Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


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Finally my pedi, FF Gentlemen's Scuffle.


And my two most recent manis. First is PfD Maldives, one of my oldest ones. The picture's a bit rubbish, it was more purple than blue, but couldn't capture the correct colour.


The other one is CrowsToes Asterope, again an old one. Not holo, but multichrome for a change.





Well-known member
Also something really weird happened to one of my old Ozotic polishes. It has faded completely to silver. I have never seen fading like this, it used to be bluey purple! I googled some pictures and I'm still shocked to see how much it faded. On the plus side I now have a sparkly silver polish, lol.



This is what it used to look like:


Luckily all my other ones seem fine, even the ones from the same line:




Well-known member
This is a lovely mani. I don't think I've used it yet. I can't be bothered to faff about with magnets at the moment.

Did they send the PPU order directly from the US? I thought they don't ship to the UK anymore? Or am I confused? I'm always puzzled by the HHC one, it says they send it to Stackry, but the USPS tracking shows that it's going to Fiona directly. Weird. Just waiting for my March order to be posted by her.

I went a bit crazy with ordering from FF. I noticed a Girly BIts polish I once tried to order from Rainbow Connection and it was out of stock by the time she was shipping (never understood how that happens!), so she refunded me. I finally managed to order it! It's this one btw: I added a few other GB and KBShimmmer polishes, ended up with 8! As my youngest is turning 18 this month, my ex is going to stop paying me as much as he has been, so I really need to cut my beauty spending now. Not that I've been buying many polishes (although I do have 30 waiting to be shipped from FF), but I am still buying perfumes like they're going out of fashion, so that needs to stop. He said he will still pay me some money as 2 of my children are still living with me, the bills are a lot (it's a big house, council tax is £330 a month) and the pets' insurance alone is over £300 a month, but money will definitely be tighter from now on. Oh well, it might help me finally stop buying!
Thanks, I really liked it more than I expected, magnetic or otherwise! I find I'm appalling at magnetics - though the ancient Nails Inc stripey one I did years ago seemed to work. Maybe I need to dig that magnet out and try with my newer ones!
PPU do ship to the UK at a hefty fee of course, they obviously just made a mistake. Nailland said I can use the payment for my next PPU fees so that's fine.
You've been so restrained recently, I guess a little FF splurge won't hurt too much. That GB is stunning, enjoy!
Yes, I'm meant to be cutting down too but I have been failing recently. Still life is tough, so sometimes you just need to cheer yourself up with the shiny things!
As you know, I've had the whole reduced income thing recently as well - gotta do what you gotta do to get by xxx


Well-known member
Finally my pedi, FF Gentlemen's Scuffle.

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And my two most recent manis. First is PfD Maldives, one of my oldest ones. The picture's a bit rubbish, it was more purple than blue, but couldn't capture the correct colour.

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The other one is CrowsToes Asterope, again an old one. Not holo, but multichrome for a change.

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These are nice! I love the pedi colour. I have that CT, I'm sure I hated it when I wore it but it looks lovely here - I guess tastes change!


Well-known member
Also something really weird happened to one of my old Ozotic polishes. It has faded completely to silver. I have never seen fading like this, it used to be bluey purple! I googled some pictures and I'm still shocked to see how much it faded. On the plus side I now have a sparkly silver polish, lol.

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This is what it used to look like:

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Luckily all my other ones seem fine, even the ones from the same line:

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Wow that's a major shift, what a shame but at least it's wearable! I liked it blue mind you! I don't think any of mine have done that yet, thankfully.


Well-known member
OK, incoming some pics of the first two lots of nail polish I made over the bank holiday weekend. I did a lot....
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Stinky - this was more of a tester for those other big cheap flakies I got on Etsy. They weren't quite as bad but still too big sadly. DSC00400.JPG
She Chameleon
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Garden Party - I had a fair amount of Shum left over, so I diluted it a bit and added iridescent flakies to it, rather than throw it out!
Born to the Purple

I like this set!

Later I made these{ DSC00436 (2).JPG DSC00438.JPG

Space Is Deep

That's all I've sorted out for now, I made more the next day which I'll post once I've edited them. Please let me know if I'm being very boring posting my creations!
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Well-known member
OK, incoming some pics of the first two lots of nail polish I made over the bank holiday weekend. I did a lot....
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Stinky - this was more of a tester for those other big cheap flakies I got on Etsy. They weren't quite as bad but still too big sadly. View attachment 71309
She Chameleon
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Garden Party - I had a fair amount of Shum left over, so I diluted it a bit and added iridescent flakies to it, rather than throw it out!
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Born to the Purple

I like this set!

Later I made these{ View attachment 71314 View attachment 71315

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Space Is Deep

That's all I've sorted out for now, I made more the next day which I'll post once I've edited them. Please let me know if I'm being very boring posting my creations!
I like them all, the first lot are very summery! Please keep posting your pictures, I enjoy seeing them.

