Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
So without revealing too much of my troubles recently...

When I stress, I shop. That's my trigger.

I purged a little bit of my collection today, and plan to do a purge the day after Thanksgiving as well. I got rid of mainly lip glosses that were old that weren't touched since the summer time. If I'm not wearing them, I'm not going to wear them. These past few weeks I've shopped a little more than I wanted to. I knew the Sephora sale was going to be big for me, and I almost spent within my budget, until last week.

I can feel myself starting to get back on track and starting to regain some control in my life (and not just about makeup purchases or lack there of). I'm hoping the stress dies down and I'm able to take a breather and control it and get what I need to get done, done so I don't spiral out of control.

Just needed to share that somewhere! Plus who else appreciates the feeling of dwindling down the numbers in their stash!?!


Share away doll!

As for "dwindling down the numbers"... I wouldn't say I get particularly satisfied at just eliminating from my stash. I think I feel better at the thought that I can let go of something in and of itself. I used to hold onto things for those "what if" times. Now, if I'm not loving it or getting much use out of it, I'll pass it along. Although I have inventoried my collection and know all my numbers, those aren't AS important to me personally than the overall feel of progress. Even if my stash size stays the same, I'll be happy knowing that I moved other things out to bring better things in.
I do always enjoy my purges though! Considering last year the thought of purging would have made me stressed... BIG TIME!
Good Luck on your BLACK FRIDAY PURGE!! I like the sound of that! HeeHee
Vibrandy eye --- Can't find this on the site. Can you give me some more information please?


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Vibrandy eye --- Can't find this on the site. Can you give me some more information please?
Quote: Originally Posted by Rainbunny

I think Vibrancy Eye is now discontinued.
Yep, but it's coming back, allegedly. I don't think we had official info about it yet.


Well-known member
I am so glad I found this thread. I love cosmetics and beauty and the experience of it all, but I need to engage differently (as well as purge my stash, but that's a whole different fashion show) and with a three year old and a five month old, that feels to be largely skin care, foundation and concealer and that's about it. I can't give my baby smushy kisses with lipstick on, you know? So thanks to the thread starter: you've given me my first New Year 2015 resolution!


Well-known member
I feel so acomplished right now!

Not that I have spent x amount of time with no buys or that I have purged my stash. Yeah I have tossed a few things that I was kidding myself that I was actually going to use but what I have actually achieved is to depot all of my eyeshadows and blushes (non-mineralize and non-ed)!! I was even brave enough to atempt to depot my duo eyeshadow from styleseeker.

So yeah this is much much better: now I can SEE what I have when I am thinking on what to wear and/or I can get inspiration from seeing the colours.

I have two very nice KIKO palettes which I have reserved for travelling and all of the rest, my MAC and Make Up Store eyeshadows, are either in zpalettes or in a mac palette.

Now I have one of the old mac palettes left empty but honestly I prefer the clear window in the new ones... I am actually thinking of getting another one for my blushes

I am also putting my MUS pigments into MUJI 5 stackable jars. Much much better as well. Not sure if I will be brave enough to put the mac ones in there as well :x

Now the only things that sit a bit unloved in my drawer are the MES and the EDES... A couple are gorgeous but... they tend to crease on me and I simply do not wear them. I am thinking of putting them up for sale. Thoughts?

Oh and a question: anyone has attempted to depot pressed pigments? I fear they might crumble...


Well-known member
So, as promised, I didn't go crazy with the last couple of collex's, or Sephora sale, AND got awesome seats to the Stevie Wonder Concert. #winning I kinda like this approach. I've been actively participating (sometimes I get lazy) in the Theme thread and using products I have NEVER used. I'm having a good time makeup wise. LOL I did get sucked in to buying some white balls, and I will probably own about half of the Nars Audacious lippies. But what I didn't do was buy a bunch of items from the latest MAC collex's if they were similar to what I already had. I completely ignored Kinky Boots, and the lippies from Mac Holiday. As pretty as they are, I know I have something similar. That was hard.


Great to hear that all of you accomplish their goals, making smaller or bigger steps!

Today I started purging my stash and for the beginning, I purged two lip glosses, one blush, one nail polish, two pigments. Since all those items are drugstore products AND I haven't used them for about a year, they can certainly leave my drawers. Six products are not really a great number, but it's better than nothing, eh?
I must admit that I bought two more things from the Mac holiday collection (Modest Blush and Seeking Adoration Cremesheen Glass). But I kinda don't feel bad about this. I've waited for almost three weeks and I've reconsidered many options which pieces I might get from that collection, so my picks are well considered and not impulsively grabbed. I picked colors which are good for everyday use and stayed away from things I might not use as often (i.e., all the lipsticks - too bold for uni/work; more pressed pigments - I've already got the only one that's really special imho).
Looking back at the last weeks, I can say that I accomplished a calm attitude towards shopping in general and I don't get crazily excited about new collections leaking online. Two weeks ago, a was given a gift card (H&M) from my friends and my former self might have walked straight away to H&M to buy anything, but I still haven't set a single foot into that store. At the moment, I feel that I don't need any new clothes since I'm really content with what I own (concerning quantity, quality and the look of my wardrobe). Makes me proud of myself


