MAC Veluxe A Trois Collection (August 13, 2015)


Well-known member
I wore "Heaux" today and personally to me it feels like the amplified finish, albeit the "Pure Heroine" amplified finish (creamy but with more slip than normal and, as a result, less opacity). My cremesheens have a borderline gloss feeling to them - like a bit more tackiness - which I don't really get from this. Either way, the color is GORGEOUS. Makes me want to pick up D for Dangerous from the mattes since the slight transparency takes away from the color a bit. The gloss finish makes my lips so full though. xD Maybe I can pair them up. =)

Edit: Here's a pic with it on. :D

I am loving Heaux 2.0 on everyone, but your statement about it being like Pure Heroine scares me as I hated the formula on it.


Well-known member
I know this is dorky, but I was updating my lipstick spreadsheet and was so excited that Eugenie was my first "E" lipstick, so I picked Quelle Surprise so that I could have a "Q" lipstick, too. :loco: I'm so excited to get that and Heaux, but I'm in CA so I don't get my package til Tuesday. 
LOL! It's also my first Q! :haha: And I have to update my spreadsheet too.
Finally. Ithink I'm good with just QS and PT. :)


Well-known member
Ah that sucks. :( Btw, do you switch the caps of the lippies? I see very fun lippie packagings in the back. :amused:
Yes, yesterday i was cleaning and playing with my mac lipstick.


Well-known member
I am loving Heaux 2.0 on everyone, but your statement about it being like Pure Heroine scares me as I hated the formula on it.
It does seem to apply less patchy than PH, but that's because the color isn't as dark (and I find most dark colors apply patchily on me regardless of the finish). Really does remind of that lipstick in most other ways, though!


Well-known member
I totally feel you. I don't understand the purpose of calling it Heaux.
Me neither! The original is so lovely with the best formula on a Retro Matte I've come across and this imposter just can't hold a candle to it. I'm determined to make it work though as I think the colour is nice and I hate returning things only to be trashed.


Well-known member
Me neither! The original is so lovely with the best formula on a Retro Matte I've come across and this imposter just can't hold a candle to it. I'm determined to make it work though as I think the colour is nice and I hate returning things only to be trashed.
I think I may lightly layer my lips with Heaux Pt. 2 and top it with the retro matte lipstick. That way I can preserve the OG Heaux.


Well-known member
Me neither! The original is so lovely with the best formula on a Retro Matte I've come across and this imposter just can't hold a candle to it. I'm determined to make it work though as I think the colour is nice and I hate returning things only to be trashed.
Me too. I'm topping it over the OG tomorrow to see what happens.
Thanks Vande! I like the colour,just not nuts about the finish,wish it were in the very least a satin. That would of been really nice.
Exactly! A semi-matte/satin wouldn't have killed them.


Well-known member
Hehehehe. Love it! Is that all you have though? Because if so I really have a prob then :blush:
everybody here has a problem.jaja No, I have more lipstick mostly LE I started my collection 2 or 3 years ago and i have 80 mac lipticks plus other brands.


Well-known member
I just counted my lipsticks. 103 in just regular lipsticks, mostly MAC. And that's not including OCC liptars and NARS lip pencil colors lol. I couldn't believe it. I really need to slow down! That's since like 2010 at least. Which makes me feel a lil better haha
everybody here has a problem.jaja No, I have more lipstick mostly LE I started my collection 2 or 3 years ago and i have 80 mac lipticks plus other brands.