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  1. SkylarV217

    Household Tips

    So Ladies , Saturday we had a dinner party to go to but not until after we took our two year old to ride on Thomas the Train. So I was pretty dressy for the occasion and Had my favorite new bright pink sweater on. We were walking to the train and I had my son on my side, which suddenly felt wet...
  2. SkylarV217

    The Endless Mothers Day Delima ...Help

    Okay so my Man and I have been strained lately mostly because of problems with our families i.e. his mom and sister and It's been hard. We live 2 hours away from both of our families ( that live in the same place) with our son. Every time we come home something happens with one of our families...
  3. SkylarV217

    Please tell me how i should take this ....

    Okay so my Man and I have been strained lately mostly because of problems with our families i.e. his mom and sister and It's been hard. We live 2 hours away from both of our families ( that live in the same place) with our son. Every time we come home something happens with one of our families...
  4. SkylarV217

    What's Your Best Make Up Tip

    As ladies we have all learned a few things over the years, what are your best tried and true tips . I could never quite figure out how to shape my eyebrows by reading those magazines. This helped a lot , I found it at
  5. SkylarV217

    Whats the Best diet/exercise programs you have tried ?

    I'm trying desperately to loose baby weight. I need to get back into my prepregnacey clothes cause I just don't have the budget to buy new clothes .... I have about 35 - 40 #s to go ... What programs can you ladies recommend ?
  6. SkylarV217

    Anyone else have bad experience w/ After posting on here about her site , I had the WORST experience. I went through to make an order . Money's been tight here and I'd been doing really good on my budget so I decided to get myself a treat. So I went there so I could get some nice things but not pay too much. I...
  7. SkylarV217

    Anyone know of seller Tiffanyz?

    Can anyone tell me if this seller in legit or not ?
  8. SkylarV217

    Smokey eyes

    Hello, I love the look of smokey eyes but can never achieve the look. Or it doesn't look good on me. I'm pale so sometimes it comes across as extremely dramatic. So how do you lovely ladies achieve every day smokey eyes?
  9. SkylarV217


    Hi ladies , I have just discovered a my obsession or passion for pigments and make up. I joined make up alley and now have a much broader horizon for all things make up . That is where i discovered this site. I am a young mother and college student . Therefore I am obviously on a tight budget...