Search results

  1. SkylarV217

    Generics .... Yay or Ney ?

    At home I know where to get Paul Mitchell products, but in my college town there aren't as many options and I don't know much about where to get things like that. I thought I would look at Sally's Beauty supply and they had a line called Generics and on the bottle it says which Paul Mitchell...
  2. SkylarV217

    Banks Get worse with Overdraft Fees

    Good Lord, I thought they were sneaky enough and charging me fees when they knew i would overdraft so they could get that fee from me too... Now they are getting even worse.... At least the Government is looking at doing something about the practice Purchases Trigger Overdraft Fees Before They...
  3. SkylarV217

    "Violent Girl Syndrome"

    So I love the show BAD GIRLS CLUB. I think it is really funny how the girls get so mad about everything and I have no clue why I enjoy it so ... but i do . Well last night at somewhere about 3:00 they were on Tyra... and she was talking about a New Syndrome called Violent Girl Syndrome and how...
  4. SkylarV217

    Professor changes my grade b/c I expressed displeasure about his class.

    Ok so after my summer class ended, I sent my professor an e-mail expressing some concerns I had about the structure of his class and to let him know some of the difficulties I had in it. Then thanked him for all of his help and for the course. He then wrote back and said I needed to realize some...
  5. SkylarV217

    Pictures of your Family or your kiddies =)

    Okay Gals we have a thread for you and your sig others and I've enjoyed that one a lot.... lets go for your families or just your kiddies =) I love pictures of cute children =) This is my little one with my Mom it's the newest picture of him.
  6. SkylarV217

    TOXIC MakeUp

    This site lists make up and how toxic the ingredients in it are. Mac has a a couple of Highly Toxic Make up and there are thousands of other things you may want to think twice about putting on your skin ... You can search by product or by brand. Some High end make up comtain Mercury and Lead...
  7. SkylarV217

    What are your signs that a Guy is no good?

    We have all dated those guys that treated us terribly and then look back and think how dumb was i? Or we have friends that are in those never ending terrible relationships with complete Jerks so what tells you a guy is no good ? 1.) Controlling ( if you have to run everything by him or get...
  8. SkylarV217

    My Little one is in Print ....

    This is the copy they just e-mailed me. It should be in print soon He's soo cute, I'm thinking of pursuing more for him, I'm not sure yet.
  9. SkylarV217

    Cute Spoof

    YouTube - Miley Cyrus - 7 Things - Spoof
  10. SkylarV217

    Local Salon selling "MAC"

    So I was talking to my mom who is on her way to Atlanta, I asked her to stop at the CCO to pick up some foundation and she proceeded to tell me one of her Friends at home is now Selling MAC through her Salon. We then got into a heated argument about the Authenticity of the products. Should I...
  11. SkylarV217

    Neutral Lover easing into Colors - HELP

    I am a head over heals neutral lover. I'm all about the creams and browns and what not. I have a few greens ( my eyes are green) and what not but after looking at some of the looks you ladies have done so well I would like to ease into colors... What do you ladies recommend? TIA
  12. SkylarV217

    How Full is a BNIB Studio Fix

    I received one in a swap that was supposed to Be Brand New but it looks like a substantial amount is gone... is this normal or has it been used ?
  13. SkylarV217

    Tell Us about your Mother-In-Law Drama.

    I'm Having issues with MIL and I was wondering what things other lady's put up with. I feel like my man has the weird unnatural connection to his Momma. like he feels she could do no wrong even though this has been proven several times.... Lets bond ;-)
  14. SkylarV217

    What was your worst/ most comical date ?

    When I was in High-school, I lived 30 min away from a large city with some elite private schools. I met a guy from the boys school and he asked me to go to a dance with him. I asked my friend to go with one of his friends so I wouldn't be there alone. So I was getting info about the dance and it...
  15. SkylarV217

    MIL Caught In LIE

    So we've been having some problems with DH family. Typically he feels like his poor mother can do no wrong and so on and so fourth. But with the recent problems with his sister he is begining to see that maybe she's not as great as he once thought. This is what happended in the midst of...
  16. SkylarV217

    What MAC shade are you ?

    I have seen a ton of people that use the same shade as me, and i was wondering what the stats look like, there aren't enough spaces to go Warm or Cool so I'm just putting the shade number. Edit, I used the Studio Fix Liquid for shades, i know there are a few more, I tried to put as many as I...
  17. SkylarV217

    To you International Ladies

    I've traveled abroad and such and have heard several times that when American's are in other countries you can spot them from a mile away. Is this true, if so why do we stand out .... and is it annoyinf
  18. SkylarV217

    My Basic MAC Collection Needs

    I'm Putting Money back at the moment for my first big haul in which I want to buy my everyday collection I want : Foundation ( Thinking NW20 Studio Fix Liquid) Blush 3 Eyeshadows ( LIke Neutrals) Mauvey lipstick - and any other necessity a pale redheaded green eye Neutral lover would need...
  19. SkylarV217

    LOL Best Condom Commercial Ever

  20. SkylarV217

    Pricing questions

    I'm about to list some lip-glasses for sale and I've never done that before, I'm new to Mac and such and three of them were discountinued or LE b/c they aren't on the website any more... Just wondering what they should be priced at ... Fancy That Nyphette Rayothon They were RIS - I've not...