Has anybody ever said you wear *TOO MUCH* makeup?


Active member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
it pisses me off when people do this especially ones that dont know how to even apply it...

well earlier on i was in this chat room for my local area which i sometimes go on to see if any of my mates are on... but today i was chatting to some nice people then some girl comes on and starts slatin me for no reason "you wear too much makeup.. looks like a makeup box exploded on your face" and "you peroxide slut" and "you need a shovel to get it all off"

i dont know why she said peroxide slut because ive NEVER died my hair lol apart from a few highlights couple times a year

but as for my profile.. i do have pics on there where im wearing makeup (mostly pics ive posted on here as FOTD's and normal ones.. some with my bf too and some ready to go clubbin)
i understand some people hate makeup but to be honest why do people need to judge too much? it pisses me off soo much

not to mention the girl who said it didnt have a pic of her on her profile which was abit weird (maybe shes soo ugly!) lol but yeh, i used to get shit like this in school getting comments how i wear too much makeup when they were girls who wore WAYY more than me but they never got shit

Its also funny because i do love makeup but i dont wear it much... maybe twice a week if that? and when im at college i wear abit of foundation, set it with powder, mascara, blush and a lipgloss or neutral lipstick

I thought this would be a good discussion to put on here as we are all makeup lovers... and when i thought about it, i dont wear that much makeup at all. But obviously i think some girls get jealous and start slating because they have nothing nice to say... my boyfriend hasnt got a problem at all, he loves me without makeup but he knows how much i love it so he buys me mac when new collections come out, he loves that i collect something and enjoy it.. just like he loves his football i love my makeup!

soo what about you guys?

Sounds like shes jealous. If you know how to put on makeup well, you can pretty much make the features on your face look perfect. Some girls prefer to aim for the barely there look, others like to look like they have made an effort to glam up. Though I must say, her last comment of calling you a "peroxide slut" gives it away that shes just bored and has too much time on her hands to make comments like that.

My own girlfriends use to bag me out when I "did my face", because they didnt wear any makeup, and they thought it was a waste of time. It was easy for them to say, seeing as they had flawless skin and i had scarring from cystic acne.. But now all they do is ask me for tips, and help them pick out products.. I think the "peroxide slut" type of judging comes from a lack of experience and understanding babe! Im sure if she was to stick up a picture of herself, we all could find something to say about her....seeing as i DO have the time on my hands lol

OH and yes i get told by my parents/family all the time that I wear too much make up all the time... I cant leave the house without any make up because I feel too insecure about my scarring, and not many people can seem to understand that abd it really bothers me !!! argh! wearing too much/ not wearing enough, Id like to think its all in relativity..


Well-known member
I used to get into trouble at school all the time for wearing "too much makeup".. foundation and a lip balm hahaha


Well-known member
I actually feel quite lucky - at work my Make Up is rather embraced. Everyone here knows that I'm training to be a Make Up artist on the 22nd so I think they know its something quite important to me and let me get on with it really. Although I don't come to work in brights though - I wouldn't make it through my area alive but thats another story...

At home, nobody really understands as the women in my family aren't interested in make up at all but, once again, guess they see it as something that makes me happy so leave me to it

Its just the kids round my area. My area is hell on earth, it's just plagued by anti-social teens trying to be intimidating and bullying whoevers walking past them so I try not to stand out too much anymore. I was beaten up - not badly though - by a bunch of 14 year olds for being a goth 4 years ago and they still try and have a go whenever they see me now so I like to just not give them more of a reason. Theres standing up for yourself and your individuality and then theres walking home alone with no witnesses...


Well-known member
This is such a pet peeve of mine. I still don't understand why people go out of their ways to make someone feel bad or to insult them, it's pretty pathetic. I don't think guys really understand make up, if they see a girl wearing a dark or bright coloured eye shadow or if their foundation doesn't perfectly match their skin they assume that it's "too much make up" I hate it when they complain and say omg that girl is wearing too much make up and then go look at a picture of an import model or a hot girl who's probably wearing just as much make up and think that she's so hot.


Well-known member
It's really bad. I don't think you should tell anyone that they wear too much makeup unless its really unflattering and not well-blended, etc etc. Just constructive criticism. But well, people call me dracula and other nasty things because I'm so pale. So I guess there's just a lot of idiots out there, nothing to do about it. But you shouldn't care about them, you're a really pretty girl and they're probably just jealous because you have the guts to stand out from the crowd.


Well-known member
we could all learn something from eric cartman.


just tell her "whateva, i do what i want," and keep on moving.


