Awww YOU LADIES!!! You make me so happy! Thank you for all of your compliments and encouragement, it means the world to me! I love being here. It's a great place to be!
I purchased RRVG2 gloss and lipstick - returned the lipstick. Felt like a creep returning an item/money for charity. UGHHH. But honestly, it would've gone to waste as it wasn't my shade. Yet another time I let a salegirl sell me something that wasn't right for me! Lesson learned, for at least a while anyways!
@veronikawithak- love that your working your way through products & I really love that you are keeping track of expiry dates, etc. It's important for cleanliness of course and health in general. The other day I had to throw out a scrub that had gone off (the smell was strange) - what a waste. Paying attention to those details helps to keep us in good form and use up our products 'in order'. When was your birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
in case I already missed it! I always identify so strongly with your posts too! I feel like we could be 'in real life' friends! When are you moving?! (not to sound like a creepy stalker - when's your birthday?! when are you moving across Canada? WHEN CAN WE BE IRL FRIENDS?!!!
@PixieDancer- Aww GIRL! You are so sweet. Thank you, Thank you for all of your wonderful words! Over-analyzing is the enemy and stands in the way of achieving greatness and self-acceptance, I think. I love LOVE your new pic that you posted! Will you be performing in Vegas during Oct 10-13? I'll be in town then (hubs doesn't know - tee hee - for his 30th birthday!) & if you are I would love to see you perform! How's your palette rotation going?! The NARS lippies sound great - you've been a good girl by not totally lemming!
@Ajigglin - did you hear about your job interview? Sounds like a great opportunity! I know you've been working so hard at finding the right career and job path - it's so, so important to like what we do! Proud of you for sticking with it even though it must be so difficult sometimes!
@Maris Crane - Thanks for your comments

I'm so happy about the weight loss. It's like...a weight off my shoulders! haha!
You are right about the blog accountability factor - if you have followers or people who are interested, it definitely keeps accountability up! Also the Use It Up section or something like it is a great idea!
The next time you're lemming for a product - think of RUSSIA! Maybe keep a picture/postcard of it in your wallet so you can remind yourself of your bigger goals?
@lyseD - I just got Plumful and I LOVE IT! (if you're still in the market for a perm. MAC lippie).
@MissTania- You are so right about the 'hoarding' aspect girl - I can't tell you how many products I've given away or thrown out recently because I didn't need them or I had dupes of them. Just remember- ONWARD AND UPWARD! As we all know cosmetics have an expiry and we need to keep that in mind when we're purchasing! As Peter Walsh says, every item takes up 'real estate' in our homes and we are paying for this by paying for rent/mortgages - so really every item in our home is costing way more than the sticker price. He says "Never throw good money after bad money,' meaning don't waste your good money (mortgage/rent/mental energy/etc) on bad money (items that we've purchased that we don't need).
@VAL4M - WOW! You've accomplished so much! I love it! Can't believe you did a marathon. Running is so good for weight loss, but you're right - finding an activity that you love is so important. I've done a 1/2 and thought I was going to die lol! My hubs and I ran it 2 weeks before our wedding last year and it was quite the challenge. I loved it and would love to do another one. We ran Seawheeze in Vancouver

And yes, I could see having your child as the #1 accomplishment of your life! Sounds like you have created a very full life for yourself!
@burghchick - Hey Girl!
Thanks so much for your lovely and encouraging comments! I agree - we sound like two peas in a pod! I also believe that the world would be a better place if people had more empathy or more open about their feelings. I think people often get burned and that's why they retreat into themselves. It happens to everyone. The key is to know who to trust with those feelings and who should be avoided, while not becoming bitter about the world in general ("The world is full of untrustworthy people," etc). I think empathy and openness are keys to great careers, but they are usually careers that are stressful or emotional! They key there is balance, of course. I'm a teacher right now and it's so hard. I'm only a sub, but honestly - sometimes it's very emotional. You see children going through so many challenges and difficulties. The world truly does benefit from those people who are brave enough to share their vulnerability!
HAHAH about the book recs - I have a few of those rented from the library - great minds think alike! The one about giving up one thing a month & the overspent American - do you recommend both? I have those out right now! hehe.
A big part of happiness I think is striving every day to do little things that are working towards a greater goal. Like you said, sometimes people have crappy years and good years - but the key is to stick with the struggle of the crappy year to get to the good one. Sometimes it seems as if everything is going crappy, but if I can separate parts of my life I can see which parts are going really well and which parts need work. I usually generalize ("I'm struggling right now..." etc) but if I really break it down it's one part of my life that I'm struggling in. Not every part of my life. So that drives me forward and keeps my momentum up! Good for you for striving forward even when you feel like progress is stagnant - sometimes that's all we can do before we get to the next part that's waiting for us! xo
@shellygrrl - Love the pic you posted! The lipstick is gorgeous and so are you (but you look a little shellshocked about something? The price of the NARS lippies perhaps?! haha).
@kait0 - as per your rec I just started Queen of Versailles. Halfway thru and having a hard time relating to these self indulgent people lol. Trying hard not to be too judgmental, but HOLY MAN. Can't believe it. What a lifestyle.
@dodotheextinct - LOVE THIS DRESS!!! Beautiful! I agree, a neutral type eye would work great w/gold/brown tones.
@mel33t - about this boy/shopping situation. It sounds like he's already made it pretty clear that you're a 'low' priority to him because he only reappears when he needs you for some help or an ego boost. You do not deserve this treatment. You've earned everything you've got and you seem lovely. I think you know what you want and need to do but I get that it's hard. Sometimes people from our past remind us of happy times or memories that we'd like to hold on to. But unless you want to reconnect in the future, I would say it's pretty clear that you need to cut ties for yourself. He will not like it and he'll probably bitch about it to mutual friends/acquaintances. You may feel like he's trying to paint you as 'a bitch' etc. for not talking to him/helping him/etc. Any smart person who listens to his stories will understand the probable truth, that you had to get away to help yourself. But honestly, you do not deserve this treatment and you shouldn't accept it. From my experience, I can say that any man who truly wants to reconnect in a romantic way will make you the priority you deserve to be and will let you know that you are a priority.
What are you getting out of this relationship? It doesn't seem like much, or anything at all. Just someone who reappears when it's convenient for him. I think especially given your romantic past, it's important to cut those ties. Those ex-boyfriend/romantic feelings still have an impact on us unconsciously, even if we don't necessarily want a future with someone. At least that's what I believe to be true.
Also - stay strong and resist your urges to 'shop your way out' of these feelings. Come on here - vent - PM us if you need to! Go do your fav. hobby or activity, see friends, etc. Keep busy and avoid, avoid, avoid the malls and online shopping, just like you've been doing. You're doing great girl. xo (I hope you don't take offence to what I'm saying! I'm so sorry if I'm talking way, way too much here).
ALLLRIGHT Girlies. That's all I got for now. Love the chats going on in here! xoxo
PS - I decided to post a link to my wedding photos from 2013, simply so you can see who I am

names to faces always helps me! (This is a big step for me - I'm pretty private, but honestly - I've been in here for so long and haven't ever posted a pic...thought it might be time to share!). I thought since I want to start my blog project, I'd better get used to some internet 'publicity' haha. And you can see my hot hubs too
GAWWWWD he's da best.