I haven't got any to share, didn't get around to taking pictures of my mid-week mani and it's gone now. My nails are currently naked, I'll probably paint them tomorrow. I'll try to take pictures.


Well-known member
I like them all, the first lot are very summery! Please keep posting your pictures, I enjoy seeing them.

I haven't got any to share, didn't get around to taking pictures of my mid-week mani and it's gone now. My nails are currently naked, I'll probably paint them tomorrow. I'll try to take pictures.

Thanks for the encouraging words, I'll keep showing them!
I've been very spendy this month :( I had to finalise my Nailland box so that meant a bit of extra spending, though I managed to hold out until a release I actually wanted - checking out was a nightmare, everything got confused by those PPU polishes not being there, plus I found out there's a hard 25 item limit on the size of the box. I had thought there would be a surcharge if I went over the weight limit, which would be OK because those two polishes weren't actually included but it just would not even let me check out, and the spend wasn't enough for free shipping if I took it out. The owner was very helpful though and I got it sorted in the end. Lesson learned, this new threshold means it's impossible to add many PPU polishes to a box and still get to free shipping. It will slide up and down how many depending on the price of the polishes I buy, so I will need to keep an eye on it.
I then hoovered up 12 polishes from RC in their sale - I'm really happy with most of them but it was spend I hadn't planned for. They were all polishes I've had in and out of my cart many times and I can't say I regret going for them.
And... I have a Stackry box going again. I wanted a bundle of the new GLLs and shipping to the UK would have been a lot anyway, plus there were other things I wanted to pick up from various brands. It's my first box since Black Friday and I just decided to grab loads of things I've been after and send my PPU this month there as well to help with the Nailland issue. I have spent so much money, and I still have my eye on the upcoming PfD and Nailed It collections from Nailland as well. And HHC.
I did order from Victorian Varnish since Stackry was open and she was absolutely lovely. I got my birthday discount which was 20%, which was nice. I didn't buy a huge amount but picked up a couple of collab mystery overpours to beef it up. After I checked out (with a note asking for non-HHC overpours if possible as I can already get those) I realised I'd somehow missed the free shipping threshold and messaged her to find out if she would combine if I picked up another item to make it. I also asked if she would hold the order for a week, I'd been hoping to do it later but things were selling out and as everything else was preorder I just wanted to try to make sure I had time for them all to arrive before I started getting storage fees. She came back and said not only would she combine and refund shipping plus hold the order for a week, but also that she had just two non-HHC overpours and was happy for me to have those. Then I checked with her what the threshold was and she said I'd already met it, and the birthday code had obviously messed up the checkout process. So she immediately refunded that. A day or so later she messaged me again with pics of her upcoming LBoH and SoU collab polishes and offered to combine them if I bought them as extra overpours - she also told me what the overpours I already had were and offered to swap them out if I preferred the new ones! I actually didn't really like the two I had already (one very ugly glitter thing and a very dark magnetic) so I got them swapped for the new ones and bought the third one, which she invoiced me for so we didn't have to pay shipping and refund it. She is so lovely! I think I should be able to squeeze next month's releases from her into the window for this box as well, so I might be able to do the same again. Poor love is struggling with getting a VAT number for UK shipments, she said it's massively complicated. I feel a bit guilty about that, I'm sure she's only doing it because I was pushing to get her an EU or UK stockist!
Anyway, also in my Stackry will be two new brands to me I've been itching to try (Daveen and Lurid), some extra liquid pigments and base for polish making, some Pahlishes, some Potions and a couple of destash orders. So far. I will probably add some Bluebirds when they open and the extra VV order. I will at least make the most of having a Stackry box! Then hopefully I will be able to hold off opening another one until BF comes around again. I was pleasantly surprised how long it's been. I did use them for getting some dry pigments from DRK last time - they are small, so the shipping is cheap, if I don't buy liquids they don't attract the Hazmat fee, as it's just one item there's no consolidation fee and the shipping costs the same (no Hazmat gives access to the cheaper carriers) but I don't get the customs charges.


Well-known member
OK, here's my next batch I made back after the last lot:
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First up is Pawprints on my Heart, lots of pics because I loved the shiftiness in this one: DSC00465 (5).JPG
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Next up was Hot on the Wire:



There's a lot of flakes and shimmer in this but I think it's too opaque to show them off properly. I had an amount left over so I decided to adapt it again so as not to waste it, so I added some extra flakes and shimmer and some yellow to make No Tourists:
It's still too opaque! There are so many types of ingredients in this but they still don't show. Again I had a load remaining so I adapted for a third time - this time I added some coral plus a third variety of shimmer! I was really pleased with this one, I think I can finally see some of the goodies properly: DSC00455.JPG

All good fun, I really like the first and fourth, and don't hate the other two, they just don't seem to show up as well as I'd like!