Well-known member
I agree with the MU FAM, just ignore them. I found that people who often say side comments about someones looks r insecure and jealous. I think alot of women wish they had the time, energy or even the charisma to pull off a strong MU look. I'm probably the most glam female in my family and I often wondered how'd I get that gene? I just flow with it and do my best to top yesterday's MU face. We should all make every day a even better MU day than before. DO U MU FAM


Well-known member
I think it's cuz girls are just jealous that you're better-looking than them.

I have had a lot of girls say that I wear too much makeup but a lot of my guy friends be surprised when I tell them i wear makeup...


Well-known member
I love this thread. I definitly wear alot of makeup. Not because I need it but becasue I love it and its fun! Everyday at work people comment on my makeup. They expect something new everyday. Im sorry that girl was rude she has to be jealous. You are a gorgeous girl. Dont let her comments make you second guess anything. I hate Bi*ches!!!


Well-known member
I simply say something along the lines of " If being sheep-like and boring is your thing, then don't wear makeup".

Also, many people don't consider "You wear too much makeup!" as an insult! This one is equally mean but "And you don't wear enough" shuts them up. It's immature, I know I know, but man does it feel good...


Well-known member
No one has ever said I wear too much make-up until saturday. I work in a retail store and we get a few visits from really high up people. Well on saturday my manager was telling the staff about how we have a visit next saturday by a really important person.

Well anyway she was telling us how we should have the correct uniform badges etc and then she went like this oh and Teri (my name) could you tone it down on the make-up please. I was GOBSMACKED!! So on saturday Iam going to come in with Russian Red lips, cat eye eyeliner false lashes the lot. Iam soooo mad lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
Also, many people don't consider "You wear too much makeup!" as an insult! This one is equally mean but "And you don't wear enough" shuts them up. It's immature, I know I know, but man does it feel good...

LOL! I love that.


Well-known member
I've learnt not to let THEIR insecurities have an effect on me because at the end of the day it doesn't mean anything to me. They just try to let you down by making themselves feel good and you really piss them off when you ignore it and laugh about it!

this is so true!!!! by ignoring them or answering 'yeah, i know' their like ...wtf
dont pay attention to this. If you like (like me) to wear mu and it makes you feel good, well, that's all it matters


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
So on saturday Iam going to come in with Russian Red lips, cat eye eyeliner false lashes the lot. Iam soooo mad lol.

you go girl!


Well-known member
Someone asked me the other day if I was on the dance team at the local University. I was like umm no, just felt like getting funky! I think it was that blacktrack fluidline...does it to me every time!

But I am not worried, most of the time I get good compliments, and my husband says that's one thing that attracted him to me- that I always had crazy eyeshadow on! haha. I love it. Of course now that we're married I think he wishes I didn't like MAC so much. That credit card bill...


Well-known member
What irritates me is when the girls who say it are wearing a pound and a half of black eye liner and mascara, foundation, and lip gloss and then claim to be wearing 'just a bit' of makeup.



Whether you wear a little or alot, it's beautiful when applied correctly. I always notice and complement great makeup application, it's really an inspiration that should be appreciated rather than knocked down. My co-workers would laugh when I said I had no less than 15 sku's (products) on my face. Our counter managers and trainers always encourage everyone to wear more makeup....like me!


Active member
I think the problem is that people feel uncomfortable around people who look more polished/pretty/beautiful than themselves. Then they make you feel bad that you are soooo full of yourself because you take care of yourself, while the truth is that they are just jealous that they themselves can't/don't bother/don't have tha guts to do the same as you are!

I love women, do not get me wrong, but sometimes women are so rude to each other! No respect, no happiness for others - if someone looks good, it's the same as "I look bad" which obviously causes these rude and naive comments.


Well-known member
What really pisses me off is when I'm told I'm wearing too much make-up and I'm simply NOT. I think these comments usually come from people who don't know anything about make-up artistry (which is the majority of the population, I guess). For example, you can wear a bright lip with a neutral eye but to someone who doesn't 'get' that, they might think the bright lip is overdoing it and 'too much make-up.' It really annoys me when I go out of my way to learn about the art of make-up, improve my application skills, etc. and then still get insulted. I try not to let it discourage me but it's just really ignorant and rude... these people don't stop to think that I don't really care about their opinion and will continue doing what I'm doing regardless of their reaction. So that's my advice: ignore 'em and be yourself. I suppose most people would think the point of make-up is to accentuate your features for other people, improve your appearance for others... but for me, my make-up is to make me feel better, not to impress anyone else. I like the compliments when I get them, sure, but even if I didn't get them, I'd still wear make-up every day!