Has anybody ever said you wear *TOO MUCH* makeup?


Originally Posted by KikiB
Yeah but it's my guy friends who would say "You'd look so much better if you went more natural..."

YEAH RIGHT. Makeup is art and so I will wear my bright eyeshadows, glitters, bright lipsticks...whatever I want.

yea more natural like pam anderson or jenna jameson lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
It's interesting how times have changed. In the past, women took the time to put themselves together for the day, even if it was for running errands. My mom & grandmother still will not leave the house without having something on their face, and that has been passed on to me. It's not about hiding behind makeup or hair, it's about pride in your appearance...I think most of us do it to make ourselves feel good. Nowadays, some women who choose to wear less or none at all make those who do feel bad about it.

I also think she's grasping at whatever she can to insult you just so she can feel better about herself.

That's because of the backlash against photoshop, air brushing, etc. People have really started to see how much photoshopping is done, as it becomes more and more obvious (and I use photoshop as a generic term here, not as the program specifically) and quite honestly, cheaply done, and the knee jerk response is that 'she's not naturally that pretty. If she were naturally pretty, she wouldn't need that stuff'.


Well-known member
I've never had anything bad said about the amount of makeup I wear. I get compliments, and the closest thing to negativity about my makeup, would be people telling me I look fine without it.


Well-known member
I've only gotten that comment once, but it was because I did a matte black smoky eye and I usually wear kohl on my inner rim or a wash of brown eyeshadow. But I'm a guy, so I wasn't shocked at the comment. And once I did metallic winter themed eyes (I was wearing a beautiful leather mask in the shape of leaves), so I got comments, but again... guy...

Screw them, wear whatever the hell you want.


Well-known member
Unfortunately my English is probably not good enough to write the reply I would write in German.

But I can say be proud of yourself for who you are. If you like yourself then nasty or jealous comments won't touch you

I am a teacher for mentally handicapped children and don't wear a bright makeup at work.
If people meet me private with much more makeup it is just like: "Woo - you look soo different! I haven't known you are such a person!" What is "such a person"? I am me with many different varieties.


Well-known member
I've never had anyone say to me 'oh you wear too much makeup' but I think people around me do think I'm a little too into makeup or I'm a little shallow about it all. Which couldn't be more wrong - I just like feeling that I look attractive when I go out, I think we all do. I like doing my makeup so I seem presentable and so I'm not so self concious about my looks.

I do get comments about being blonde though, as I do bleach my hair quite a lot. Sometimes it really gets to me because it's just a hair colour it doesn't say anything about me as a person.

It's probably a bit of jealously and a bit or just not liking me or wanting to be spiteful for the sake of it. I guess ignoring people who go out of their way to be b***** is the best I can do! But honestly I do really relate to everyone that has received unpleasant comments about their makeup or their appearance.


Well-known member
Yea I have gotten looks because I wear blue,green,or whatever color shadow I feel like wearing,but you know what?They are probably just jealous because they could not pull it off and same thing in your case too I'm sure.


Well-known member
I had a girl at work say to me once "why do you wear so much makeup" because I was touching up with powder. I told her i didn't want to be oily and that playing around with my makeup made me happy - either way i get a alot of compliments on my make up, even if i didn't then I dont think i'd care.

I also don't tend to take offence from someone who puts pink lipstick on their eyelids and then draws round and round their eyes in big circles with liner. heh!


Well-known member
argh people like that get me so angry, seriously. If you have nothing nice to say, THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. Seriously i hate it when people constantly tell me that i wear "too much make up" or that "i don't need any make up" i KNOW i don't need any make up, but i enjoy the application, experimenting with different looks and i just love make up full stop. I don't mind it when people tell me they don't like wearing make-up themselves or whatever, but it's so annoying when they do it out of spite to make you feel bad - it's probably just jealousy anyway. It's not like a DROWN myself in make-up daily; i still look like the same person just brighter LOL. (althought i only wear foundation to school because i have ugly scars and yet people still say it's TOO MUCH MAKE UP- BLOODY HELL IT'S NOT LIKE I'M CAKING IT ON OR ANYTHING IF YOU HAD ACNE SCARS THEN I'M PRETTY SURE YOU'D DO IT TOO) sorry this just makes me so angry lol.


Well-known member
My mum's bf gives off to her about the amount of make up I wear, and says I'd be prettier without it(in reality, I look like a mole without it). Also, my friend's family think I wear too much, and call it my 'mask' that I wear. Also, I work in an academic environment (doing a PhD in Theoretical Physics) and work with almost all guys (some of whom appear to have not had much contact with women and get all hot and bothered with talk of atoms and molecules). They tend to come ou wityh snotty remarks about my make up, and if I put on some lipgloss at my desk, then they start to ask why I'm putting it on or if I've got a date, and they also like to say I'll attract the wrong sort of attention with putting on make up. To be honest, I don't really care. It's my face, and if people don't like what I do with it, then I'm not forcing them to look at it!


Well-known member
I either get "Why do you wear so much MU?", (my dad-->) "You dont need that stuff, boys like more natural looking MU better.", "Can you do my MU.", "How do you do that?"