Specktra Bestie
I've been really stressed out lately too and tend to shop to cope. I went to the CCO last Saturday and got 2 skincare products, 2 small perfumes, 4 brow pencils, 1 brow gel, and a lipstick. It didn't really make me feel better. The sales associate was rude, and the brow gel was only 2/3 full when I got home. (When I called, she was super rude about it too.) Plus I felt a little guilty buying 10 items... but at least they are mostly products I needed and will use up. I actually had 0 brow pencils, so I really needed one and backups. I had no brow gel either because I lost mine. I haven't bought a bottle of perfume in years, and I got rid of my old ones, so I wanted a small bottle (0.67 oz) and a rollerball (0.2 oz) to keep in my purse. They had Pure Heroine, and I somehow missed out on that one. They had some Lightful skincare products, so I grabbed a couple of those since they were cheaper ($33.75 vs $42.00). Still... I'm a little disappointed in myself because I was doing so well this month. :sigh:


Well-known member
Don't feel bad. It's "low," not "no," right? Only you know, of course, if you really didn't want or need something, but if you didn't buy the rest of the month, you're doing great! And I find CCO tempting in the extreme...


Well-known member
Just wanted to chime in that you ladies are not alone. I'm a stress shopper too and am actually going to the doctor today to discuss trying medication again. I'm glad everyone is doing pretty well!

Quote: Originally Posted by jennifae

I've been really stressed out lately too and tend to shop to cope. I went to the CCO last Saturday and got 2 skincare products, 2 small perfumes, 4 brow pencils, 1 brow gel, and a lipstick. It didn't really make me feel better. The sales associate was rude, and the brow gel was only 2/3 full when I got home. (When I called, she was super rude about it too.) Plus I felt a little guilty buying 10 items... but at least they are mostly products I needed and will use up.

I actually had 0 brow pencils, so I really needed one and backups. I had no brow gel either because I lost mine. I haven't bought a bottle of perfume in years, and I got rid of my old ones, so I wanted a small bottle (0.67 oz) and a rollerball (0.2 oz) to keep in my purse. They had Pure Heroine, and I somehow missed out on that one. They had some Lightful skincare products, so I grabbed a couple of those since they were cheaper ($33.75 vs $42.00).

Still... I'm a little disappointed in myself because I was doing so well this month.
@jennifae, I wouldn't feel too bad. At least you did not pay full price for the items you got. It sounds like you thought out your purchases so don't beat yourself up too much for it.

Sounds like the stress shopping is a common theme around here. I've been really depressed the last two months and I go through spells where I want nothing and spells where I want everything. It's hard staying in control sometimes.

@mel33t Lately I've picked up vaping. I was not a smoker before, but I've been using it to treat my anxiety and ADHD. It's definitely not for everyone, but I have found it helpful. I can't see it being any worse than popping xanax. or antidepressants (which I will never again touch).


Well-known member
Add me to the stress shopper list! I also shop when I'm depressed even though I know deep down it doesn't solve anything. I've been pretty good since my little RHPS splurge fest with the exception of 2 Guerlain lippies, one Nars Audacious lipstick and two sets of Guerlain meteorites. I also plan to grab a couple of the Tom Ford Lips & Boys lipsticks once they launch. All in all not too bad seeing how I plan to skip every single upcoming MAC collection and have either sold or given away about 15 lipsticks and about 30 pigments in the last month or so. I have a ways to go, but I look forward to having a stash of only things I truly love. I'm also challenging myself to wear the same blush and highlighter for two weeks at a time so that I can use them up quicker than just doing a daily rotation.


I'm definitely a stress shopper, too. I thought shopping might cheer me up when I'm sad or stressed. It's relieving to know that this kind of behavior is so common. I also tend to eat rather unhealthy stuff such as chocolates or cookies to compensate stress. But that eating thing used to be much worse in former times, luckily.


Well-known member
I also tend to eat rather unhealthy stuff such as chocolates or cookies to compensate stress. But that eating thing used to be much worse in former times, luckily.
I used to stress eat too and cut that out when I shifted over to stress shopping.


Well-known member
I also tend to eat rather unhealthy stuff such as chocolates or cookies to compensate stress. But that eating thing used to be much worse in former times, luckily.
I do the same! I either want to eat everything in sight or eat nothing. Chips are my big problem. I need to just not buy them so they aren't in the house to be eaten!


I do the same! I either want to eat everything in sight or eat nothing. Chips are my big problem.  I need to just not buy them so they aren't in the house to be eaten!
yeah not buying them is really helpful. I'm usually too lazy to go to the supermarket for just a bag of chips or a bar of chocolate.
Good for our waists, but bad for our wallets. lol
lol! I'm Not really sure what's worse :)


Well-known member
I do the same! I either want to eat everything in sight or eat nothing. Chips are my big problem. I need to just not buy them so they aren't in the house to be eaten!
Ugh chips! I used to always have chips laying around and would just eat the crap out of them. Now I make a point to not have any junk food in the house besides popcorn and so if I go on a food binge the worst thing I could possibly stuff my face with is pop corn. lol

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