MAC x Rocky Horror Picture Show Collection (Oct 2, 2014)


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So I went to the instore launch today with two fellow Specktrettes, @jchait and Debbs. It was fun ladies and I can't wait to do it again. I originally wanted Oblivion, Frank-N-Furter and It's Not Easy Having A Good Time. When i got there I happen to swatch the colors I wanted and ended up exchanging Strange Journey for Oblivion. Strange Journey is beautiful and IMO the stand out among the lipsticks in this collection. It will look amazing on just about anyone. From the fair to the dark. I also think everyone NEEDS It's Not Easy Having A Good Time!!! It's stunning. Absolutely beautiful. The one Item I didn't orginally plan for and ended up with was the Crazed Imagination Powder Blush. The color is lovely but Its a bit hard and difficult to get a decent swatch with the finger. I'm going to try later with a stiffer brush and see what happens. If it doesn't deliver I'm afraid I'm going to have to take it back.


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Color me unhappy. Pretty much all i wanted from this collection was the Bad Fairy nail polish. By the time i got on-line, it was sold out.

My local MAC didn't get this collection. The PRO store San Francisco did. That would mean taking a bus and light rail there and home which would cost $11.00. I decided that it wasn't worth spending $24.50 for a $13.50 nail polish. It's really nice, but not THAT nice.

Had I known, I would've picked up an extra one for you. Now they're sold out.
Quote: Originally Posted by CharlieKelly

I need to catch up on my unread posts but I need honest opinions on sin and CI blush. I am no too fair, Nc-20 most of the year but is this too dark for me? PS I wont be butthurt

It's perfect for you!


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I'm stuck home sick but my Dad went to the store for me & my goodies cheered me up! Strange Journey & Crazed Imagination
awwww how sweet hope u feel better soon
Mama's goodies. I got duplicates of everything here.. except the nail polishes. So happy when I got my black box
great haul
So good thing I stopped by the MAC store and bought 2 FrankNFurters even tho I had two coming in the mail AND good thing I came home early and opened my black box bc I found THIS:
One is broken off its base and smashed at the tip, and the other is COMPLETELY broken off its base and the tip is no where to be found! Wtheecck?! So I got TWO broken lipsticks in one box. Called the customer service line and got the most monotone dude who says I'll have to wait until sometime next week to find out if they'll be able to send me replacements
o nooooooo I hope mac made it right
Suits you so well! Beautiful!
Agreed. FnF looks gorgeous on you.
someone already posted this but here you go
thanks for the swatches lou
Thanks Glammy, I can't wait to see you in yours! :kiss:
Awwwww thanks naomi I'm feeling much better I can finally play with my goodies this weekend
In love with [@]Debbs[/@]! Gots me a FnF coming! :woot: can't wait to see this bad boy cuz the hubs already said he likes sin on me! God that came out bad..... :devil:
debbs is awesome
Love FnF so much. You guyyyyys. So pretty. Wore it with NYX plush red liner. PR is lighter but it works.


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Just got my CI blush & SJ ls :pompom: :love: CI blush is BEAUTIFUL on! Not like AI at all on me. Its a pale pinked plum & is not frosty at all. It looks AMAZING with Nars Audacious ANNA lipstick :eyelove: SJ is like a dirty orange with red undertones on me. Lovely & modern looking.
yay elegant I'm happy u love them
Soooo......I'm not hating CI and like how it isn't as frosty as other frosts seem to be. I'm actually wearing it again today even! It's almost making me want to grab another WW and give it a go again. lol
yay I'm so happy u are loving ci I looked at mines and was look this blush is beautiful I can't wait to use
Told ya you are gonna love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nanas:
it is stunningggg
The colour of it is beautiful and it looks very nice on. I'm still getting used to a non-matte or satin look, but I like it a lot more than I did Wordly Wealth when I had it and it hasn't done the shiny disco ball effect on me when my skin starts to get oily either. :flower:
I love matte and satin blushes too my fave
I hate frosts!!!!!!!!!!! I need nothing frosty on my face. Frosty on my windows in winter, frosty on cake or cupcakes, I love Frosty the Snowman............just please no frosty ever on my face :D :lol: Don't worry about it. This shade will be beautiful on you dear ;)
agree I hate my face looking frosty that's the reason why I dislike sr msf too frosty
I am in love with strange journey
ummmmmm u rocked the heck out of this lippie in your honor I'm trying this one first
Wearing FNF lined with Nightmoth
FNF for the win! Lined with Ms. Mia Wallace
Sorry it took so long! Top is FNF, bottom is Mrs Mia Wallace
thanks naomi for the swatches
Sorry for the awkward angle and unflattering picture but my mom wanted me to send her a picture of FrankNFurter and I thought this pic captured the color well and I figured that means I could post it here! So here it is! Sorry again I know it's sory of an unfortunate too-close photo.
i love this stunning
I am so in love with FrankNFurter! It is possibly my new favorite red and that's saying a lot. It really feels unique to my collection, too!
I also did a brief little video with it on my YouTube if you want to watch it (link is in my signature). I wasn't going to, but FnF just exceeded my expectations and I felt like I had to!
cant wait to watch thanks
Trying not to spam the board with blog pictures (I took a ton lol), so I cropped the important swatches from my RHPS review and made a collage. Lippies top to bottom are Oblivion, Strange Journey (my FAVORITE from the collection), and FrankNFurter. Top right pic is the S&S and the blush, then the bottom right is the pigment.
Love them all
Thanks lol. I will add a full face shot at least then, because SJ is my fav


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I love this book! Interesting fact I didn't know: for the majority of the promos, the makeup artist was either Val Garland or Charlotte Tilbury. ANR is in it, too, though not surprising as it's listed shoot date was February 2013.


That is incredible! Atlanta only has one store and I was there at open on te 2nd ...They were out of FnF, Eyeshadow and Sculpt n Shape within minutes. Totally suspect IMO! Too many hustlers hoarding for eBay sales


Well-known member
Thanks lol. I will add a full face shot at least then, because SJ is my fav <3


Thank you for the pics and swatches!


Quote: Originally Posted by Yazmin


I love this book! Interesting fact I didn't know: for the majority of the promos, the makeup artist was either Val Garland or Charlotte Tilbury. ANR is in it, too, though not surprising as it's listed shoot date was February 2013.

this is my favorite book EVER! Love it so much