Eh, I just dont care what people say to much about me wearing to much MU. It make's me feel better about my apperance so I'm happy


Well-known member
sounds like you met an internet trolll. they are everywhere! even on specktra aim chat, random trolls come in to bash everyone. i don't think you should take it personally, because thats what happens when a reall bored and retarded person goes on the internet.

don't give them the satisfaction of making you mad/upset. just smile at them and pity. from my internet experience (from online games and social internet sites), nothing makes a troll more iritated than when they know they are unsuccessful at bringing you down.

hey, i wear a full face of makeup to school almost everyday LOL i don't care what people say, even if its just school, i want to look pretty and i enjoy the application every morning, even if it takes a long time. doing my makeup is one of the things that helps me start out the day feeling good about myself. everybody has a different opinion about makeup and you cant please everyone. the only thing that really matters in the end is pleasing yourself. why do we wear makeup in the first place? because we feel better about ourselves... because we enjoy playing up the colors and creating different "looks".. sure.. neutral, "less makeup" looks are nice and will please everyone... but it gets boring, repetitive, and sucks the fun out of makeup.

my roomate tells me i always have too much makeup on. if you were to ask the people what isn't "too much", they would say really goofy things like "skin color" "pink" "too much blush" "lipgloss only"... uhh yeah... thanks... thats super helpful.

makeup is personal.. i like to ask other people for their opinions but i dont take it to heart, especially from people who dont share the same love for it

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
O.K. - O.K. that's enough of this! Ladies don't make me have to give you all a severe reality check!!! Cuz, Chikas, I have some photos cloggin' up my hard drive of some my friends who I've run with over the years that would MELT the eyeballs out-of-your-sockets...you readin' me?!?

You'll take one look, and a deep snort, and then you'll want to delete this thread!!!
I would then feel obligated to post my mailing address here so you'd have a legitimate place to send all of your bills for your Hypnotherapy sessions!

Yes...it's that BAD!!!

Don't ever let any these fools mess with the flow of your Mojo!
It's shocking how absolutely clueless some people are, in a long line of the usual clueless tradition.
Just roll your eyes and grin with your head held high.

Jealousy doesn't even begin to cover it, nor does envy!

It's often times a thankless job having your finger on the pulse of fashion & beauty. For some of us, it's our lot in life. It's just the way it is. It's been that way for multiple millennias. In your heart, you already know what time it is!

You make life good and interesting, and a better place for it! Life doesn't always have to be about being beige and bland, mediocre and minimalistic. There's plenty of that in the world, always will be. Nothing wrong with that. There's plenty of room for the Fairy Dust Spreaders too! That, also, will always be! That will always be wonderful!

"You are Beautiful, no matter what they say...words can't bring you down...whoo...whoo...whoo" (Thank You Christina A.)

To quote e.e. cummings - "To be nobody -- but yourself -- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else -- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting."


Well-known member
Glam8babe - This girl was hiding behind a keyboard & talking smack. If she was in front of you, she wouldn't say a word. She's a coward & just judging the way you look. Next time tell her don't confuse hate with jealousy.
You're a beautiful girl & you do not need to defend yourself to anyone.

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
ive been asked if a use a spatula to take my makeup off in a chatroom a long time ago haha ive been called a stripper too..

some people dont realize makeup is just a fun thing to do 4 some of us girls, im totally fine wearing nothing but mascara and sometimes i want to glam myself up. i hate when people confuse me with the type of a girl who wouldnt be caught dead without a full face on. whenever i do go all out with my makeup, i know i am judged as some way to into her looks barbie doll.


Well-known member
That's such a bummer. For as good as compliments on my makeup make me feel, people trying to make me feel guilty/ashamed/ugly by using makeup makes me feel far worse. Thankfully, the majority of my friends are starting to get it, and want me to go makeup shopping with them and play around with my makeup on them! For my friends that aren't too big on makeup...well I am not so one dimensional that I can't find other things to talk about. It makes me sad that people need to put others down for fun, harmless hobbies just because they don't share the same interests.


Well-known member
I def think that depending on the occasion, less is sometimes more. I wouldn't go to a funeral or a job interview wearing a ton of makeup, especially in bright colours. It doesn't look appropriate, imo.

But I still like to rock the full face, either intense smokey eyes, or really colourful looks, when I go out to a restaurant or to a bar or club.

I've had those comments before too, especially that I am "hiding behind a mask" which really annoys me because it couldn't be further from the truth, mainly on the Internet though. But I've never had it in real life, sometimes my bf makes a confused face if I am doing a bright look, but I just do what I want and if I feel good about the look, who cares what others say. I've also had some girls compliment me on my crazier looks, that's always really nice.


Well-known member
I can understand you're anger. My brother comments on my MU addiction but nobody has told me I wear too much. But thats because I generally only wear mascara, concealer and powder. To be honest I'm sure my friends would be surprised I even wear MU lol. I'm a perfectionist, if I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it right. I'm not 100% confident in my skills yet plus I need a good foundation.

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