Well-known member
My final polish that weekend was Wandering Star:

I added loads of this little holo silver stars but they don't show up very well. It's a bit annoying because I bought more of them before I'd tried them, I also have a couple of other colours.
I'd run out of inspiration after struggling with those, so it was yesterday before I made another batch, which you'll have to wait for! I'm going to edit my actual mani pics now, hopefully post them shortly!


Well-known member
OK, here we go!
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So last time out I actually wore one of the polishes I made a few weeks ago. This one is People Like You Just Kill My Fire. I wanted to test it as a proper polish before I went mad and bought even more ingredients for something that doesn't work properly. The good news was it lived on my nails happily chip-free for nearly two weeks, and I only removed it because it was growing out at the base. So my creations are useable! I also really enjoyed getting something bright on my nails for once, and it was a pretty polish. It's hard to see the flakies in the pics but you could see them in brighter lighting really well, and they were very twinkly even in lower light.
This week's creations and mani are still waiting to be uploaded (actually I haven't even taken pics of the mani yet...) so those will be in my next post.


Well-known member
OK, here's my next batch I made back after the last lot:
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First up is Pawprints on my Heart, lots of pics because I loved the shiftiness in this one: View attachment 71329
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Next up was Hot on the Wire:

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There's a lot of flakes and shimmer in this but I think it's too opaque to show them off properly. I had an amount left over so I decided to adapt it again so as not to waste it, so I added some extra flakes and shimmer and some yellow to make No Tourists:
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It's still too opaque! There are so many types of ingredients in this but they still don't show. Again I had a load remaining so I adapted for a third time - this time I added some coral plus a third variety of shimmer! I was really pleased with this one, I think I can finally see some of the goodies properly: View attachment 71335
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All good fun, I really like the first and fourth, and don't hate the other two, they just don't seem to show up as well as I'd like!
I really like all of them!


Well-known member
My final polish that weekend was Wandering Star:
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I added loads of this little holo silver stars but they don't show up very well. It's a bit annoying because I bought more of them before I'd tried them, I also have a couple of other colours.
I'd run out of inspiration after struggling with those, so it was yesterday before I made another batch, which you'll have to wait for! I'm going to edit my actual mani pics now, hopefully post them shortly!
This is okay, but I have to admit, I hate star glitter with a passion. A corner always ends up sticking up and catching on things. I like the colour of the polish though.


Well-known member
OK, here we go!
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So last time out I actually wore one of the polishes I made a few weeks ago. This one is People Like You Just Kill My Fire. I wanted to test it as a proper polish before I went mad and bought even more ingredients for something that doesn't work properly. The good news was it lived on my nails happily chip-free for nearly two weeks, and I only removed it because it was growing out at the base. So my creations are useable! I also really enjoyed getting something bright on my nails for once, and it was a pretty polish. It's hard to see the flakies in the pics but you could see them in brighter lighting really well, and they were very twinkly even in lower light.
This week's creations and mani are still waiting to be uploaded (actually I haven't even taken pics of the mani yet...) so those will be in my next post.
Very nice and summery!

Sorry I disappeared, been very busy. My youngest had his last 4 A-level exams last week, so that was stressul, plus work has been busy and home life has been chaotic as usual. I have some mani pictures, I'll need to crop them. Just re-did my toenails too.

I have a picture of my March (?) HHC order, it came last week. I like them all.


The Femme Fatale group buy should be shipped soon. Sophie said they'd send it by Friday, but I haven't heard, so I guess there's a delay. She's usually pretty good, so I'm not worried.


Well-known member
Very nice and summery!

Sorry I disappeared, been very busy. My youngest had his last 4 A-level exams last week, so that was stressul, plus work has been busy and home life has been chaotic as usual. I have some mani pictures, I'll need to crop them. Just re-did my toenails too.

I have a picture of my March (?) HHC order, it came last week. I like them all.

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The Femme Fatale group buy should be shipped soon. Sophie said they'd send it by Friday, but I haven't heard, so I guess there's a delay. She's usually pretty good, so I'm not worried.
Thank you! No worries, you have so much going on - and a job as well!
I love your HHC order, especially the GPL, I was very tempted to get that one but sadly skipped it. Can't buy everything! (though I do try lol)
Thanks for update re FF, I'm in no rush as ever. Will you be doing a new one once that ships? I have my birthday discount to use and want some of the next Wildflower collection. I guess if not I can join the other group buy but you're my polish bestie of course!
I've been trying to be a bit more sensible since I last posted my huge number of buys, but I did start a new Nailland box with the PfD neons and a couple of other items. I also sent a few Jen & Berries neons to Stackry - Bluebird delayed their launch so I think that will be too late to buy them unless I want to pay storage. Everything for Stackry has shipped except Great Lakes. Also hoping my April HHCs will ship soon, along with the first lot of VVs they shipped for me.
I was working through the pics of my latest creations last night but it took too long to finish it, so that post and current mani pics are still pending - looking forward to yours when you have time! Take care, hope things calm down and you get a chance to relax soon xxx


