All Things Sephora


Well-known member
Awwww! We're shorty sisters! People say that to me all the time... They see pics & I shoot tall... I have long legs for a short girl, so that helps in photos. But I have a super sort torso... Which bums me out!
Check me into the short girl with longer legs club. I come in at 5'3". My boyfriend is 6'5" lol so I do get a lot of use out of all my heels!


Well-known member
The tallest guy I've ever dated was 6ft 3in and I quite enjoyed being able to wear my heels and not tower over him because I'm so short to begin with.


Well-known member
Seriously so true.  My bf is 5'10" but means I can't wear heels without making him feel super short because I end up being 6ft.  All I'm asking is for him to grow to be 6ft2" !
Nah. I rock my heels regardless. I never cared if my men were shorter. I was going to look fly no matter what.


Well-known member
Look at all the pixie's here. :) I wish I had a few more inches on me. 5'10 would be nice. I was always the tallest child in class and it was about 7th grade when I reached 5'8 and just stopped growing. :crybaby: I can't wear heels for nothing either. My big ogre feet are not comfortable in them and I stomp around like a caveperson. It's all flats for me. Mostly dressy ones. That's my style and thank goodness designers started recognizing girls with huge feet want to be stylish, too! It's my look and I own it.

Dolly Snow

5'2 checking in.
The tallest guy I've ever dated was 6ft 3in and I quite enjoyed being able to wear my heels and not tower over him because I'm so short to begin with. :haha:
Tallest guy I've dated was 6ft 5in...and it was fun :lol:
Look at all the pixie's here. :) I wish I had a few more inches on me. 5'10 would be nice. I was always the tallest child in class and it was about 7th grade when I reached 5'8 and just stopped growing. :crybaby: I can't wear heels for nothing either. My big ogre feet are not comfortable in them and I stomp around like a caveperson. It's all flats for me. Mostly dressy ones. That's my style and thank goodness designers started recognizing girls with huge feet want to be stylish, too! It's my look and I own it.
Pixie..I've never been called a pixie hahaha. Shontay own the hell out of it!


Well-known member
 I'm 5'8" too but I'm all legs, short torso!  I would love to be a bit taller though.  Problem is finding tall men.  :/
Heyyy I'm 5'8 and all legs too haha! Tights are almost always too short for me, usually have to buy plus size although I'm roughly a size 8 haha


Well-known member
Anyone get a Sephora survey in their e-mail? At the end it says I'll be credited with 100 points..within 30 days. I really hope they take the feedback that's given. The questions about rewards and perks you'd prefer made me want to cry because some of them are so perfect and extravagant and special. What's the point of a rewards program if it doesn't make you feel special? I could go on about Sephora and the problem with the levels of the VIB program, but I think we all know. We need to let them know and they need to step it up.


Well-known member
Here is Lime Crime's Salem. Wore it today to see Mockingjay. I love it. and leave me alone because I'm not wearing anything else. total lazy day.


Well-known member
So pretty, Shontay! How was Mockingjay?
Thanks! Love it! It's definitely just the appetizer, though. If you love the book and you're connected to the characters, you get that. It's setting the stage for the finale. Someone just coming into this movie might get a little...bored. I really wish they hadn't split it in two (it's a money grab), but at least it's well done.


Well-known member
Thanks! Love it! It's definitely just the appetizer, though. If you love the book and you're connected to the characters, you get that. It's setting the stage for the finale. Someone just coming into this movie might get a little...bored. I really wish they hadn't split it in two (it's a money grab), but at least it's well done.
I haven't read any of the books yet even though I have the complete set sitting sadly on my bookshelf. I'm looking forward to taking my nieces to see it either this or next weekend, glad to hear it's going to be worth the ticket cost!


Well-known member
Thanks! Love it! It's definitely just the appetizer, though. If you love the book and you're connected to the characters, you get that. It's setting the stage for the finale. Someone just coming into this movie might get a little...bored. I really wish they hadn't split it in two (it's a money grab), but at least it's well done.
That's just what these franchises are doing lol President Snow really creeped me out in the books


Well-known member
SO PRETTY!!  OMG I love this on u! How was the movie? I wanna go this weekend.
Goooo seeee iiiit!
I haven't read any of the books yet even though I have the complete set sitting sadly on my bookshelf. I'm looking forward to taking my nieces to see it either this or next weekend, glad to hear it's going to be worth the ticket cost!
Have you seen the first two movies? If you really like those, you should like this one, too. I knew they'd cut the movie off right when it was time to get to the nitty gritty. It's only 2 hours long so it's really just like a long TV season finale. I'm so mad we have to wait another year for the last part.


Well-known member
That's just what these franchises are doing lol President Snow really creeped me out in the books
That's why I hate that they did it for THG. I'm not into any of the series that have done it before. I wanted THG to be different. :getyou: President Snow is creepy as hell in this one. Creepy as hell. And I hate being so shallow (sometimes), but whenever Liam Hemsworth was onscreen I was just like dayum.


Well-known member
Have you seen the first two movies? If you really like those, you should like this one, too. I knew they'd cut the movie off right when it was time to get to the nitty gritty. It's only 2 hours long so it's really just like a long TV season finale. I'm so mad we have to wait another year for the last part.
I have and I really enjoyed them. I keep meaning to read the books, but I've been on a Euro history kick lately. lol
I really hate all this film fragmentation they've been doing lately. Movies that don't even need to be in two parts or 3 in some cases are being dragged out over years and it's silly.


Well-known member
I have and I really enjoyed them. I keep meaning to read the books, but I've been on a Euro history kick lately. lol I really hate all this film fragmentation they've been doing lately. Movies that don't even need to be in two parts or 3 in some cases are being dragged out over years and it's silly. 
Definitely get around to reading those books. As much as I love the movies, the books are better. The second one, especially.