MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
You're gonna regret it
Don't say stuff like that! LOL!


Well-known member
oh c'mon now.


Well-known member
oh c'mon now.
That is just redamndiculous, and someone that doesn't know better will probably buy it.
OAN: I'm already sleepy but I'm going to try to stalk for LJ and BK.


Well-known member
this may be off topic. But I hate instagram! it makes it so much more harder than before to get LE collex
I feel like it used to take hours before things sold out now its minutes.


Well-known member
  These all look great on you.  Which lipstick color are you wearing in the first pic? Not the first Mac collection this has happened with but I can't make up my mind about the lipsticks.  I keep going back and forth about whether to skip them altogether.
Me too--the problem is that I can't really swatch-compare them to things I already have (or want). If items were available for more than a second, I'd love to swatch Summer Opal next to the Becca SSP pressed powders. It's stalk/order MAC, or miss out. I hate buying with the idea that I'm going to return/sell. Everyone's swatches have been so helpful, though. I really appreciate everyone bringing them here in one place.
Yep, pretty much. I've personally had it with ordering in a frenzy, so I've been missing out for this past year. Only participated in A Fantasy of Flowers and The Matte Lip for all of 2014. Although I was interested in Burmese Kiss and Summer Opal, I'm still too unsure about both on WoC at this time to justify purchasing. :/ Ah well, more for all of you who want it. Best of luck with this launch tonight, stalkers :heart:


Well-known member
this may be off topic. But I hate instagram! it makes it so much more harder than before to get LE collex I feel like it used to take hours before things sold out now its minutes.
I feel you on that I remember just a few years ago when it was shocking for something to sell out in like 4 hours now it's like if something lasts 4 hours it must be the least popular item! I don't know if it's just from Instagram but in general the sell out times have gotten crazy