Well-known member
Thank you! No worries, you have so much going on - and a job as well!
I love your HHC order, especially the GPL, I was very tempted to get that one but sadly skipped it. Can't buy everything! (though I do try lol)
Thanks for update re FF, I'm in no rush as ever. Will you be doing a new one once that ships? I have my birthday discount to use and want some of the next Wildflower collection. I guess if not I can join the other group buy but you're my polish bestie of course!
I've been trying to be a bit more sensible since I last posted my huge number of buys, but I did start a new Nailland box with the PfD neons and a couple of other items. I also sent a few Jen & Berries neons to Stackry - Bluebird delayed their launch so I think that will be too late to buy them unless I want to pay storage. Everything for Stackry has shipped except Great Lakes. Also hoping my April HHCs will ship soon, along with the first lot of VVs they shipped for me.
I was working through the pics of my latest creations last night but it took too long to finish it, so that post and current mani pics are still pending - looking forward to yours when you have time! Take care, hope things calm down and you get a chance to relax soon xxx
I've started a new FF group buy and tagged your hubby in it. Hope he doesn't mind too much. I still haven't heard from Sophie about when the existing one is going to be shipped, but hopefully soon.

I haven't bought any polishes lately. I quite liked the look of some of the new Glams, but then I was thinking they're not that dissimilar to older ones, so haven't ordered. My ex is now paying me less since my youngest has turned 18, so I need to really curb my spending. I'm lucky he's still paying me because my salary barely covers my bills, food and petrol. I've got a tiny payrise, but it won't go far. Everything is so expensive now.

I'll see if I have time this weekend to upload my mani pictures. I'm driving my youngest your way to a camping trip (near Eastbourne) this afternoon, so probably not today. But I'll see if I can find the time tomorrow.


Well-known member
I've started a new FF group buy and tagged your hubby in it. Hope he doesn't mind too much. I still haven't heard from Sophie about when the existing one is going to be shipped, but hopefully soon.

I haven't bought any polishes lately. I quite liked the look of some of the new Glams, but then I was thinking they're not that dissimilar to older ones, so haven't ordered. My ex is now paying me less since my youngest has turned 18, so I need to really curb my spending. I'm lucky he's still paying me because my salary barely covers my bills, food and petrol. I've got a tiny payrise, but it won't go far. Everything is so expensive now.

I'll see if I have time this weekend to upload my mani pictures. I'm driving my youngest your way to a camping trip (near Eastbourne) this afternoon, so probably not today. But I'll see if I can find the time tomorrow.
Brilliant, thank you Anita xxx He hasn't noticed yet, he's grumpy but generally fine about FB these days - I suspect I use it more than he does at the moment!
I thought the same about the new Glams.
Sorry to hear your finances are shot, mine aren't great either, spending my savings a bit just now for the Stackry order.
I think I'm going to be able to get the Bluebirds after all, (I emailed, she said the delay was due to surgery, 14th is a firm date, TAT is 5 days and the polishes I want will be restocking) and I see a few new Potions releasing today I really like so I may add those. I will probably get some storage charges with the extra order but it shouldn't be much compared to all the hefty shopping I've been doing!
Look forward to your pics when you have time, I am still working through my last set too, and made another new polish yesterday, hoping to get time to do some more this weekend.


Well-known member
Some mani pictures as promised. The photos are not the best, still trying to figure out this phone camera, it's really not great.

First is Enchanted Polish Electric Daisy with Femme Fatale Oxydants Happen on the accents. I should've done an extra coat of the EP, but I was tired. I did add another coat the following day and it looked better, but didn't take more pictures.




Next is Polished for Days Amathia. This was very hard to capture.


This is Rogue Lacquer Gobi.


And finally my pedi, Glam Polish Defying Gravity.


I wore some other polishes too, but didn't get around to taking pictures. I keep forgetting or am too busy or at work.


Well-known member
Some mani pictures as promised. The photos are not the best, still trying to figure out this phone camera, it's really not great.

First is Enchanted Polish Electric Daisy with Femme Fatale Oxydants Happen on the accents. I should've done an extra coat of the EP, but I was tired. I did add another coat the following day and it looked better, but didn't take more pictures.

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Next is Polished for Days Amathia. This was very hard to capture.

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This is Rogue Lacquer Gobi.

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And finally my pedi, Glam Polish Defying Gravity.

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I wore some other polishes too, but didn't get around to taking pictures. I keep forgetting or am too busy or at work.
I like these a lot! My fave is absolutely that soft pretty pink combo x