MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
GRRAAAH! I haven't been on the makeup forums for so long because I've got this crazy work and school stuff going on, but I woke up and saw the collection was up, freaked out and ordered all the lipsticks but LJ which was obviously sold out immediately. So I STILL have all this crazy work stuff, and a midterm on Thursday, but now I'm going to be constantly refreshing mac, specktra, macys and nordies for restocks that will never come. I hate that I didn't realize how much I wanted it until I couldn't have it! Not that it mattered, I couldn't stalk since I didn't know it was going to happen. And I don't want to send my poor husband to try to get it since they'll be out of stock in stores immediately too. BOOOOO Mac!!! And I missed out on the Cinderella lipsticks too!!!! But I figured that was okay since I really only wanted them for the packaging and I need to stop hoarding shiny things and just buy stuff I will use. Like LAVENDER JADE!!!! Oh universe. 
I haven't been on in a long time as well because I just had twins at 29 weeks, they were in the NICU for almost 2 months, and driving 1hr, back and forth to visit them has zapped all my free time. Now that they are finally home, I can get back to my makeup obsession. Gotta have something to make me feel pretty again after carrying twins!


Well-known member
OR, it will make your teeth look really white :D That's what I would tell myself. I don't think it will make your teeth look yellow :frenz: It appears to be more of a brightening shade to me.
SOLD! I knew I could count on you for all things pink. :frenz:


Well-known member
I agree. My teeth literally GLOW when I wear Good Kisser. BK will have more coral, but I'm betting it will be the same effect!
Yep, I agree hun :)


Well-known member
I haven't been on in a long time as well because I just had twins at 29 weeks, they were in the NICU for almost 2 months, and driving 1hr, back and forth to visit them has zapped all my free time. Now that they are finally home, I can get back to my makeup obsession. Gotta have something to make me feel pretty again after carrying twins!
Congratulations hun! Twins, how sweet
I was really happy to see you here again. Yes, you deserve to buy yourself a bunch of pretty things.