

Well-known member
Wore Grind while running errands today. I got a lot of looks which is strange because I wear colors much weirder/bolder than this!

Grind looks beautiful on you!

Quote: Originally Posted by mel33t

I want to know when they'll release the blushes... If they are. I have an order I want to place, buy I'd rather do it all at once.
That's what I'm doing as well. I want to grab Partridge, La La, that Shaaanxo quad and a few lip pencils, but I think I'm still hungover from my holiday Colourpop binge.


Well-known member
I haven't tried anything from ColourPop yet but man I'm tempted! I think I'll hold off for now and see what's up for their spring collection before I place an order, though. I'm hoping for blushes too!


Well-known member
I'm excited for the blushes, if that's what they were. I'm sure they won't disappoint.

I'm also trying to wait for KathleenLights' new collaboration with them, which I think might be eyeshadows?


Well-known member
You guys I just placed a really big compulsive order omg
No regrets

If you want my weird reasoning behind everything I got.....
I got:
Rebound quad- Honestly this is gorgeous! it's kind of bad that I keep buying eyeshadows when I'm not a huge eyeshadow user but I can't resist anything coral
All 4 new hyper glossy lippies- Cupid, Corset, Juicy, Go Fish. Honestly I'm pretty crazy. I got Juicy just because I like the name, it reminds me of notorious big's song juicy hahaha. Go Fish is like the color of swedish fish so hello I need it. Cupid is the cutest coral nude ever, and Corset is a dusty lavender. I am not that girl who only wears matte lipsticks, I do errythang and these are so cutesie and valentine-themed that I just needed them...
Brink lippie + pencil- I don't have a good neutral yet from colourpop (besides cookie) and this one is probably the most intriguing. Let's hope I like it!
Bullchic lippie + pencil- Okay I swear I'm not weird but I loved the description they gave this one... they said something like 'party and bullshit' and thats another song from notorious big LMAO i'm not even a crazy fan of him like i probably look like right now but I just need stuff when I relate it to something I like. Plus I don't have a black lipstick yet and I'm crazy enough to wear black lipstick.
Brills lippie + pencil- Uhhh cute. I need a lavender pencil, and then I couldn't just buy the pencil and not the lippie. Even though I have dodgy girl from mac, I don't mind having the equivalent of any of my mac lipsticks in colourpop because sometimes I actually prefer the colourpop finishes.
Fancy lippie + pencil- Not a fan of iggy azalea's music (which this is seemingly named after.) But I am a coral addict and I liked the muted quality this one had.

I'm excited!!!!


Well-known member
I haven't tried anything from ColourPop yet but man I'm tempted! I think I'll hold off for now and see what's up for their spring collection before I place an order, though. I'm hoping for blushes too!:sigh:
You will be hooked after your first purchase.


Well-known member
Grind is so close to Heroine. Don't ask me why I bought another Heroine lip liner when I could have bought three CP liners.
They are so close it's ridiculous. But luckily there is a slight difference on me between grind pencil and heroine pencil. Honestly I think I prefer Grind!


Well-known member
Does anyone have the Colourpop lippie primer? Do you like it? Is it worth it?
I really like the Lippie primer. Coming from someone who was used to MAC Prep+Prime Lip, it's a totally different feel -- there's no tack to Colourpop's version. Actually CP's is more of a smoothing matte finish! Provides a great canvas :nods: Great haul, [@]CiaoBellaa[/@]! Living vicariously through you. And I totally get you on the relatable factor -- I don't usually indulge, but it does make things more tempting xD I'm trying to decide if I should get Forget the Fruitcake. I originally passed on it because I don't like all of the colors, but it doesn't look like the ones I want are going to be perm... Basically, should I take the value loss from Cookie and Tuxedo to get Cheers, Confetti, Lady, and Tutu? Although, technically with my GC I wouldn't be paying for those two shades... :eek:hboy: Speaking of which, my unused giftcard is showing up in my account as "Never Expires" now. Anyone else, or did you all use yours already? :wink: More time to decide, I guess!


Well-known member
I really like the Lippie primer. Coming from someone who was used to MAC Prep+Prime Lip, it's a totally different feel -- there's no tack to Colourpop's version. Actually CP's is more of a smoothing matte finish! Provides a great canvas
Thanks! I'm sold. I'll definitely be picking it up with my next order. It was between this and the MAC Prep+Prime, who doesn't like saving a couple of bucks.

And I'd recommend getting Forget the Fruitcake. Despite not really feeling Cookie, I love the other colors you mentioned.


Well-known member
I'm trying to decide if I should get Forget the Fruitcake. I originally passed on it because I don't like all of the colors, but it doesn't look like the ones I want are going to be perm... Basically, should I take the value loss from Cookie and Tuxedo to get Cheers, Confetti, Lady, and Tutu? Although, technically with my GC I wouldn't be paying for those two shades...
Speaking of which, my unused giftcard is showing up in my account as "Never Expires" now. Anyone else, or did you all use yours already?
More time to decide, I guess!
*~*Definitely get FTF. You won't regret it. I didn't think I'd like Cookie either, but it has become one of my favorites. It's way too pale for me to wear on it's own, but when I put it on top of Bound lippie pencil, it turned it into a gorgeous pinky-nude. I really wish Tutu was permanent. That is THE standout lippie from the set.*~*


Well-known member
You guys I just placed a really big compulsive order omg  No regrets If you want my weird reasoning behind everything I got..... I got: Rebound quad- Honestly this is gorgeous! it's kind of bad that I keep buying eyeshadows when I'm not a huge eyeshadow user but I can't resist anything coral All 4 new hyper glossy lippies- Cupid, Corset, Juicy, Go Fish. Honestly I'm pretty crazy. I got Juicy just because I like the name, it reminds me of notorious big's song juicy hahaha. Go Fish is like the color of swedish fish so hello I need it. Cupid is the cutest coral nude ever, and Corset is a dusty lavender. I am not that girl who only wears matte lipsticks, I do errythang and these are so cutesie and valentine-themed that I just needed them... Brink lippie + pencil- I don't have a good neutral yet from colourpop (besides cookie) and this one is probably the most intriguing. Let's hope I like it! Bullchic lippie + pencil- Okay I swear I'm not weird but I loved the description they gave this one... they said something like 'party and bullshit' and thats another song from notorious big LMAO i'm not even a crazy fan of him like i probably look like right now but I just need stuff when I relate it to something I like. Plus I don't have a black lipstick yet and I'm crazy enough to wear black lipstick. Brills lippie + pencil- Uhhh cute. I need a lavender pencil, and then I couldn't just buy the pencil and not the lippie. Even though I have dodgy girl from mac, I don't mind having the equivalent of any of my mac lipsticks in colourpop because sometimes I actually prefer the colourpop finishes. Fancy lippie + pencil- Not a fan of iggy azalea's music (which this is seemingly named after.) But I am a coral addict and I liked the muted quality this one had.  I'm excited!!!!
Sounds like an awesome haul!! Everything will look good on ya!
Grind is so close to Heroine. Don't ask me why I bought another Heroine lip liner when I could have bought three CP liners.
See I was GOING to get Heroine lip pencil but I'm thinking of getting te CP grind one instead