MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
LOL I don't even feel bad. :) I didn't stay up late and lose any sleep and I don't feel the need to chase Lavender Jade as well. If it falls in my hands awesome, if it doesn't, that just means I can get more permanent items and cross them off my wishlist. I hope you all find this kind of inner peace! :peace: :haha:
Amen to that!


Well-known member
Does anyone still want the item links to add to cart on nordies even though LJ and SO are sold out? I'll make my wishlist public if so.


Well-known member
how did people get the item numbers before the launch? That's the mystery. Well hope you all get what you wanted, good night or good morning!


Well-known member
This collection is such a mess. First the weird surprise launch that nobody knew about, now this ridiculousness. Not even sure I should bother stalking MAC tomorrow, no doubt people will manage to order before it launches and there'll be like 3 LJ's left when it finally goes live.

Why would MAC make such limited quantities when they saw all the interest it garnered when it was the 'mystery collection'?


Well-known member
Ordered "Burmese Kiss" and "Forbidden Sunrise." Will likely follow MAC tomorrow just in case this gets cancelled, because of all the colors I need to get BK, 100%.


Well-known member
This is why I will never understand why MAC does this select MSO or Macy's only bs. Not everyone is near a store and while I can stay up sometimes, can't always spend my work day calling stores to find out who has it and can I order over the phone.


Well-known member
NOrdies is sold out of Summer Opal and Lavender Jade.
Wtf seriously?! Nordies did a big one with the live chat orders.

I got Burmese Kiss and Forbidden Sunrise. I just hope it doesn't get cancelled. I'll look for Lavender Jade on the MAC site and Summer Opal in store.