MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
Who needs 4?
Maybe they're ordering for other people too! Hopefully they're not all for herself. :O


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Yeah. Can you believe the lady who owns the dress actually wore it to a wedding and kept getting strange comments like 'I love your white and gold dress' while others were complimenting her on the 'the black and blue dress'. She thought it was so strange so her daughter posted a photo of the dress on tumblr and asked people 'what color is this dress?' and yet again people were split on the color. Then somehow it blew up from tumblr and went onto all other social media platforms. But yes, the original dress was and blue.
It even was on german TV. I don't understand how anyone sees white and gold.


Well-known member
The more swatches I see the more I'm like ''This whole collection would look awesome on me'' I know I don't need everything though. The only other thing I want is the blue polish. Looked at older pages and its way prettier than it looks on MAC's site. Idk why their swatches can't ever be true to life.


Well-known member
About the dress I don't get why when I see's gold and white. But the picture of her wearing it I can clearly see its black and blue! YouTube video said it was shadows playing tricks on our mind..wth


Well-known member
I have to say lastnight/this morning was crazy. I tried to wait for MAC but saw Macys was posted. I missed Cinderella and was ready to fight! Although, I have to thank everyone for their postings and Dolly thank you for esp posting Chris Evans.


Well-known member
I wonder if Glammy scored her stuff???
awwwwww thanks prettyhoneybee I had a feeling it was going up today from mac checked it was there order all I wanted thanks love for thinking about me i saw specktra peeps were ordering their goodies and I went to sleep lol
Small and powerful collection. Lol lol. I can't stop saying how much I love everything about it. The only thing I didn't grab was the eye palette... I'll get it Thursday. Once you see nail polish from a collection selling out, you must know it's seriously a show stopper...
Yayyyyyy I'm so happy u got your goodies
Well this just sucks! I stalked all last night for LJ on Nordies and of course there was no point to that.  Came to work with no sleep only to just happen to go to Macys sight just in case only to see that LJ already sold out.  :eek:hboy:   I literally want to cry right now that was pretty much the only item I wanted from this collection.  I got desperate and went to EvilBay but I'm hesitant because I don't know if I trust the sellers.  This is NOT a good Monday.  I can't go to the store on Thursday because I can't be late to work, I just started here in December.  Does anyone know of any reputable Ebay sellers? HELP!!!!!
im hoping u get one
I was wondering the same thing! I hope she didn't go back to sleep :(
Thanks elegant I got my goodies Im hoping u got some goodies to
:(... I really hope she did...
In honor of this collection is should just be BREAKDOWN lipstick instead of romantic breakdown :eek:hboy:
so true lmbo
What a mess. I ordered Burmese Kiss, Romantic Breakdown as well as a backup and of course Summer Opal. Thinking about everybody who misses out because of wrong information makes me angry.
me too


Well-known member
Yeah! Just called Macy's and my items were shipped and will be here on March 5-5 days from my birthday!!!

Audrey C

Well-known member
Yeah. I had one of the CS people tell me that sometimes quantities have been that low. So those of you thinking you should just call Canada? NOOOO!!!!!!!! We don't HAVE Nordies, Macy's, etc. It's MAC or nothing for these kind of collections (although the Bay does get many of them).

Love you all, etc….but stay the f away from our lippies.


Well-known member
A reseller does. Not enough lips and time in the world... That's cute that you think that. :) she will sell them all, I am certain.
Just saying bc I always order this amount - one for my aunt. My mom. My roommate and me! Trying to stay positive haha


Well-known member
....but I saw it as white and gold dress. But there was like one time where I saw blue and black but that didn't last long at all.

Either way, this whole white/gold or blue/black dress debate is tearing apart relationships for some people which is sad. This isn't that serious.


Well-known member
If I have learned one thing from all of this it's that I need to stick with my no more stalking plan. I worked 12.5 hours and then because I couldn't sleep was up for 37 hours. I got the one item I really wanted from Macy's, Burmese Kiss but would have gotten FS and LJ had MAC not launched a day early/four days late, whatever, after I was finally able to go to sleep. I will not be calling stores on Thursday because that process will only give me another headache trying to find one that actually has those two items in stock. I will miss any restocks on MAC because, I always manage to miss restocks. But, I'm officially over the madness that is MAC. From this day forward, if I'm awake and things I want are still available, I will purchase but I will no longer do the waiting around, stalking for MAC to take my money. It's no longer worth it to me. With all that said, I do hope everyone is able to get what they want from this collection.