How old are you?


New member
19, 20 in a month! Yet people think I am between 15-24, and my age is still asked for at movies, even for Sex and The City!


Well-known member
I am twenty years young! (going 21 in December.)

I still feel like a kid, though.


Well-known member
33 but in a couple weeks I'll be 34. I feel 16 although my a$$ tends to disagree with me at times and I have to teach it who's boss. I look around 24. I still get carded, if I am dressed in jeans tank and tennis I can easily be mistaken for a teen. That is as long as i keep my mouth shut.


44!! but most people think I am in my early 30's. All I can say is good genes ( I was in the sun all the time and very tan - up until I was 35) . I also take good care of my skin - I started when I was 13 using Noxzema and now use Philosop hy! for all you younger girls - take good care of your skin!!! it will pay off - when you are older. My 13 year old finally understands that taking good care of her skin keeps the zits away - yep she uses Proactive.


Well-known member
I'm 18 but I feel like I look a lot younger because I always get called 'sweetie,' 'honey,' 'dearie,' etc. I even had someone ask me, "So, how old are you? Like 12?" "Umm, I'm 16 (at the time)."

But, whatever, I'm cool with it. When I'm older, I'll definately appreciate it more.


Well-known member
I get carded everytime (and now love it), mistaken for a teenager (ha)... only get called ma'am when I've got my kids with me.

Sunscreen and moisturizer have helped big time. That and a positive attitude! LOL