to get them out and enjoy them again. That has made me frustrated about my life in general. Plus this past week I discovered that some of my furniture has gotten mold on it. I used to have it in a climate controlled storage unit, which my family convinced me was a waste of money. Obviously not, since it didn't get moldy there! My other frustration is that I can't walk very far because one of my legs is weak, the muscles won't flex, the knee won't bend... I had a problem with this same leg years ago because I had a bulging disc pressing on the sciatic nerve for it. I was told then that it would always be weaker than the right leg so I'm wondering if my current problems are related. I have an appointment with an ortho Dr. But not until the 19th. I've been dealing with this all summer. I'm really hoping there is a cure that doesn't require surgery. But I'll do whatever it takes! All of this thinking puts make-up in perspective. At the same time, I'm looking forward to getting a few things from ANR just because I want something pretty and nice for a little bit of pleasure. I haven't bought much recently and I miss it. Aside from ANR the only other collection I'm excited about is the Matte lips and Rihanna Viva Glam 2. AW is probably a total skip, the Simpsons is a skip, Brooke Shields is a skip, Rocky Horror is probably a skip, Nasty Gal is a maybe. I am looking forward to the holiday collex so I'm keeping that in mind when I choose other items.

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