MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
you guys are forgetting bloomingdales! they'll launch eventually too. i like them; they usually give you 32490284092384 perfume samples.
Ditto. Otherwise it would be me hiding in bed, trying not to wake up my husband and refreshing a page over and over and over again.
EXACTLY. i warned him. he was like k whatever.

he also asked recently 'why is all of your makeup limited edition?'

i showed him why i purchased lime crime venus when i did recently and he hasn't questioned it again since.


Thank you ladies for all the help locating these items! I was able to get LJ, FS and the beauty powder. Ever since I've changed jobs it's been impossible for me to get to a MAC counter on release day. I'm a regular viewer here that just doesn't have enough time in the day to post regularly. So thank you again for making it possible to get the items I've had my eyes on for months