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  1. caRpediEm17

    spring formal's coming up...

    and i juSs bought my dress...i wish i had a picture, but my camera's not working (grr)...the dress is really bright with large floral designs...the colors are orange, pink, and a lil bit of green and blue...i cant describe it much better than in dire need of make up ideas
  2. caRpediEm17

    which l/g?

    -cultured -dreamy -oyster girl -wonderstruck i can only choose one! TIA!
  3. caRpediEm17

    l/l, l/s swatch help!

    i was wondering if someone could post a swatch of subculture l/l under these lipsticks: -angel -blankety -fresh buzz -honeylove -kinda sexy -please me -plink! -politely pink -sandy b -snob -x-pose i know its a lot but thanks to whoever has the time to do these! i couldnt find them anywhere on...
  4. caRpediEm17

    your favorite color of brown...

    basically juSs that...what is your favorite color brown of hair? be sure to post trying to get an idea of different favorite would prolly be a dark chocolate brown (no picture though sorry!)
  5. caRpediEm17

    toning arms...

    alright so im pretty ok with my body, but im not a fan of my arms...theyre not extremely huge, i juSs feel like they could be more toned...what are some routines i could do to help with that? i have weights so thats not a problem..TIA!
  6. caRpediEm17


    how do you know when your ready? my boyfriend isnt pressuring me or anything like that, but ive juSs been thinking a lot about it lately...i really do love him, he's amazing, but we've only been going out for about a seems like such a short amount of time to be already thinking of...
  7. caRpediEm17

    how to ask him to spring formal...!!!

    ok so spring formal is coming up in a month or boyfriend JT goes to a different school so unfortunately I have to ask so lost on how to do it though..i want it to be a cute way but im blank out of ideas..TIA for the help!
  8. caRpediEm17

    valentines day m/u

    alright so im looking for recs for eyes and lips for valentines day...something that would be simple, but hot, yet not too crazy at the same time..any recs would be appreciated, anything you think you would look great and be a great going to the mac counter today btw...TIA!
  9. caRpediEm17

    Valentine's Day

    ok so for the first year ever, i have a boyfriend for valentine's super stoked for it, but since ive never had one in the past i dont know what i should do for him...he told me hes doing something cute for me and i juSs wanna do something cute for him ya know? so any idea would be...
  10. caRpediEm17

    sheer pink lips

    ive been thinking of getting a sheer pink color for my thinking like a light pink...ive heard that the chromeglasses are really nice and not as thick as the lipglasses...are there any colors from that collection that you would recommend? if you have pics that would be great too! thanks!
  11. caRpediEm17

    recs for these looks

    what did the girl on the left use on her eyes and lips, i love this look...i also love the veronicas and also the girl on the left...what is she wearing on her eyes and cheeks...i love this look too...sorry to steal your pic SonRisa
  12. caRpediEm17

    really need some help choosing...*pic heavy*

    ok so i want to get my hair dyed and highlighted really soon but im having a hard time deciding what colors i want...should i get lighter brown or darker brown with some red...heres a few pics of the different colors i was going for..let me know which ones would look best with each other and...
  13. caRpediEm17

    combo help!

    ok so ive slowly begun to start my mac collection..i hardly have anything but for eyeshadow combos i need some help...these are the ones i have (oh and if you know a shadow that would be awesome with one of the shadows i have then that would be nice too) :: *honesty *goldmine *pink venus...
  14. caRpediEm17

    pigments question

    i know this has prolly been asked but...can you buy pigments at a counter? or only in pro stores? if you can at a counter, then what colors would you recommend? i dont want like COLORS though, i was thinking deckchair, white gold...i dono what else? thanks guys!
  15. caRpediEm17

    red hair recS?

    ok so my hair is originally a darker brown than the color it is hoping to dye it back to that darker brown and then add red highlights...i was juSs wondering what tone of red i should use..i definitely want it to be different, not exactly subtle...but any recs? also, whether i should go...
  16. caRpediEm17

    sweet sixteen recs

    ok so my sweet sixteen party is this coming friday the 13th (yikes!) going to either the MAC or Bobbi Brown counters, depending on which one is open...i was wondering if any of you gals had any pictures of looks i could stuck on what i want, so some ideas would be great..color-wise...
  17. caRpediEm17

    when boys make you freakin long

    ok so pretty much im juSs venting...hopefully this doesnt turn out to be too long... ok so in october/november me and this guy (we'll call him Bob haha) were liking each other and were talking about making it official...right after that though, i found him making out with his exgirlfriend (who...
  18. caRpediEm17

    exfoliating problem!

    ok so i juSs got this new exfoliator from the body shop i think its peachy clean exfoliator...ok it works GREAT on the majority of my face, it helps to slough away dead skin and what not, but it WILL NOT exfoliate the dead skin on my cheeks near my nose, i dont know whats wrong! anyone know...
  19. caRpediEm17

    new years makeup ?

    i was thinking of doing a dark brown smokey outfit is full of dark colors: a dark green/grey half button sweater, black camisole, dark blue jeans and prolly some black boots...the dark brown smokey eye is self explanatory, but i was thinking of using mystery and showstopper with...
  20. caRpediEm17


    lately ive been sticking to a variety of main one being i was wondering of any other awesome brown colors...mainly matte or shimmery, but not lustres...thanks!