MAC Veluxe A Trois Collection (August 13, 2015)


Well-known member
I'm sorry if I missed it but has anyone compared Acai to QS yet? If not, if anyone has both, is there any chance of getting a side by side swatch?

Thanks, I'm debating ordering it. Thursday is busy for me so I don't think I'll get into the store to swatch these in person. I'm thinking about QS if it's different enough from Acai and PT. I'm 50/50 on Flowerscope...I love pinks but I rarely wear the ones I have in my stash.

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
Crap do I need Flowerscope? I'm a sucker for a pretty pink.
I asked myself that question about HT and PT, during my lunch break...
I failed miserably


Well-known member
Awe thanks! It's Charlotte from Giambattista Valli. It's becoming one of my fav reds. ♡
What do you have on in your avi? It's really pretty. 
Lol. I think I might be ok, after that purple packaging was released feel I need to save for that. And I counted my lipsticks they other day... let's just say I need to cut back lol. Hope you love your goodies though! :heart:
I asked myself that question about HT and PT, during my lunch break...
I failed miserably


Well-known member
Lol. I think I might be ok, after that purple packaging was released feel I need to save for that. And I counted my lipsticks they other day... let's just say I need to cut back lol. Hope you love your goodies though!
Almost wore Charlotte today but decided on Cardinal from PT


Well-known member
Heaux and RR came today! Heaux is similar in color to Rimmel Kate Spade matte 107. I like the matte formula better so I might not keep Heaux. RR is more brown on me than I'd hoped, but I do like it!


Well-known member
I just ordered a couple Pink Treat liners from Macy's before it goes extinct and pulled the trigger on Pillow Talk for free shipping. Excited to get it sometime in the next couple weeks. Macy's shipping is soooooo sloooooowww.


Well-known member
I just ordered a couple Pink Treat liners from Macy's before it goes extinct and pulled the trigger on Pillow Talk for free shipping. Excited to get it sometime in the next couple weeks. Macy's shipping is soooooo sloooooowww. 
Pillow talk is gorgeous!


Well-known member
Ended up ordering a backup pillow talk and unbeknownst to me D for Danger and an Urban Decay lipstick set ended up in my cart :evil:


Well-known member
Does anyone know if they are in Nordstrom's right now? I have a work meeting tonight that will take me right by a Nordie's and I'd love to stop in and see them in person...

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
I don't know if this has been asked... But... What liner can I wear with HT? Just done a lip swatch of it and I need a liner to get HT to work... Here's a pic before anyone asks...
I did try PT and I can see why I wanted it...